Shadowlands non raid content is apparently a minigame for mythic raiders to abuse

I will! If i want the other sets id have to earn them!

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15s will be cleared the first week in bad gear. Good players play good.

Also, are you saying that 14s are basically impossible without mythic gear, but killing mythic bosses will be easily walked over???


You don’t need Mythic ilvl to do +14s.

But you wouldn’t as sets for the content you guys are complaining about is handed out like candy on Halloween.

This would be fine if gear power gaps weren’t so absolutely massive. The issue is the power gaps in gear more than the gear itself. Normal raid to Mythic is currently a 36% difference in health - that’s absolutely absurd.

These gear power gaps is why people want higher ilvl gear to be accessible, because good luck PvPing or doing M+/Torghast when your character is 30-40% weaker than Mythic raiders.

Fix gear power gaps by removing raid difficulties why does normal exist?) and lowering the ilvl increase per difficulty.


What sets? This is all hypothetical ideas were talking. Im still going to be raiding and doing M+, i was just brainstorming how to make other contents gear progress itself. It will never happen, it was just a idea i came up with in 2m

Torghast is really easy, you can do Layer 8 in pre-raid gear pretty easy.

For people that want to raid that difficulty?

Why does (insert your content that you think requires powerful gear here) exist?

He’s acting like mythic+ is this insurmountable wall but raiders will just go walk in and crush mythic bosses.


I can’t make any casual complaining threads because Ralph comes in here with his Ilvl 500 weep rag and floods the place with his epic tears. I hope Blizz looks into this.


If you want to read it like that, sure. Someone clearing raids will get gear much quicker than someone relying on M+, and have higher ilvl to boot. They will have an early advantage in getting +14 chests for even more Mythic gear quicker than M+/PvP only players.

The gear gap basically stays consistent for most of, if not the entire raid tier. Also, raid gear shouldn’t be BIS for non-raid content, it’s pretty baffling that mythic raiders get a free pass to “best in all content” gear because they’re catered to like little special snowflakes.

casuals don’t have extra sets of gear. does your gear magically change secondary stats for raiding, mythic+, and pvp, plus whatever stuff you need for your OS? if it doesn’t do that and you don’t have multiple sets you’re as casual as the rest of us. the big boys who play this game play it to the fullest of their ability. they don’t cry about carrying extra gear they will be carrying anyway. but lol at trying to use this as a flex.

Raiders have higher ilvl gear and don’t have to play as well to clear +14’s due to this.

But continue to read what I say in ways YOU want to, in order to make your opinions look better.

With the way gear was set up, last patch the best gear in the game was from M+ for most situations so really it is going to be one or the other.

Also I would be surprised if PvP gear was not generally the best gear for PvP (then again in BC and Wrath and even Cata raid gear often made its way into PvP especially with legendaries) but outside of edge cases PvP is often the best way to get PvP gear and that will likely continue.

Someone doing multiple forms of content will gear faster than someone doing one.

Agreed, that is pretty much the intent.

That doesn’t make mythic+ gearing any slower.

Shouldn’t you be comparing solely doing (and pugging I assume) mythic+ to someone solely puggging raids?

You seem to be comparing gearing rates of someone pugging mythic+ to a mythic raid guid who raids and also does mythic+…


at the start of expansions? no we don’t


they want to lord their ilevel over everyone else because they think that killing a dragon is the most difficult thing to ever be done. i think mythic+ is easier than raiding too but mythic+ and pvp for that matter should have BiS gear for their chosen activity. heck even WQ gear that scaled to mythic raid levels in the world and old content would be okay. this raid mythic or die thing is bs. and you shouldn’t cater to people too lazy to carry multiple sets. it’s like they didn’t play a druid or something in wrath where you had 500 different sets with 20 slot bags and gasp you had to PAY to switch between your specs. the players nowadays are soft.

Well then all the people that only want to help Loh get home start crying because they’re stuck in heroic dungeon gear.

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You can carry gear to min max, but that’s not what he’s talking about. You have to carry extra gear just for it to function.

And for the record, I am a “casual” and I am 100% against this "waaaah, I need gear I didn’t do anything to get so I can do content that gear is massive overkill for " BS that’s been cropping up recently.

Jfl. Another tear stained Ralph thread filled to the brim with hyperbole.

“I play the same sub fee so I’m ENTITLED to the same gear despite avoiding the content😢”