Shadowlands non raid content is apparently a minigame for mythic raiders to abuse

For someone complaining about me not reading your post you sure are doing a bad job of reading mine. In WoD pvp gear was better than raid gear in pvp because raid gear got reduced in power when you went into pvp.

no it didn’t. pvp gear scaled up in pvp. so so it was not as good in pve but BiS for pvp. which apparently hurt your feelings.

You’re really overestimating how much work you have to put in to be able to perform at the level his guild is. My guild cleared Mythic Uldir in a similar timeframe as his, and we had tons of people (myself included) only logging in outside of raid times to do a single +10 a week.

I’d prefer a more alt friendly/fewer chore experience in some way, but I don’t really understand the complaints that Ion is forcing us to do stuff that he doesn’t do himself. Lmao.

i just said that was ideal. are you legit even reading the things i say at all? i responded to what you said about it. twice. dear lord.

The gearing system is designed to remove skill from PvP. It’s all about gear now. Whichever team has the best PvE gear wins. You can determine by checking the health of both teams while waiting for the gate to open who’s going to win.

People who support this are the ones getting carried by their gear.

Why are raiders such a sore spot for you. Do you think raiders like doing all the other stuff and its just you that suffers? Raiders would love if there best gearing path was just raiding but if we want to be completely bis we are expected to do pvp and m+ just like everyone else.


it wasn’t that way until legion. that’s when pvp was legit ruined and no one bothers to do it anymore. if they added back vendors with BiS gear from doing arena participation would go up. but it’d have to have pvp power or something on it so mythic raid gear would be inferior. but then you’d have the raiding try hards crying they can’t use their pve set to carry them to higher ratings. XD

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You know why that is? WoW really isn a PvP game. It really wasn’t meant to be full on skill based PvP.

its an mmoRPG with PvP tacked on. Its more about players pretending to be priest in Stormwind Cathedral than actual PvP


Raiders get the best gear and use it to dominate casual PvP by one shotting everybody who doesn’t have that gigantic advantage. They consider it their privilege as raiders to have those easy wins.

Are you saying that you agree with me that wow PvP has been converted into a free welfare loot spigot for raiders, that this is good for the game, and you want to make sure that your spigot of free welfare loot continues?

you’re arguing against what i’m saying because you’re so rear hurt i mention raiders. BiS raiding gear should come from raiding and only raidig. you shouldn’t have to no life arena or mythic+ go raid. you’re arguing against that. and why? because somehow carrying more than one set of gear with 32 slot bags in the game is really taxing. lol

I get the feeling it’s not Mythic raiders that are bottom-hurt over M+ giving good gear, but Heroic raiders, especially AOTC buyers (who are probably a huge boost to Blizzard’s income thanks to the token).

Bad RIO heroic geared guys cried up a storm and Blizzard listened.

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You literally responded to me talking about wod gearing with this when it was the exact opposite of the point I was making.

No raider thinks this is a privilege you just want to argue. Most honest raiders would say pvp should have its own gearing system but that goes against your raider boogie man idea.


What’s hilarious is that Ion is saying that people who play more parts of the game should have the best gear, while the game is actually designed so raiders can get all their gear in raids and use it to dominate other parts of the game, if they even choose to play them.


you were literally crying that people who geared in pvp in WoD had an “advantage” which fyi only existed if you went into pvp or ashran. i can go back up and quote if for you if you’d like. if you’ve forgotten.

Raiders in wod were butthurt that people could gear up in PvP to do normal raiding.

It was not me crying. I said that the wod method of gearing was ideal as I have said at multiple points in this very thread. Raid gear was not as good as pvp gear in pvp and pvp gear was not as good as raid gear in raiding. Again read what I actually wrote instead of trying to build up this raider straw man.


I am saying I saw this EXACT same argument since Vanilla. OMG Shaman OP with Hand of Rag! Why can raiders steamroll everyone?

In BC they tried to fix it. They brought in arenas. People like me who HATE PvP and would never do it, sat in the starting areas in arena to get the points to get good weapons.

This issue has been around since day one. All I am trying to say, IMHO this is not a game for anyone that wants to seriously PvP. Its not designed to be. Its not whatever shooter you think it might be. Blizzard can try to force it into a competitive box, but mmRPGs are NOT designed to fit that box - they are NOT just regular video games.


separate gearing paths existed since tbc until legion but apparently it didn’t work because reasons and now you have to literally no life the entire game to be able to do what you actually want to do in the game. so fun.

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