Shadowlands non raid content is apparently a minigame for mythic raiders to abuse


How is that not considered progression? You’re getting the choice of 3 pieces of Mythic ilvl loot if you meet the requirement each week.

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OMG this makes 2 posts by Ralph that I agree with. SOMEONE SAVE ME!

Farming badges in heroics and Wintergrasp.

Yes, that is still a gamble. All three pieces could be a cloak after I already have a cloak. All three pieces could have complete garbage stats for my class and not be an upgrade. Just because you buy three lottery tickets doesn’t mean you’re going to win the lottery. Come on now.


Yeah me thinks hes being over dramatic here inless that got nerfed.

So its RNG? Yes there is no RNG in that raiding progression either. No sir, no times you get the same item, or the item you didnt want, or no item at all. Never happens. All upgrades

ITT i learned RNG only exists in M+


Come on say it with me. Randomized chests have been M+'s end-game progression since its inception. Is this getting nerfed in SL? No. Is it getting buffed so that you have even better chances of progression? Yes.


The drops in a raid can be garbage too…

And so far based on Castle Narthia’s…limited…secondary stat coverage a lot of BiS gear will be coming from the mythic+ chest.

No? All throughout legion and most of BFA we had titanforging which, even though it’s a bad concept gave us the opportunity to have mythic quality gear. I have not used a single piece from the randomized weekly chest the entire expansion. Not one. Because it’s too random and has given me garbage every single week for the last 2 years.


You just want gear handed to you for nothing. Admit it.

Oh I see… So you’re now arguing for an even more lottery form of reward? Interesting take.

Your leg’s right now are from the weekly chest…

Mythic+15 item level 130 (mythic) which is only obtainable from the weekly chest.


are you arguing that TF was a better system? You just sat there and said that the RNG of chests was bad but the RNG on top of RNG that is TF is somehow better? Before I start laughing please help me understand


To be fair, this is pre-patch and we just lost corruption. So they probably strapped those on as their prior pants were lower ilvl but had better corruption on them.


Literally ANYTHING is better than a system that forces me to raid for gear. ANYTHING. I would rather pet battle for gear.


So wait. You hate the idea of the weekly chest giving you the choice of 3 Mythic ilvl pieces because of the randomness…but preferred titanforging. A system that was completely random…



You arent forced to raid. Ta da. The content you engage in will drop gear good enough to do that content.


But you are not being “forced” to raid for gear. M+ vault will give you more options to chose from and will be mythic level.


You’re playing the wrong genre.


You are NOT being forced to raid. Do 10 +15 keys a week and you’ll be able to be guaranteed a selection of three max level pieces of gear. Weekly.

To extend an olive branch… I don’t think they should’ve made the end of dungeon loot worse than heroic. They should’ve made it the same as heroic. But stop being hyperbolic and acting like it’s now impossible to gear without raiding.

If you want to gear the fastest and most efficiently then you’ll have to do multiple forms of content. The exact same pressure is put on mythic raiders. Hell in 8.3, I was doing raids, M+, and PvP to gear up during progression and boost my chances of getting corruption. I HATE PvP… But I did it. Why? My BiS trinket was a PvP trinket BY FAR.

Edit: This is actually why I sorta feel Ralph should be banned at this point… He’s quite literally sowing DISinformation.