Shadowlands non raid content is apparently a minigame for mythic raiders to abuse

No I am saying is the hardest content should have the best rewards and I don’t do mythic raids because I will admit that I am not that good . Normal and heroic I’m pretty sure I can do because I used to do progression and hopefully with SL I can get back into it as for mythic + keys player attitudes and things like raider io have turned me off from that.

Coulda fooled me

Then they can not do it?

Not everyone needs to do every piece of content if they don’t want.


i don’t think WQ should offer raid gear. period. not even normal raid gear. i am all for gutting the crap out of WQ to the point you are forced to go normal dungeon > heroic dungeon > mythic dungeon > then whatever you choose to do after that. i’m a normal raid casual on my main and i want progression for everyone. it was robbed from me this expansion because everything i like to do was made pointless so that high end raiders could catch up their alts quicker.

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except you want equal progression for everyone, even if htey’re not doing content equal in difficulty.

yes. that was a big problem this expansion

lol no, that’s not why it was done. the high end players aren’t the boogeyman here

i will never do a mythic raid or time a +15. i will do normal raids and +5s or whatever i am able to do. but i don’t think it’s okay that one aspect of the game literally ruins it for everyone else. and honestly? if i could do some low level arena and get conquest to buy arena gear to do random bgs with that harms no one.

damn you guys are still going im pretty sure this OP is just a troll no one could actually feel this way

PvP glad is the hardest …

Nu-uh its m+ thats the hardest…

No no no its solo content thats the hardest …

l33t no its mythic raiding thats the hardest…

That’s like 4 different construction worker arguing who has the hardest job . Guess what ? They all have easy and hard things going for them , they also have pretty similar paychecks .

So you admit in one sentence that mythic gear should be the best gear in the game, then claim in the very next sentence that it shouldn’t be?

The best rewards in the game cap out at mythic raid item levels, regardless of where you get them from. The rewards are also time gated to prevent people from gearing up in a single week and getting bored because there’s no longer any carrot to entice them with. Even a gladiator-level player has to wait until Tuesday to get their top tier PvP gear, just like high end M+ players have to wait until Tuesday to get their top tier M+ rewards and raiders have to wait until reset to try again for their desired drop(s).

The only thing that isn’t exactly normalized in that regard is trinkets. Some trinkets will always outperform others for different specs regardless of their source, and there’s nothing that can be done about that without making every single trinket in the game a bland stat stick that offers no unique interactions or bonuses whatsoever.

no that’s not what i’ve said at all. all top tier players should be able to be the best at what they do with gear they get from what they want. i also said to scale mythic raid gear DOWN in mythic+ and pvp NOT randomly give out mythic raid gear for doing those things.

All the catchup from BfA was not for high end raiders it was for casuals.

I only did LfR Ny’alotha for the story and a challenge especially N’zoth . Yes I got a few items in it but I out geared it just by doing wqs and doing tw dungeons then actually getting gear from it.

I out geared lfr with alts just by doing wqs and things like end of tw rewards.

High end raiders were just a minority using those systems for alts. The truth is , there were more casuals using these systems to gear alts.

it should be the best in mythic raids. mythic+ gear should be BiS for mythic+. conquest gear should be BiS for pvp.

3 gearing paths? Sounds like a nightmare to me @.@

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did you raid uldir? you got heroic raid gear from doing world content. there was literally no reason to do do normal or heroic raids at all. it was there to get people into mythic. then people cried about that and it was lowered to normal raid level to get people into heroic because most people want heroic raids to be there end game. like do you even play this game?

Honestly i agree with your whole post. I think we where both just to engrossed in the thread neither could really see what the other was trying to say. Im glad we could come to agreement. Also props for WRA. Use to be on there until I started raiding.

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Oh no he is and he hasn’t popped in for awhile . Most of us are on his ignore lists.

He makes threads like this all the time to stir the pot . Before either the end of the day or the week he will make another on this topic with another name.

I give him another week or 2 until he gets his next forum vacation .

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did you play before legion or are you just lazy? you had to have separate entire gear sets including multiple versions of the same tier because it didn’t just change with specs. we walked uphill in the snow both ways with 20 slot bags to hold our 92845983475 sets and we didn’t cry about it either. i take it you’ve always mained a hunter? do you know how many sets the average druid had to carry with them in wrath with those 20 slot bags?

but why shouldn’t people have the best gear for what they do

why shouldn’t high end pvpers have at least equal gear to mythic raids to not be at a numerical disadvantage in their preferred endgame. or why should mythic raiders be able to push higher and faster in M+ then people who do mythic+ as their endgame.

the OP is right its catering to one group of people often at the expense of others.

That’s the problem though? The gear ISN’T equal and when gear directly funnels into how hard you hit (and therefore mattering) skill becomes less a mandatory thing that is supplemented by stat checking.

If you look at the methods for gearing in the beta its pretty much raid or die… With some Mythic+ tossed in to guarantee a gear ilvl floor

-PvP Vendor sells gear at ilvl 158 which is literally dungeon gear. It is upgradable to ilvl 190 through rating.
-normal dungeons 158
-heroic dungeons 170
-Mythic+ Dungeons sit at +2 giving 187-200 peaking at 210-226 @ 15 for the instance-weekly chest
-normal raid 200-207
-heroic raid 213-220
-mythic raid 226-233

That is the big issue issue. PvP gear is a joke for people who want to pvp. hard stop.

People want to have a viable means of gearing up so they can go toe to toe with the guys who are good at running scripted encounters, can follow a set schedule, or are able to dump inordinate amounts of time into raiding. Especially when doing their own preferred content. Doubly so when they themselves dedicate just as much time/if not more in their own preferred content.

Imagine spending 2 hours a day minimum pvping and getting gud only to have your face kicked in by someone who is clearly keyboard turning in a rated pvp event. Congrats, you literally got stat checked. That is what the PvPers who are/were coming back because they didn’t agree with templates are going to encounter with the current gearing list. Most of them will most likely leave again because they find scripted encounters boring af and dont wanna get stat checked by scrubs.

Lets not even get into how raiders have always had advantages in PvP (trinkets/legendary gear) that literally = freelo. The PvP communities I was involved in didn’t call the shadowmourne in wrath the skillmourne for no reason at all.

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just a heads up, mythic raiders dont do WQ too gear, they generally alternate carrying alts they think they might need with the previous tiers mythic or on lower difficulty.

no high end raiders didnt ruin your experience, it’s demands like Ralphs thats ruined it