Shadowlands' NPCs no dialogue

I am experiencing this too. I’m into the lore of this game, just came back after nearly 4 years and there is voice lines and text missing from a lot of very important quest lines across multiple expansions. I first noticed it in the introduction to Oribos, also during some cinematics from BFA, and now I’m even seeing it in Legion content. I just started the Mage class hall scenario in Legion on my mage alt I just made, I went into Violet Hold to kill the dreadlord and save the forge of guardians, Alodi appeared but all his voice lines and text were missing, he was just silent. Please fix this ASAP Blizzard.


The customer support kept trying their hardest to gaslight me into thinking it was a problem with my install. Reinstalled the game 4 times and wiped interface 4 times. Problem still there, noticing it in ALOT of questlines now. Probably 25-30% of questlines have dialogue missing or overlapping. I’m tempted to request a refund on the heroic dragonflight/shadowlands bundle I just spent $150 on.


Tried this and it did not work. Even the customer support is trying to use what you wrote as a suggestion now. It does not work.

EDIT: 03/09/22 It’s still happening, no fix yet, I’m noticing it in so many places now. It seems to be happening in the most important parts of quests too which makes it very frustrating. Blizzard can we please get some word of progress on this issue as we feel abandoned right now, we are the only players who actually care about your lore and characters, that’s why we are the only ones who have noticed, please show us some respect and give us an update.


I’m also having this issue. I didn’t face it through leveling (Legion) but as soon as Darion and Jaina started talking in quests at the beginning of Shadowlands I noticed something weird was happening. It’s continued into Oribos and I genuinely have no idea what’s going on in my quests. I’m going to play classic until it’s resolved because I only wanted to play through the story in preparation for the coming expansion and this is just not a fun experience, sitting for a few minutes while a conversation I’m missing is taking place and then being asked to help with…whatever they just discussed right in front of me (which I cannot hear or see in chat).


Copy-pasting from the thread in the bug report forum:

Might as well throw in my own little list from today. Probably superfluous, since it sounds like this is a systemic problem more than a single bugged quest, but I figure detail can’t hurt.

Finding Margrave Krexus in Among the Chosen was silent until Baron Vyraz’s “This mortal claims…” line.

No NPCs spoke for about 30 seconds after handing in The Maw to Bolvar Fordragon.

Darion Mograine was silent until his first reply to Ve’nari in The Brand Holds the Key.

Ve’nari’s line when starting Wake of Ashes was delayed such that they spoke over the Mograines’ dialogue.

Draka did not respond to Alexandros regarding Margrave Krexus after handing in Maw Walker

I have the same problem

Several dialogs from the Chains of Domination campaign are missing. You don’t even see the text appear. There’s just a long pause and then one of the NPCs responds but we don’t know the context because half of the dialogue is missing. It really ruins the immersion.

Please fix it !


Same here. Ressubed after over 6 years not playing to catch up on lore. The experience was pretty bad to begin with, with the linearity being all over the place, and now this. Can’t quest cause i cant see or hear what most npcs are saying. Glad i only paid for a month…


Happen to me during the The Court of Winter quest

Can’t hear or read most of what the Winter Queen say.

it happens right after Ysera’s reborn and it completely breaks the story and immersion


I guess most people just dont care about quest lore and dialogues to the point of noticing this is happening, so the amount of reports must be quite low ;/


Blizzard has acknowledged this is a problem in this very thread. I think all we can do is keep this thread going and hope they address it soon


Bumping this. This needs a fix and fast. Can’t progress like this


I saw a lot of this when going through the Chains of Domination questline. For example, all of Astarii’s lines are missing from her conversation with Tyrande following the quest “The Power of Elune”.

Also, I am running through the 9.0 Bastion story on my druid (Hemnet - Hyjal), and all of Nikolon’s lines fail to play while you assist Eridia during the quest “Step Back from that Ledge, My Friend”. Currently on the quest “Lysonia’s Truth”, and none of the dialog (VO or chat text/bubbles) plays when viewing the memories.


Currently going through the Battle for Azeroth expansion. Quest dialog, and text tied to it in the chat window are missing all over the place.


Bump. Come on blues, a little update here on the status of a fix?


It is astonishing that a bug like this is no fixed yet. This is a product that you pay monthly and the core of the experience is missing. Really who play WOW for the gameplay? The combat is boring and uninteresting. It is the lore, ambience and story that matters. Bliz fix this or refund the game time people spend not playing the game because of this bug.


Yeah im kinda pissed I paid a month for this. Money is tight for me right now so can’t throw it away on random stuff. I made a conscious choice by resubbing and it’s going to waste right now. Should have gone back to FFxIV instead


I’d be surprised if this gets fixed before pre-patch. Right now everyone’s distracted with stuff like Fated Raids, but once this starts affecting things like the Pre-Patch event or even Dragonflight itself, a lot of people will be complaining about missing out on all or most of the dialogue.


no fix yet?

plays game

nope, no fix yet… Jokes aside, bummed I’m missing this story stuff, only recently came back to the game and even more recently got some toons to Shadowlands


It’s possible this issue won’t ever get fixed. It depends on why the dialogue stopped working.

If it’s a simply an error in the code somewhere, it might eventually get fixed. If it’s because they fundamentally changed the code behind NPC scenes for Dragonflight, then the old content scenes will probably just remain broken forever due to being too much work to make them function with the new code.

I am concerned that it might be the latter, but I’m hoping that it’s actually fixable.


Happen again…

After the last quest of Chains of Domination campaign we are supposed to be able to see the discussions between different important NPCs but most of the discussions do not work anymore.

It’s like Blizzard don’t care about the story line anymore…

This huge bug need to be fixed.