Shadowlands non raid content is apparently a minigame for mythic raiders to abuse

Wasnt that what NazJatar gear was?

Ralph is fixated on getting mythic raid gear through other methods. That’s our Ralph.

The big problem is that the entire genre is designed to encourage people to continue playing by rewarding them for playing. People would stop playing content if that content never rewarded them in any way.

The fact that you deserve the best stuff for doing the hardest content doesn’t mean it’s not a participation reward intended to keep you participating. Nor does it make any sense to disincentivize the majority of players from continuing to play the game by removing any chance of getting gear upgrades to do their content from playing their content.

Mythic+ weekly chest will continue to be the major source of 226 (mythic) gear for the vast majority of players in SL.

Technically, I believe that was called catch up gear designed to let people “catch up” so they can go into the current raid without having to do the previous raid. Its directed towards making raiding easier

You know, you didn"t have to kill a man right out in the open. Brutal.

Only people who have been doing mythic+ regularly have been getting weekly chests. And you’re way overestimating the number that do. Do you armory people? The minority have done all the dungeons as keys.

The plan appears to be to have all gearing happen by spamming mythic+, and then making world quests into an unrewarding chore that no one will do except because they are required to get currency.

For different roles. Not because you went into a different building.

Sorry about your cat.

I think people should get upgrades. But I think the upgrades should be relative to the content in which the gear dropped, and if someone wants something further than that, they need to branch out.

if I’m a heroic raider, once I’m all decked out in heroic raid gear, i’ve hit my gear ceiling for the content I do. The game shouldn’t be all “oh, darn, no more heroic gear, here have some mythic gear for killing heroic boss blag’hama”

which is basically what that end of week chest does. I’m not really advocating for that to go away, even though it sounds like it. But I do think that it shouldn’t go any further than that.


Sorry, you asked if I wanted to carry multiple sets of gear. I did. It was fun collecting them. I used them all. Blizzard removed that to make things easier.

I would be fine if they did that with differing content. Collecting them or carrying them around would be no problem for me.

If bag space is an issue, they could go back and use the armor sets function in the character screen and use it as storage …

Some of it made raiding easier, but a lot of it was just small bonuses for the zone. things like

“Your mount speed is increased by 5% in Nazjatar and the Eternal Palace.”

“You have a chance to loot a random fish from creatures in Nazjatar and the Eternal Palace.”

They werent all raid focused. These could easily be altered to make a better WQ set for those that enjoy WQs as their content focus

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I meant of the 3 paths to 226 gear, the weekly mythic+ cache is definitely the easiest and most accessible.

Of course many won’t get it, but they also won’t be killing mythic bosses or getting 2400+ (current reqs, SL rating reqs aren’t available) in rated PvP.

They won’t be playing the game, either, since there will be no content for them.

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There is still WQ gear and stuff in SL?

Not sure what the fuss is because gearing isn’t going to be that different.

Are you avoiding or do you really not see the issue?

Sorry, I’m not getting 6 sets of gear just so people that refuse to do anything to improve themselves can feel special.

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People keep mentioning this, but are forgetting the fact you need to clear a +14 for it, and early +14’s aren’t exactly easy and you’ll probably need raid gear to be able to clear them early in the raid tier.

+14’s could simply be too difficult without spending the entire raid tier doing M+, meaning you’ll perpetually be behind Mythic raiders the entire raid tier because they can start clearing +14’s very quickly due to their quicker high ilvl gear acquisition.

Then dont

Holy crap we dodged a bullet there!

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So clear a +14.

Conversely, if you do want some gear, go get it!

If you’re a raider in mythic gear, a player ONLY gearing through PvP/M+ will have to wait months to have the ilvl capable of clearing +14’s.