Shadowlands non raid content is apparently a minigame for mythic raiders to abuse

I don’t think it’s going to be as much doom and gloom as OP states, but I get it. We’ll just have to wait and see.

Good point, I agree the aura would need to be more like 150% stat nerf. Good idea mate.

S1 and S2 didn’t. No idea about S3/4, pretty sure they didn’t either but I can’t remember.

Ion’s a clown that only do things in the game that he knows will benefit him. He’s a mythic raider, so obviously mythic raiding will be the deal. Screw everything else.
He is a joke as is Blizzard for allowing him to run this game as if it was his.

Plz tell me at what point in the game high end raiders didn’t have the best gear

I will wait

Ah that’s right some mythic + stuff that tonnes of people were just buying tokens to get carried on gotcha

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WOD entire expac

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He’s obviously a newer player and doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He really shouldn’t try to trash on people who actually did play then though XD

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To a degree that was almost negligible. Power growth in Legion was almost non existent from someone who was casually geared to someone who was Mythic ilvl.

Refer to the previous post.

I’m more 50/50 - 60/40. When getting your weapon or any of the 2250 pieces and you watching your character get a pretty significant power boost, it feels good. In Legion, you could get a piece and almost not even tell the difference in terms of your performance.

Well, that’s not what I’m advocating for. I and many others have stated that they wanted a return to the Conquest vendor from both MoP and WoD. Where anyone can jump into PvP, even the most casual of player, and still have a chance to compete against others.

It was a time investment too. And for investing that time I’d like to have gear that shows that I put in the time and effort to acquire it. Just like in those scripted encounters. So it’s only fair and should be that way for all avenues of the game. Again, PvP gear was not hard to get at all.

I wonder how many arguing against us played wow before legion?

Most people playing currently are BFA only players. All real MMO players are on FFXIV or quit mmos entirely.

It’s a shame. All blizz actually has to do to fix the game is reintroduce stuff they removed for no real reason

Yes it did 1850 for weapon 2K for shoulders

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We are? Darn why didn’t I get the memo. There are different mmos that click with different people. To say reall mmo players play x mmo is a bit dishonest at best.

It started with weps and shoulders in S3 and went to every slot in S4 which carried over to Wrath.

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Not sure what that link is supposed to go to, but S3 and S4 definitely required the rating I listed.

You also had to have that current rating at the time you purchased the item. I recall distinctly because in S3 my 5s team only hit 2K for 1 week and I didn’t have the points to buy my shoulders. I didn’t make that mistake is S4

Theres a reason the term “welfare epics” existed and it had nothing to do with lfr XD they went back and forth after that between needing rating and not needing rating though. But tbc arena gave better gear than lfr ever has for less effort. I wonder if the legion mythic+ babies would have a stroke because of muh effort lolololol

Yeah, most don’t realize welfare epics started with TBC season 1 arena gear.

Lose 10 games a week for epics, even weapons.

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And that should be the case for pvp gear because pvp shouldn’t be about huge power gaps

Yeah when rating is required you have to have both the rating and the currency to get the items. It’s been so long I can’t remember which seasons required rating for weapons and stuff but like half the time all you needed to do was cap conquest.

Now you just get the mog automatically once you hit the rating. Such a nice improvement for poor planners like me.

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