Shadowlands non raid content is apparently a minigame for mythic raiders to abuse

Ralph couldn’t outdps my 6th string alt. I’m surprised he does raid.

I exclusively pugged the last 2.5 tiers for AotCs. It isn’t hard, it just requires persistence, and wanting to do the content.

That’s the point, the in-house psychologist wants players to get stomped then feel “Forced” to “interact” with the esports part of the game.

WoW is being designed as an Esport first, fun game second(if at all). Just like Overwatch, SC2, HotS, and WC3: Refunded.

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This is the expansion they’re going to re-implement all the old, failed ideas that they think would have worked out if only they’d stuck to their guns.

When Torghast was first announced, it sounded very much like Horrific Visions 2.0. They had to backpeddle on that repeatedly before the alpha, because they wanted it to dispense currency (mats) that would be required to have legendaries, and everyone was going to have to do it for access to game content, even casuals.

That and the fact that lots of people hated 8.3 content and refused to do it.

  1. How many players are in the game again? :thinking:
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Obviously it’s not everyone. It’s like a poll. A sample size. It’s probably the most liked thread on the forums right now. Should speak volumes to both sides.

“Times, they are a changin’…”

And then when people playtested it - it was implemented VERY early on in the Alpha’s lifespan - it wasn’t anything like that. It never awarded gear. It was never intended to.

and yet his last three got buried, he’s literally spamming

You do understand that if sub stats are able to be adjusted based on player choice there becomes no problem though? The whole argument against full templates was the removal of player choice. The way the template system worked was you get x stats per y ilvl so gear mattered but there was ZERO customizations. I literally said that templates could have worked if they allowed players to adjust them… Doesn’t that literally fix the problem with templates?

What base system did they really change? All they did was strip out a bunch of garbage that shouldn’t have been there in the first place. Namely titanforging and the BFA loot piñata every time you wipe your own backside.

PvP IS an AFTERTHOUGHT for the current Dev team. Just like the entire monk class. Lets not forget that

It really doesn’t. From my point of view, Ralph is just a rallying point for people who don’t want to think but instead just want to be angry at the “1%”

The idea of the thread is not bad (almost hurt to agree with Ralph for .5 sec) but the argument boils down to where does it stop. The concensus is that you should get mythic gear from high rated pvp, m+ and mythic raiding. Anything other than that should be a automatic no.

Sometimes the oppressed and ignored have to raise their voice a bit.

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only mythic raiding should have mythic raid gear. i will die on that hill. i just want people who do other forms of content to be able to be the best at their form of content instead of it being handed to people who raid. you know?

oppressed? really???



You’re in the wrong thread, this one is explaining how mythic raid gear gives them BIS gear in every game mode so the other modes are simply mini-games for raiders to play in(read: outgear and stomp in). When in reality, PvP gear should be BIS for pvp, M+ gear bis for M+, and raid gear BIS for raiding.

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If you’re not a mythic raider, in this game, absolutely.

that’s low level trolling obv. almost no casuals are that dramatic. XD

No because part of playing an RPG is watching your character grow in power as the patch goes on. If the heartbeat a patch drops and I’m already at my “best” whenever I’m doing PvP that would mean gear is essentially pointless to me which I think stinks.

I’ll never get behind the “PvP should be about skill instead of gear” (not sure yet if that’s you or not) crowd because it was never hard to get geared between MoP and WoD.

raises hand

not a mythic raider, and im having zero problems


You just don’t realize or care about the problems, doesn’t mean they aren’t there.

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