Shadowlands non raid content is apparently a minigame for mythic raiders to abuse

While you are right people should have specific progression for there chosen content some of the people here are arguing because the op is a known troll that just likes to sow chaos. Just a few month ago he was championing Shadowlands as the best xpac for casuals but now its raid or die somehow.

i am completely and forever against WQ or world content at all giving raid gear. i want to earn my gear and not get handouts. i am not as skilled as you guys are so i want to progress through dungeons and then normal raids and low level mythic and be rewarded for it. it’s honestly ridiculous i get gear as good from turtle WQ as i do from things that are actually difficult for me.

Honestly, WQ werebt mandatory.

Dailys in nazjatarr in the other hand were. But they stop being mandatory when 8.3 came out.

I dont know why people tought that is something so big yhat they can do it.

I am a casual player and i enjoy doing wq a lot, i was best that the crap on the ground fest that is m+.

The problem to me with bfa was the 8.2 qhere you have the slug fest that was mechagon, and the hellinsh landscape of caverns and 5000 mobs every square inch that was nazjatar

Otherwise i have no problem qith the rest of the xpac, 8.3 or 8.0 or 8.1

The non raid or m+ content is so damn boring and not fun it’s recommended to have a second monitor with netflix running. If your game requires me to watch tv while i play to be fun you should just delete the whole thing.

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Paladin detected?

I wanna know how you rated PvP and watch netflix at the same time

OP translation: I WANT mythic level gear for little work. I MUST have it to boost my self-esteem. Waaaahhhh!!!

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yep, those 25 min queues cuz pvp is dead.

my argument is entirely if you don’t want to do the content you shouldn’t get the reward. but people who do one part of content shouldn’t be at an advantage in every area of the game because they choose to do one aspect of things. like i have people arguing things i didn’t even say to try to gotcha me and it makes no sense lol.

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I dont wana like you because something so true hurts but at the same time the name deserves my respect.

im not a raider and when i did the most i did was heroic, im fine with people having better gear that takes more time and coordination.

However the blame needs to be placed where it actually belongs, your blaming the mythics (who do split runs to gear) for WQ’s giving normal difficulty loot whenever they rarely do so. why do that whenever they can take a raid group of just mages, locks, priests and two tanks and funnel gear from the pervious tier mythic to their shiny new mage?

There’s a difference between needing to PvE in order to PvE and needing to do M+ to M+, Raid to Raid and PvP to PvP. That just seems excessive to me.

I preferred it in Legion where you raided for the tier sets but you could farm out M+ to try and role the dice to get upgrades to off pieces. And for PvP I preferred the WoD system with the ilvl scaling. Did I play before Legion…PFFT.

No I was completely serious. They really murdered someone. Call the police!

Well if you want to go by over all content and cheevos ,I’d say more then you.

anyone who actually pvped for real and not just took their mythic gear into random bgs to noob stomp preferred the WoD model for pvp gear. :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean there can probably be overlap for raid and m+ but neither of those should be able to go into pvp and wipe the floor with dedicated pvpers.

Yeah I preferred it that way. PvP is an entirely different entity from PvE. With completely different goals and progression during that expansion.

Yeah I agree with that. The point I’m making though is it should be fine for M+ and Raid to overlap each other while PvP gearing should be it’s own separate path.

WQ gear caps out below mythic dungeon levels, with the exception being emissary rewards. If your definition of “difficult” is heroic or maybe M0 dungeons, sure WQs will give you gear that’s on a relatively equal footing. For reference:

  • WQ rewards cap at 81 (at least, I’m yet to see anything higher on my 120+ toons)
  • Heroic dungeon rewards ilvl 78
  • Mythic 0 rewards ilvl 85
  • Emissary rewards cap at 99 (100 for azerite)
  • Normal Ny’alotha rewards ilvl 100
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honestly mythic should probably not even exist given how few people actually do past the first handful of bosses. it’s honestly a waste of dev time and resources.

Rated PvP gear goes to 226 (mythic) in SL.

emissary rewards are as good as normal raid gear now. and were as good as heroic raid gear at the start of the expansion. it’s… ridiculous. lol