Shadowlands non raid content is apparently a minigame for mythic raiders to abuse

I was actually the opposite, I used to raid back in Wrath and Cata but got tired of it and quit. Was fun while it lasted but it’s not really my thing anymore. Now I just troll around on the forums instead.


Its not a troll though. BFA handed out high ilvl gear left and right. You have to try to not trip over the gear it just gives out for every little thing.


Gear was handed out like candy and ilvl was completely meaningless because gear was so abundant.

Most casual friendly expansion in wow’s existence.


I love starting the day off with a Ralph thread.

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So, wait, the players who put in more time+effort to get the better gear…do…better in PvE/PvP because of their better gear?

That’s crazy talk.


Pray tell, what was the casual’s path to decent gear in, say, Wrath?


Are you high? Any expansion where you can get a toon geared to Normal Raid levels without ever doing a Raid or any M+ is the definition of casual friendly.


In Wrath there was the token system so there was ways but it did require people to do stuff which is what people like the OP are against.

honor gear
heroics for badges

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Best loot should get only best player. If you are casual you can collect mounts or pets, dunno.

Best thing in WoW long ago was when You enter to SW and you saw guy in armor you can only dream, and you started working hard to be like thia super star.

Miss that. WoW start giving good loot to everyone becouse casuals can’t feel sad and bad. Becouse they also want good loot! Even if they can’t do M+2 and even don’t try learn mechanic, becouse you know, is game… who will be learn something in game? Just give me for free, bc I want.


Getting ilvl daily quest gear that’s on-par with normal raids says otherwise…


Spamming faceroll Heroic dungeons to get currency to buy Raid gear including Tier as one example.

m+ is awful and I’m glad Blizzard has made it optional. I don’t ever want to touch that mode ever again.

however, I think you are right about most of this stuff specially the pvp. Right now it feels like ilvl is 90% of the deciding outcome in pvp battles. It feels really bad to play pvp atm.

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Orc find that Orc who slay dragon no know how fight other Orc. So Orc just bonk Dragonslaying Orc and Human. Then Orc steal gear.

Then Orc travel to new shadow land, bonk Orc and Human to steal shiny gear again.

The pvp point is the only good point but the sad part is there was a better system than just handing out high i lvl gear. WoD, for all its flaws, did gearing right when it came to separation of pvp and pve.


Bfa was super casual, wdym?


Bfa is casual af

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WoD PvE AND PvP gearing were perfection. For some raeson these new devs came in and said “nah, let me show you how it’s REALLY done!” - then lost 4m+ subs in 2 expacs :^)


Slot machine =/= casual.

The biggest complaint about BFA was endless daily/weekly chores, which is the COMPLETE opposite of casual.

Then what is casual? If its not doing things like dailies and stoping then what is?