Shadowlands' NPCs no dialogue

Yeah, we have this bug in a noticeable way on BfA but Shadowlands breaks the records. We lose literally 1/2 or 1/3 of the story because of it. It is game breaking and Blizzard needs to prioritize fixing it already. It’s been 1 month and 18 days, come on!!


I’m about to start the Chains of Domination section (for the first time) on one of my characters. Does the “turning off dialogue in Sound settings lets you read the text in the chat window” pseudo-fix work? If not, I’m tempted to wait until pre-patch and instead level up other characters in SL up to this point.


Doesn’t fix it, unfortunately. Sometimes it might work but most of the time it just won’t. We’ve tried many workaround and none solved the issue. The bad thing about this is that Chains of Domination is full of dialogue oriented quests, so you will miss half of the content if you go ahead and play it. It really sux.

Also, the bug occurs on BfA and other SL quests too, such as the one where you are introduced to the Jailer, you can’t see any dialogue at all coming from quest cutscenes.


I thank you for your answer but frankly, matters very little at the point. This workaround don’t always works, the Winds of Wisdom event is coming, DF will be released soon and, lets face it… we are not paying full price+sub for half-a-game.

Almost 2 months of a bug that virtually stop players from playing and Blizz has no response to it… even worst by the fact it was supposedly fixed in the PTR.

An honest question… why should I even buy Dragonflight???


The “work around” does not, and has not worked at all for anything.

I don’t know why people keep suggesting it.

It doesn’t work on any dialogue.

I’ve tested it on multiple dialogue-heavy broken quests and “stay awhile and listens”.

The fact this isn’t just effecting Shadowlands content is extremely problematic. Not just for new players, but for players wanting to explore old content while awaiting the new expansion. This does not give me hope for the new expansion, given that on beta there’s plenty of broken/missing dialogue on there as well…


Hi Joynueer,

I play with dialog turned off and this is not a solution. No text appears, no dialogue spoken. The NPCs just stand there in silence for however long the dialogue is supposed to play.

This appears to be the biggest disconnect; it’s not getting prioritized because internal folks THINK there is a workaround. There is not. You can turn dialog off and on as much as you want in retail and it does not work.

The easiest way to test it is to create a brand new Allied race on the Alliance side and immediately go to BfA. Cyrus’ speech does not play in text or dialog form.


Exactly this, I keep being dismissed about this issue because “there’s a work-around”.

There isn’t, and even if it did work that way, NOT hearing the dialogue is not a good compromise.


This is not a work around. This is simply an attempt at placating us. I think I have been reasonably patient over the last month and few weeks, but this is unacceptable. The least they can do is come out and tell us that because of Classic and DF they will not be fixing this issue. I would rather know that they won’t be addressing this then getting my hopes up by reading hotfix or update notes to be disappointed again. I can only blame my optimism. This sucks.


Absolutely. The “workaround” doesn’t actually work in any way, shape or form. There isn’t even a single stance where it works.

We currently have NO WAY to fix this bug unless through a patch.

Blizzard needs to step away from WoW Classic just a bit and put this glitch on Retail at the highest priority possible. There is NO workaround, it is stopping new players from virtually progressing through the story and it is affecting multiple expansions content.


Heck, Blizzard, just look at the massive amount of replies and viewership of this thread. There is none on the Technical Support that comes even remotely close. This isn’t enough proof that this bug matters for a LOT of people?


Yeah and I would add that forums are NOT the go to media to communicate nowadays. Ain’t as popular as it used to be, meaning that the 300+ posts on both threads regarding this are indicative of a MUCH larger problem considering that a lot of people will complain in other places like reddit or discord first. Look around in the forums rooms ; you won’t see many threads with 150+ replies and if we add both popular threads on this, we are slowly getting close to 400. Thats massive. That is the proof that this problem affects way more than a “small minority of players”


Are people actually saying this is happening to a “small minority of players”? I have a twitter post up about this and everyone that’s responded to it has this issue.

It’s most definitely not minor.


People at Blizzard HQ are thinking to themselves that there is a “workaround” for this problem. Because of that, they think they can postpone this to DragonFlight prepatch or something even though we all know the workaround they provided simply doesn’t work in any way. Apparently they think WoW Classic is in need of more attention than Retail because right now Classic is having a bigger playerbase.

If we take a look at the last hotfixes, 99% of them are completely focused on Classic while Retail have major bugs untouched, such as this one we are discussing here.

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It’s all the more frustrating when we see hot fixes for retail that effect .002 percent of players. I know not everyone cares about lore but a lot of the returning players might!


That’s the reply I received to my in-game ticket from a Blizz GM: that it only affected a small minority of players therefore not considered a priority, a problem which according to them, has a viable workaround, but that pretty much everyone posting here has confirmed it does not at all…


Just adding in that this is happening to me and my friends as well. It feels random, but unfortunately common, and it just straight up cuts out all the dialogue so I have to guess what just happened. Even worse it cuts out the voice acting that I actually like to listen to… I have liked the SL story, but i’m not continuing until this is fixed. I just want to hear or at the very least be able to read what is happening


That is terrible! It’s obviously not. I don’t know a single person it’s NOT effecting, so why lie about the scope of the problem?

I have not met anyone who has gotten the “work-around” to work either, so I still don’t believe it’s a thing.


Really glad I haven’t pre-purchased DF yet. Just got a new computer and was looking forward to leveling an alt in the interim but I guess that won’t happen since I am mainly interested in lore and questing. An issue this big demands transparency. If there is a system reason why they have to wait to fix this until DF then they need to say it. A timeline should be given. This workaround nonsense is just insulting given that this issue makes the last two expansions worth of content unplayable.


Yeah I am having the exact same issue. I can no longer play through SL content because I don’t like missing almost 90% of the conversation while doing the quests. I am a really huge WoW lore/story enthusiast and I like experiencing the story but I can’t anymore with this bug.

It started happening a couple of months ago and it’s too common now. I have done only 1 covenant campaign (Necrolord) on my DK and even at the end of it, I started having issues with dialogue not being heard/spoken or even written out. I had to go to WoWhead and look up those quests, which had missing spoken dialogue and watch the videos for those quests… but not all the quests had videos for them. AND this is not a workaround or how I want to play through the SL story. I can’t play the other 3 covenant campaigns until this is fixed… So please fix this quickly.


It is utterly unacceptable a bug of this magnitude remains broken for almost 2 MONTHS now. It is insulting.