Shadowlands non raid content is apparently a minigame for mythic raiders to abuse

Oh cool… more currency…

I consider myself a causal and this xpac seems like a causal players nightmare.

At this point I’m honestly thinking about just bailing.

I’m over raiding. I’m over spending hours and hours a night just so I can progress and not even really enjoy it. Id rather play wow on my own time table and thats really hard to do as it is.

Not gonna be any easier this go around I guess lol


Not actually true, but thanks I guess?

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I’m lagging behind on details here (obviously). Looks like reasons for doing “content” is going to dry up fast when one of the biggest (if not the biggest) feature is a dry well. Need to look more into things but this is not something to look forward to.


One casual wants it, one doesnt. Why cant blizzard make content for self proclaimed “casuals”? Because they all have very specific needs that cant be met. Hardest group to appease

Ummm… where did I say I didn’t want it?

All I said was oh great, more currency.

Of course were going to have currency. We just don’t need 5000 different types of it like this xpac.

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I’ve done some of Torghast and it’s just a end of run reward .

Also from the little I have done in the beta Torghast really isn’t that hard .Yes gear will have a factor but I did the first few levels with just questing gear.

And if you don’t care about getting the Legendaries it won’t matter

What number Mythic is the heroic for the cache ilvl reward be in sl do you know maybe just wondering asking for a friend ingame.

well if you like currency then Torghast is up your avenue! But im taking from your statement that that idea doesnt sit well with you

This is literally all its ever given, its never had gear drop in it.


Ehhh. I wish it was more like visions.

I actually had a really good time soloing visions AND was able to get competitive gear for it.

Still could have used less currency for ot though lol

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They have their own secret forum.

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That’s when they normally decide to deal with things that they were told were going to be a big problem in the alpha: after lots of players leave and the accounting department tells them to make it stop.

Given that the new gearing system they have already implemented in the prepatch requires spamming mythic+ dungeons to gear up for world quests, that won’t be nearly soon enough. People are going to start leaving immediately. I’ve already decided there is no reason for any actual casual to play shadowlands. I’m not buying it, and since they’ve back carried their “tough love” gearing philosophy into BfA content in the prepatch, I’ll probably have nothing to do.

People who are bored may unsubscribe and come back later to check out the hype. People who quit because they’re pissed off about changes they see as bad are not going to be coming back anytime soon, especially if they implement some fix that only benefits elite players, which is how they do these things now.

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yep. good. if you want the best gear, you should have to do the hardest content.

if you won’t do that, then you can get your one piece weekly from the chest.

And frankly, I think that’s even too much.



Problem with mythic raiding giving the best source is that once they clear that mythic raid , they get bored and go on other content like pvp , torghast and mythic+ and use there superior skilvl to stomp(pvp) & outdo(torghast/m+) those who take that content for their endgame .

So in the end they will go do the stuff they cried they didnt want to be forced to , only because of how big of an advantage they get .

If they are gonna seperate it , mythic raid gear should not work outside raids :wink: (worst idea out of them all hehe)

PS> Mythic raiding isnt hard content , its tedious more than anything .


Even raiders tend to agree that the best PvP gear should come from PvP sources.

Well if it isnt hard then people who need mythic gear will have no issues obtaining it making any complaints about it a non factor

isnt hard lol…


Here is an idea, if we can have talents that ONLY work in PvP, how about we do the same with Gear that ONLY works in Raids? If you are not in an instance, that gear is the same as being naked so it has NO value in PvP, world or dungeons.

I say this as some who hates PvP with a passion, but its not fair that Raiders get better PvP gear than PvP players…

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Tier gear is the solution. Make all the gear have their base stats but bonuses that benefit the content they were obtained in

PvP gear gets great PvP bonuses ect

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So you want us to have 5 or 6 sets of gear?

IF you do that, than WQ people need their own gear as well. Not sure Blizz is gonna do that for WQ gear.

PvP and Raiding, maybe. Maybe even dungeons. But us lowly slobs that just like WQ? no way

If it fixes the problem? sure. I used to carry a bunch on hybrids back in the day…

Really is not … make mythic flex and watch how more people go and run it . Even when its released cross server way more people start to run it … Problem is always getting those 20 peoples to show and stay interested after they earn there BiS and not quit/stop showing up…

And what didn’t you get about this thread>? People don’t want to be forced into 1 of the 4 endgame for gear to compete with mythic raiders inside the other 3 side of content . Same way mythic raiders dont want to have to run pvp or m+ or torghast …

Mythic raiders bleed into pvp , torghast and m+ scene when they get bored and thats where there’s an issue . They have this huge advantage over those playing that content for endgame… Just look at the pvp situation for all BFA …