Shadowlands non raid content is apparently a minigame for mythic raiders to abuse

None of which needed to be completed.

Ahh, yes, spending literal months to farm heroic dungeons to get the emblems to buy ilvl 251 gear, when the best was 277. Seriously lmao. Emblem of Frost/Triump acquisition was severely time gated and gave mediocre gear. Good try though.


A way to progress your character outside of raids and instances…isn’t casual?

I can’t think of anything more “casual” content than being able to log in, spend 20 minutes to knock out the emissary quests for the day, get your reward, and log out.

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Casual = doesn’t play a lot
Daily Chores = lots of play time required per day

If you use your nose to move your mouse and type, I guess.

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Even when they existed they never dropped anything higher than heroic. In Cata you could only fill a few slots too

Op wants mythic level gear for brain dead content and that shouldn’t happen.

If BfA wasn’t casual friendly enough then idk what to say. Epics raining from multiple places. Catchup gear every patch. Islands/warfronts/world bosses/WQs/mechagon/Nazjatar, all more casual content. The majority of this expansion was built for more casual players and still people complain. If that’s not enough then it never will be and at that point blizzard is just trying to please people who can’t be pleased and should cut them out


Mediocre? It was Normal Raid gear for doing Heroic 5 mans that you could sleep through. How is that not casual?

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I want someone to give a clear idea of what “casual content” is. Because some people say its about how much time you play. Well if thats the case I am casual because I probably put in maybie 8 hours a week give or take. Others say if you raid you are not casual and I raid.

Short answer there is no set definition of casual so you can’t say x content is made for casuals because there is no hard cut off for casual or hardcore.

That’s a narrow definition of casual.

Casual can also mean…
Cant commit to a set schedule.
Doesn’t enjoy group content.
Doesn’t enjoy large group content.
Enjoys the story over rewards.
etc, etc


And you can get normal raid gear without stepping into raids now. At a much faster pace.

Honor gear wasn’t near as good as raid gear.

Badges allowed you to get a few pieces but you couldn’t get fully decked out with badge gear.


You do know this isn’t gonna be a great idea in execution? I mean for all the topics you have done, telling us that the meta is bad and talking ill about “metaslaves” as you put it, don’t you think their will be a meta on how to get the currency from these activities, even if it’s dynamically changes every week or so?

Like if the currency drops from everywhere, the meta will say “Do islands all day and you will reach your daily cap in 2 hours, because an average length of the islands is 4 to 8 minutes.”?. Or what you called “Forced” to grind these out by the mythic raiders or so on? You dislike the idea of Mythic raiders saying their being forced to do something and therefore it should be changed to suit them so they don’t have to play it, but you don’t think the same will happen with this idea? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Wait, they took out Torghast gear?

Yes, torghast is just a weekly chore for mythic raiders now.


Yep and that was because their elite class citizens aka mythic raiders cried about how they don’t want to be forced to ‘play the game’ and just want to login for raid, log out and go play something else

‘Oh no the tryhard metaslaves will spend 12 hours a day doing islands, better remove all rewards so they don’t do that’ even though this hurts he majority of the playerbase


When last I heard, the most important factor in Torghast progression is the powers you get within Torghast… In fact those factors are so powerful that they make you demi-gods. Did this radically change? Cause if not… This point it moot.

Weird… I’m fairly certain I’ve heard many requests to separate PvP and PvE gear. From mythic raiders and PvPers…

The end point of gear progression in SL M+ is the exact same (and actually easier to achieve) as BfA. You’re literally fake news if you think what you said is true.

They nerfed the FRONT END of the M+ gearing system. They BUFFED the back end of the M+ gearing system. In all honesty, I don’t think it needed to be worse than heroic gear, but seriously stop being hyperbolic. It’s tiring.

Anywho, continue the flame war as per usual.

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The game always been like this. A huge flaw never addressed.

Raiding provides a MAJOR advantage in EVERY other unrelated activities like world questing, pvp etc. Makes no sense.

If the player focus on PVP, he should excel on pvp. Same for dungeons, or outdoor content. If I have the patience of doing EVERY - SINGLE - DAY those damned world quests, my character should be - at least - on the same page of raiders on outdoor content. I don’t understand why raiding gives such a powerboost in EVERYTHING on the game


I don’t think you know anything about Torghast then.


So why is it a problem I’d they’re such a small minority?

You should focus on improving your reading skills

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