Shadowlands non raid content is apparently a minigame for mythic raiders to abuse

you could make pvp gear lower ilevel than pve gear with pvp power on it taking up a ton of it’s budget and would far and away be BiS for pvp. but you know why they don’t do that? because raiders get bored of raiding and want to go into random bgs to noob stomp and would get their butts handed to them instead if they weren’t carried by their raid gear, and actually had to build a pvp set.

Actually it should be better then BiS for mythic + . Mythic + should be below mythic raid. Mythic raid content is harder to organize , takes longer to do and it can not be spammed like mythic +

And thats a problem but trying to bring down raiders like they are some evil masterminds is not the solution. They very much should go back to separate gearing methods and if high end raiders want to complain that they cant go in and just stomp people in pvp well that sucks for them. If they want to dominate in pvp they should have to work there way up like everyone else.

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if someone wants to push +25s they should be able to do it only gearing through mythic+. if you’re arguing against that you’re arguing that raiding should be a free ticket to abuse every other aspect of the game. which if someone bought enough tokens could buy their way through mythic clears. it’s not like the first 3-4 mythic bosses aren’t loot pinatas anyway.


i’ve done a lot more raiding than i have pvp. i also know that raiders are the only people in the game that feel entitled to be literally the best at everything because of how they choose to spend their time in the game. there’s been a few people saying exactly that in this thread. even read joe casual i just responded to that doesn’t even raid that is brainwashed by what he’s read on GD. lol

Not wanting mythic raid gear to rain from the sky is not being brainwashed by gd. Sure not everyone in here is asking for that but when they are saying things like gear for my content and wont say what that content is it leads one to believe they just want mythic gear for nothing and thats a big no from me.

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If I wanted what he’s getting I’d be paying by the week.

i literally said you could lower the ilevel of mythic raid gear in mythic+ to the loot that dropped from a +15 unless it came from the box. how is that wanting raid gear exactly? you’re so caught up on the evil mythic raid gear coveting casual that you’re not actually reading the thread.

Gotta love when the OP exaggerates the crap out of whatever they’re trying to say to the point that there’s no longer any point to it.

M+ was designed for you to fail at some point, so capping the rewards makes sense on multiple levels. If the rewards continued to scale like dungeon difficulty did, we’d have even more insane power creep that Blizzard would have to reset every tier and then people would complain about new content being so much more difficult because they didn’t bother with M+ and got left behind so they get destroyed by new content. It also turns M+ into a matter of “just keep banging your head against the wall until you eventually overgear it” rather than “we need to adjust our strat and/or group composition,” eventually removing the skill requirement from higher keys.

Mythic gear being the “cap” on current content keeps that from happening, while also preventing M+ from trivializing mythic raids. Gear also only matters so much in PvP. Sure, it matters when comparing equal skill levels, but not every mythic raider does PvP. Those that do aren’t always good, and can still be taken down by someone who knows what they’re doing. The only place you’re likely to see mythic raiders “one shotting” others in PvP are in random battlegrounds or extremely low level rated PvP where nothing really matters anyway.

World quests were never intended to be a gearing path, but rather supplement bad luck with something that’s not total trash. As faceroll as normal Ny’alotha and mythic 0 dungeons are, the only thing stopping players from reaching ilvl 90+ quickly is themselves. My paladin’s been level 50 all of two days and is 94 ilvl. I’m wearing exactly three pieces of gear from world quests, two of which were emissary rewards, and I haven’t done a single M+ or anything higher than normal Ny’alotha.

If you want gear, go do content. World quests are the most accessible content in the game, which is why they give the lowest rewards. Sure, they scale to a certain point, but anyone actually putting effort into their character’s progress will outscale everything except maybe weapon or azerite caches quickly.


it might not matter to you but it matters to the majority of people who play. because that’s what casuals do and they are the vast majority of people who are subbed. please realize that the game exists for people outside of your elitist bubble.

Raid sales are rampant.

apparently wanting to be competitive for you activity of choice from doing said activity means we’re all casual mythic gear coveting satans who have no desire to actually earn our gear and are demanding handouts. lololol

Go play KMMO’s. This mentality is trash and doesn’t belong in a decent MMORPG.

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were up to about 5 topics in two days from the same guy about the same thing, isn’t that like a definition of spamming the forums?

Also are people really saying anyone who clears a mythic dungeon is an elitist? ./facepalm

just checked 84% of max lvl toons have cleared mythic motherload…84% of the playerbase is elitist scum apparently


hes just outright saying what the rest of them are dancing around. they want to be carried through the entire game because they chose to do one aspect of it.

That is fine but that mythic + 25 should not be equal or better then current tier mythic raid gear.

I think they want weekly loot lockouts to give your best gear. Weekly chest for mythic plus 15 and too rating pvp gives mythic raid gear. I think that’s pretty fair. Not personally a fan of mythic raid last bosses giving higher ilvl than everything else. They should just increase the mythic key and rating to give top ilvl as well.

Torghast not having gear is lame. They should of done some sort of gear lockout for it as well.

It does, yes, and the gear rewarded from any given content is perfectly acceptable to complete that content.

There’s nothing elitist about wanting people to do appropriate levels of content to get gear. If all you’re doing is pet battles and world quests, you don’t need mythic-level gear to perform well in that content. You wouldn’t walk into a McDonald’s expecting a CEO’s salary for making McFlurries, would you?

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no, i agree completely. they should be totally separate paths. no one should have to pvp to raid. or raid to climb mythic+. if i was in charge i’d just scale down mythic raid gear to mythic +15 levels in mythic+ content unless it was from the pity box. and i’d scale down all other gear drastically in pvp as well. you should be able to compete in your chosen area of interest without being forced to no life the entire game. that’s been my point this entire time.

No he is saying WoW was never made as an actual pvp game and that pve (raiding ) was always the main focus.