Shadowlands non raid content is apparently a minigame for mythic raiders to abuse


it would be stupid. trivial content shouldn’t give mythic raid gear quality drops


i would have a raiding set, a pvp set, and a dungeon set if they were offered. because i am not lazy and actually played before legion when they ruined gearing to cater to mythic raiders at the expense of everyone else.

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you’re really so elitist you can’t let WQ be as powerful as you during WQ? ahahahahahahahahaha. reread what you quoted. i literally said out in the world.

PVP is it’s own issue that I think any reasonable person sees as needed changes.

M+ definitely doesn’t need Mythic raid gear to do, and if Torghast is anything like visions, it won’t either.


Gear helps with player power.

Got more hot news for us Ralph?

mythic raid gear should be reduced in ilevel to the +15 gear cap unless it was gotten from the pity box. or is this another case of mythic raiders thinking their raiding should carry them through the rest of the game?

If world quests are going to be designed to be unrewarding, so raiders won’t feel obligated to do them…what exactly is this “stuff”?

I have asked before what “casual content” would be in SL. I have seriously been told…

  • Go back to BfA and grind islands.
  • “Emissaries”, by a player who wasn’t aware these have been removed in SL.

I’d rather M+ cap got bumped up to match mythc raid at a higher key like 20/25.

Everything not mythic raiding is designed as mini-games for mythic raiders to use their gear in or to do for cosmetics when they aren’t raiding. That’s literally the point of the thread.

Throwing a tantrum is not “killing a man.”

then raiders would cry non stop about being “forced” to do mythic+. they always lobby for things to be nerfed so they don’t have to do them instead of exercising even the tiniest bit of self control.

i don’t think anyone in this thread but ralph wants BiS from WQ. but most of us are arguing that we should get BiS for the content we want to do, at the level we want to do it, from that content.

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I understand that. But if everybody who plays that is not a mythic raider or wannabe quits because they have nothing to do, the game is going to be in serious trouble.

Blizzard really dropped the ball with the overloaded ilvl rewards from trivial content this expansion and last. Now there’s this expectation that this is the norm :roll_eyes:


these people genuinely think they’re the majority. some genius posted that 20% of accounts have AOTC not realizing or caring how many of those were carries because people wanted the mount. if raiding died the game would still go on. if casuals left the game would go f2p and they’d have to buy raid packs for $60 every tier. XD

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There are still covenant quests that reward gear, although I’m not sure how far it goes. Possibly only to M0 or LFR levels. They aren’t technically called emissaries.

After that you probably need to do other content.

Kind of like any other expansion except BFA.

They’re doing it anyway, and I don’t know of many that don’t like M+ because it’s something fun to do on off nights.

And I don’t really care if people cry about “forced to do” optional activities, especially when they would result in big improvements to the people that actually enjoy the content.

World quests gave mostly trash rewards.

So your plan is to have everyone who is not a raider quit. That’ll make the game way less profitable.

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That’s EXACTLY what’s going to happen, and it’s so easy to predict it, too. I think this blatant Mythic raiding catering is due to chasing Esports since the esports guy runs the entire show and has been allowed to ruin every single Blizzard game in the past decade by trying to force esports into all of them.

It’s so weird that Blizzard is still chasing esports at this point.

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Can’t compete in PVP on talent alone, huh?