Shadowlands Physical Copy

Good evening :slight_smile:

I have a habit of buying the World of Warcraft games physically so I have the boxes for my collection. I have contacted GameStop and they still have not received any indication that they will be selling Shadowlands. @Blizzard , are you only allowing us to purchase Shadowlands via downloadable options through your website? And if so, can I pre-purchase Shadowlands and then request the physical box at a later time through your Customer Support team?

Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide!

-Mornnah (17 year veteran)


Box copies are still available give it a bit more time hopefully they will get it you could try other retailers im not realy sure any blues here could help you you want to try twitter.

Boxed collectors edition has been announced for sale with a ship date a couple of weeks before the pre-patch.

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Think hes saying that his local game store hasnt recieved any indication that there getting any physical copies.

Yeah :frowning: I’m not looking for the Collector’s Edition or anything extra like that, just the standard version…but GameStop hasn’t received any notification they will receive it. :frowning: So I’m curious if Blizzard knows.


I’m not too sure that there’s going to be a physical version of the standard Shadowlands expansion. It would basically just be a box with a code in it and nothing else.


To piggyback on Perl’s comment, Blizzard has clearly announced the physical Collector’s Edition, but have been silent on an standard box edition. At this point, I would have expected the full range of brick-and-mortar-store items to have been announced by now, so that clearly hints that there isn’t a standard edition box.

It’s only speculation and assumption for now, but I’d assume there will be no physical edition other than the Collector’s Edition. But I’d be happy for Blizzard to announce to the contrary.

Ask your SM for street date charts in October. The notification is usually sent within two weeks of release to prevent Advisors from walking away with copies (lots of street date issues these past few months.)

I’m okay with that. That’s what I received for Battle for Azeroth. Well, they include a notepad and some Bnet Store discount codes in it too and Refer-a-Friend stuff.

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The BfA retail box was just a code, notepad, etc, but it was still great for collectors. I have the entire Blizzard library boxed on my shelf, all the way back to The Lost Vikings and Blackthorne published by Interplay. I have a full Warcraft shelf… and I really hope we get a Shadowlands box. I can’t imagine Blizzard not putting one out–their boxes are beautiful. They just published a retail box for their “New Player Edition” last year. There’s no reason not to have a Shadowlands box.

Other than wanting to maximize demand for the official Collector’s Edition at the higher price point. Of course, they seem to have sold out of that, so “maximizing” something that’s already at cap isn’t a great market strategy.


We’re you successful in buying a physical copy??? I’m the same way and I feel like my collection wouldn’t be complete without it. >_<


I don’t believe anyone in this thread has said that they purchased a non Collector’s Edition physical box, nor have they confirmed that such a physical release even exists other than the Collector’s Edition.

I feel like most people who purchase boxes to add to a collection are probably going after the aptly named Collector’s Edition.

It seems the opposite of environmentally-friendly to package an authentication code in a bulky cardboard box.

Actually there is. Packing materials cost money. Packaging costs money. Printing the code, that can possibly be stolen anywhere along the chain of distribution and possibly involve fraud staff costs money. Shipping costs money. The retailer wants to make a lil something too, so they sell base edition to retailer let’s say $37. Completely made up price for this example.

So they incur all this cost to make box editions and distribute them. Or they sell for $39.99 and limit the cost and risk.

Especially because every single game client will have the SL software anyway. It is the license that unlocks it. But it is sitting there for everyone regardless of license.


An addon to say, this is not to say there will never be one

Have some patience and I bet in time you can find that box at Walmart, Target, Best Buy etc. Just not anytime soon is what my gut is telling me.

I really like owning the physical collector’s edition for the artbook and other things. This expansion I wasn’t able to pre-order the CE but was hoping to pick it up a week or so after the game released. I have not found a store (other than eBay) that has, or is planning to get stock, for the physical collector’s edition of Shadowlands.

My question is was this expansion a release of a limited quantity of collector’s editions?

CE’s in the physical form are always made in limited quantities.


Welcome to Customer Support, not to be confused with Customer Service. This forum is a forum for players to assist other players. There are neither GMs, Devs or QAs that frequent these forums, so your opinion is wasted here and quite honestly has no place. If you have a constructive suggestion or feedback you would like to share with the appropriate staff, you want to direct it to the in-game suggestion forum. I would say the General Discussion forum as well, but a post just to rant and rave about Blizzard’s actions and policies would not end well.

There is no physical edition this time other than the Collector’s, Mornnah.