Shadowlands non raid content is apparently a minigame for mythic raiders to abuse

There are 2 other raid difficulties between LFR and mythic, and both are very accommodating to limited time commitments and varied schedules.


They aren’t, which is why this post is pointless.

I do and so does Pepperidge Farms

Some people enjoy doing just that. If you don’t that is fine because rewards cap long before that point.

i love when people dont realize they can literally filter the boss and difficulty in LFG and they there is virtually zero actual time commitment needed to progress through the current raid tier. normal and heroic bosses are always up and being ran in the group finder.


Why does it have to be mythic raids? What about normal? Or heroic? Maybe some arena or BGs? Maybe find a good M+ group than meets once a week and hammers out a M+ for the weekly reward? There are so many ways to go outside of “mythic raiding” and those dont require mythic level gear to complete


Sounds like someone can’t square dance with 20 people.


That is fine as long as Blizz doesn’t keep doing this.

The only time WQ should be equal to what lfr and pvp gear levels are is at the end of the season and the next tier of lfr and pvp gear are coming out and wq gear should stay below that seasons gear until that season ends.

Many times it’s much faster to get a few bosses down in a normal or heroic pug than sit in an LFR queue.


Skill helps, yes. You can also be kicking the crud out of someone with higher il, they turn and blow you away with a few gcds.

Wait… Torghast doesn’t drop gear anymore?

What the hell is the point of even doing it?


Currency to upgrade legendaries and cosmetics, that’s IT.



Wow. Yeah, not usually one to say this but this xpac seems like its gonna be the final nail in the coffin.


It’s never dropped gear.


It ties in to the legendary gear.

Haven’t gotten any of those items but the soul ash you get for doing them is basically the currency to give to the runecarver to add the skills and such to the legendary items.

Real talk: Why are MYTHIC RAIDERS such a boogieman to some people?

All those “mini games” you typed are spammed for gold in trade chat constantly who cares

Isnt that what you were asking for above? Content to drop currency for items? So now theres content that drops currency to make you stronger and its bad?


All that’s going to happen is they are going to go full panic mode in 9.1 trying to fix the fact that MAU’s and subscriptions are at an all time low due to catering to Mythic raider world first players who make up a non-existent portion of the player base.

Expect huge changes for casual gearing in 9.1 or 9.2 at the latest, to try to appease the enraged investors questioning why WoW is doing so badly with subs AND MAU’s at the same time.

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While I agree raiding is very hard, for many the hardest boss to overcome is the social one, not the skill one. By social one, I mean charismatic enough to get invited along. Almost every guild I have been in people were invited because friends or sexy female voice over vent / discord.

My last guild (and why I gave up raiding) I ran with the 25 man team. By all accounts did fantastic, took an entire expo to replace the guild 10 man shaman, who never showed up and / or showed up drunk and barely able to play. My wife got invited, and proceeded to wipe the raid multiple times every week because she just couldn’t play. She got the staff from FIrelands and couldn’t even manage to do the quest for it - I had to and I barely ever played a mage at that point.

INB4 you say start your own guild. Been there done that. I don’t mind the work, but again, you need to be outgoing ( I CAN do it, but its not normally me) and again charismatic enough people go “hey yeah I wanna run with this person”. Its not that you are a jerk, maybe just weird or different enough people don’t like you.

All WoW raiding does (below world first content) is reinforce cliche behavior. If you are female, or one of the brahs, you can get in. The other forms of gaining gear don’t require anything like that