Shadowlands non raid content is apparently a minigame for mythic raiders to abuse

Ion is a raid logger who doesn’t do transmog and doesn’t play alts. He doesn’t do the chores we are expected to do. He did not unlock pathfinder in BfA.

Ion’s playstyle represents “players” in dev culture. This is what happens when the only representation players get is someone with a tiny minority playstyle.

It’s joke, Sticks.

No it’s not the whole point of this thread is for Ralph to make another spam thread to troll and cause discord .

He does it on such a regular basis most of us are surprised he hasn’t been perma banned from the forums.


have you seen his logs? 0.o

Wow look at the circle of people trying to make raiders into something they are not. Raid gear will never be made useless in open world. WoD method should be used for pvp/raid gear and people need to quit this “We want gear for the content we do.” You already get gear for the content you do. If you pvp you get pvp gear. If you raid you get raid gear. If all you do is log in do wq and then do mog runs well your gear is there too. Nobody is entitled to mythic gear. Nobody, not even mythic raiders.


Ironically the past 2 expansions have added the largest amount of outside raid gearing options and non-raid content.


wanting BiS gear for your form of content coming from the content you do is NOT trolling. it’s literally how the game worked pre-legion. take several seats.

Do you really think that the people who aren’t spamming mythic+ dungeons now because it looks like a cesspool of desperately unhappy elitists and because dungeons aren’t fun are going to do them in order to get gear to do unrewarding chores?

Yeah, I did mythic+ in Legion. I never did any in BfA. Lots of people are in the same boat as me.

i don’t want mythic raid gear or any gear i didn’t earn. but if i somehow climb in rated pvp or want to push high level mythic+ i should be BiS for those things from that content. doing mythic raiding shouldn’t give you a pass to be the the potential best at anything but raiding.

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Guess what, its already there. I do stuff on my Dk that is basically mog runs and goof and guess what. Just did a emmessary that gave me a ilvl 90 2h weapon. But I guess its not mythic so its not good enough.

Legion dungeons were fun, BFA dungeons are as bad as Aion dungeons. Incredibly tedious and overloaded with boring trash with 5 mechanics per mob.

So, if someone is able to do mythic raids without doing all the annoying chores, doesn’t that indicate that the chores aren’t required?

what part of you should be able to be competitive at your content of choice from getting gear in that content do you not understand? no one besides you is like MUH MYTHIC GEAR FROM WQ

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Mythic raiding starts out relatively hard but as patch goes on its gets much easier.

Which is why i think super high end keys that take longer for people to reach should drop at the very least mythic raid gear. High end pvp as well. At that point in the patch high end m+ and pvp is much harder anyway.

So change the scaling on m+ gear.

Well, I guess. 90 is kind of trash.

It doesn’t, just because your spec says your bis comes from raiding and you like m+ then guess what, either raid for it or just say oh well and don’t do it. My bis trinket comes from m+ and ya know what I did? Said oh well and made due with what I got.

Trash to you. Its perfectly fine for xmog runs and open world content.

What is “required”? As guild master he can get summoned and carried, and those who have looked at his parses say that’s what’s happening.

Few are in that position.

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do mythic raid? because if you choose to not go for BiS that’s a tier lower than your mythic raid gear and are using that as your example then LOL at you.

i don’t care about raid gear. make it ilevel 9834758395i34759345 in a raid. but don’t allow that trash to be BiS in random bgs.


If that’s true, then that means the overwhelming majority don’t have access to mythic gear. And if that’s true, then why are you complaining about being on equal footing to the majority of the player base?

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