Shadowlands' NPCs no dialogue

Tech Support staff can’t fix audio issues. Make sure you’re reporting this in #support:bug-report

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Blizz replied on this post and said to check it for updates.


Yeah but they will only be able to update when devs pass something to them, they don’t relay concerns from here to devs. That’s why it’s best to post in #support:bug-report

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We have a post on there, 80 contributions deep


I have a lot on unreads there so didn’t know, good to hear though


Doesn’t look like it was fixed with the extended downtime today. Like I said I was optimistic. Hopefully it will get addressed soon or at the very least blizzard will reply and at least acknowledge it is still on their radar.


So I was having this issue as well and figured I’d wait till the maintenance to see if anything changed. At first it hadn’t until I decided to turn off the dialogue sound option and tested it, chat boxes came back up. Turned the sound option back on and sound for the dialogue returned as well. I’m not 100% sure if this is the fix for everyone, but it worked for me at least.


I tried that workaround as well, but after a little while the bug starts acting up again. Only way so far is to keep that option disabled, but not really a workable solution for me.


I am starting to agree. I would just like to see them acknowledge the issue and say “we are full steam ahead on dragon flight and just don’t have the resources right now to fix this issue.” At least it would temper our expectations. I also feel a bit bad for the story writers who spent time weaving the tale of shadowlands.


Is there any update on this? I am going through Legion content for the first time on a hunter and none of the NPC dialogues are triggering. Judging by what I can find on youtube and/or wowhead, this is pretty important information to have.

Also, just FYI - this issue has not been acknowledged on the actual Bug Report forum, which is where it should be to avoid duplicate posts. There are several threads, the current largest is at the top.


Reports for this are pilling up over multiple threads. We need an update on this. Lots of us can’t progress and enjoy the game we actually pay to play.


Let’s just hope the threads get big enough for blizzard to address this ! For all who have posted here, if you haven’t please submit an intake ticket if you haven’t


I don’t expect that there will ever be an update on this. There’s going to have to be a change in the way they value old content before there’s ever a fix for this issue.

They probably need a dedicated maintenance team to help fix old content when updates to core systems and toolkits and such break things like NPC dialogue, AI pathing, and zone phasing. I don’t know if they have anything like that currently or if they currently have the budget for it.

Leaving old content as a broken mess certainly isn’t good for attracting new players, though, especially as they currently try to funnel players into BfA, which is one of the expansions most adversely affected by broken NPC dialogue scenes.

Imagine new players buying the Base Edition of Dragonflight and then trying to level a new character through the New Character Experience, which they’d have to do because the cheapest version of new expansions no longer come with free character boosts.

It’s just bad, and the worst part is that it doesn’t look like it’s being considered a priority to fix at all.

Pre-Patch will soon be on PTR, so I guess I’ll have to see if the dialogue bugs getting fixed there. Probably not, though.

Update: The issue’s fixed on PTR. It would be nice if it could be fixed on 9.2.7 too, though.


Just downloaded a patch… no fix… so dissapointing…


Problem is fixed on the PTR meaning they found the solution to the problem already and yet are not hotfixing it right away. Frustrating…


Agreed. Let’s hope more and more people submit tickets and they decide to fix it sooner rather than in pre-patch.


I just discovered something interesting. I was doing the introductory quests in Boralus and doing the quest The Old Knight to test if the bug was still present. On your way to meet Cyrus Crestfall you get a cutscene where Greymane arrives and Cyrus escorts him inside. Once you start talking to Cyrus, as usual you would see the character move and gesture as if he was talking, but no audio, no text.

Frustrated, I abandoned the quest while he was still « talking », and right away the audio and text started working again! I could hear almost all his speech. I thought that maybe the bug WAS fixed and I just abandonned the quest too soon, so got the quest again, started the same conversation and…. Nothing… bug was back. Abandonned the quest again while he was talking and the speech came back.

Can anyone else test that and see if that’s just me or maybe just this quest?


Bumping. Can’t hear 90% of quest dialogue. Super disappointing.


I confirm that the bug still exists. Several dialogue issues are still present in the Shadowland intro quest


Bumping this. Need an update from you blues. Come on guys this is absurd! People have been reporting this problem since AUGUST! AUGUST!!!