Shadowlands' NPCs no dialogue

The bug is already well documented and it’s been ongoing for one month and half. It is a game breaking bug and yet, we are still seeing bugs that no one cares about being fixed on the hotfixes while this one still isn’t addressed.

Bug also happening on dialogue cutscenes in BfA and older expansions as well as noted from other posters.


Bump. This is still a major issue for us. Please address asap.


Now it is getting obnoxious. We had yet another hotfix patch yesterday and it was another one fully aimed at WotLK classic. Retail left abandoned again.

It is unaceptable that this kind of bug will remain in the game until another major patch. We need it hotfixed before that. Shameful state this game is in. Totally abandoned.

It is clear that precious developer effort is being lost on retail to focus on the classic. Game is abandoned. Saddening.


This is really unfortunate. Pretty much all of the npc dialogue in SL has be broken for me. Every now and then it randomly works, but 90% of the time I start a dialogue sequence they just stand there.

Please fix this! I’d really like to understand what is going on lore wise, and like others have said, it’s incredibly immersion breaking.


Just returned after 2 years. Was hoping this issue was something minor but now I see it hasn’t been dealt with in over a month… Guess I should just give up on caring about quests and lore. Blizzard disappointing me is why I quit… It looks like things haven’t changed like I had hoped.


This event was just applied to wow retail:

What is the point of 50% exp to leveling characters if we can’t even see the dialogue and lore during the leveling/questing experience?


Just coming back into the game to finish playing through SL and what I missed with BFA. This problem popped up in a major way, dialogues gone, cutscenes no movement or voice, skipping past voice dialogue before its over to play another, and multiple ones sounding at the same time. Wrote a ticket and got a response today. Was told “I see you have discovered” like its a hidden part of the game worthy of an achievement. They said its being worked on but no eta and gave me this forum link to follow the progress. I hope this issue takes priority because the game is interrupted with this issue and makes it non-playable or fun. I dont pvp anymore so it is a must fix.


This is a tremendous lack of respect with the players. I quit the game in Legion and was considering coming back for Dragonflight so I bought SL so I could experience the latest expansions for a while before the new release.

Now I’m stuck with a game I cant play, paying subcriptions which I wont be able to use in time for when DF drops… it will be old content by the time it gets fix.

And even worst… it was advertised as a “Last chance to play before DF”. Pretty sure we are enter false advertising territory here…


Having this issue as well. Wanted to finish the Shadowlands storyline before Dragonflight, now i am not sure i even want to buy Dragonflight. If the current Blizzard is okay leaving a bug of this magnitude in the live game this long it makes it really hard for me to support them :frowning:


It is impressive the amount of people having this issue and being extremely bothered by it.

Apparently Blizzard is making deaf ears and blind eyes to the issue. At least for now wow classic is the only thing that matters for the devs. Sux.


The worst part of all this is that we know the issue is fixed on the PTR meaning they do have the solution laying there but for some unknown reason, not releasing on live servers. So frustrating


Absolutely. Looking at the “news feed” of WoW, we can notice they are releasing hotfixes almost every day but 100% of the updates are only meant to Classic server. It is heartbreaking how abandoned the proper WoW server (RETAIL) is in comparison to the flavor of the month Classic.

One month and a half of this major bug going on without being addressed. I miss the days when Blizzard was known for their polished games.

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Howdy Everyone,

I did some digging into this issue to see if we had any updates to share. Right now it looks like things are being tested but beyond that we don’t have much more to provide to everyone.

There is a workaround of disabling the dialogues conversations option in the sound menu, this will make the text appear at the very least. I know it’s not the best option but wanted to make sure everyone knew about the option.


Just ran into this issue after coming back into the game a year later. To say that things are being tested and there’s not much to provide is a pretty bad excuse. It’s clear that retail isn’t the focus anymore considering that this seems to be a month long issue that should only take two or three days to fix at the least. I’m severely disappointed with how this issue has been handled and now I cannot even enjoy one of my favorite games because of this.


Please stop with that workaround. Your GM tried to tell me the same thing and yes it helps SOMETIMES, but most of the time, that workaround does not work. Texts just don’t show up. Period. Believe me I’ve tried all suggested workarounds that people suggested here. None worked.

There is ONE workaround that will work : a patch


Thank you very much for your kind response.

Unfortunately the workaround you provided doesn’t work. Tested it on BfA introductory quest with Cyrus to no success.

I, as many others, won’t be questing or playing the game until this issue is fixed. I wish Blizzard understands that this issue is game breaking for many players.

We’ve been waiting for a month and a half.


The fix for this issue is not hard to find because on PTR it is working perfectly. All we need are devs committed to fix that.


This did not work for me.


That is very useful!

Thank you!

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This is BS. Working through Chains of Domination (among others) and barely getting any of the story and dialogue. I’ve held off on buying DF for awhile and just about had talked myself into it. Glad I haven’t spent the money.

To let something like this go on that effects the very fabric of what the game is supposed to be about for months now is just an egregious slap in the face. You can’t just “Oh, shiny! - DF release” your way out of something like this knowing it will effect that as well if it isn’t addressed.

Think I’m done. I’ll youtube the story, and finally hop off the wagon.