Shadowlands non raid content is apparently a minigame for mythic raiders to abuse

If raiding is easy then you will have no issue “coordinating a square dance” and getting that gear

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Never said it was easy champ. I said it’s trash. Kinda like how it’s hard to punch a hole through thick steel with your bare hand; difficult but worthless.


You can do all 8 layers of any hall that is not Twisting Corridors. Twisting Corridors is specifically made as a challenge mode and offers no reward you will need as a player, which is why it scales well beyond the normal wings.

I say this because I have done it, on Beta. As multiple specs of multiple classes.

You will progress in Torghast if you’re capable and diligent. If you’re not, you won’t. Gear will make it easier, but it won’t make a bad player capable of clearing.

Why do you think it’s still in Beta? They’ve acknowledged the issue with PvE trinkets and they’re working to resolve it.

M+ will still be picking up Mythic-equivalent gear each week, and can basically farm near-Heroic item level equipment with relative ease.

Normal is about as difficult as coordinating a square dance. Your statement reeks of having not done content. If you think Mythic is that easy though, go do it!

Mythic gear is not required to clear through the final layers of any of the normal Torghast wings. People are clearing the normal Torghast wings through layers 1-8 in something below Normal raid level gear.

Mythic gear will make pushing Twisting Corridors easier, but Twisting Corridors offers absolutely no performance-related bonuses or drops.


Agreed. So let it work everywhere, and let there be more paths to the highest level of progression beyond raiding.

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Spoken like someone who can’t handle it.

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There are already several paths to the highest level of progression. Pet battles and world quests are not part of the formula of incredibly difficult endgame content.

Raiding, M+, and [to a lesser extent because Blizzard hates it for some reason] PvP are all viable endgames unto themselves, you’re simply rewarded more for doing multiple forms of endgame.


Yeah you did. The hardest content drops the best gear. If you cant handle it then you dont get that gear.


Nobody is being forced to do raids yet it’s easier to join a Heroic or Mythic pug than it is to get into an LFR wing

Until its on a vendor these threads will keep happening. People want their handouts really bad

Because mythic raiders still deserve gear progression for doing content harder than farming 10 sheep or whatever it is you do

Raiders dont think raid gear should dominate PvP the way it does. That’s just Blizzard being dumb. But raiding is the hardest PvE content so it should help them in other PvE content.


Not in WoW. It doesn’t matter how good you are if someone has twice your HP and is doing 4x as much damage.

The entitlement is real, this is an MMO not a single player RPG. “I don’t wanna do large group content” then you are in the wrong game, expecting the best rewards lmao.


Since scaling is so popular how about just scale all the gear and content.

Those terribly geared people who don’t do anything can still perform equally to higher tier players when doing world quests. In world pvp/battlegrounds just scale everything, whatever gear adds will be kept to a minimum, which in turn will make pvp completely skill based.

Obviously gear will be untouched in m+/raids/rated pvp because that’s how the progression should work. It shouldn’t have any effect outside of those activities.

The scaling would of course apply to things like visions/thorgast and whatever they add in the future. Meaning you can’t cheese things by being better geared. Everyone will be on equal footing.


Remove the treadmill entirely?

Big brain. Im sure the masses will stay subbed for years with no meaningful character progression

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A lot of people feel this way when Blizz slaps a lazy infinite scaler on a dungeon and calls it end game progression.

Oh, you did a +27 Waycrest, but can you do a +29!!!

So deep.

My personal issue is scheduling. It’s very hard to commit to a raid night due to spouse drama. I realize I don’t deserve the best gear if I don’t mythic raid. I have enjoyed LFR and pugging PVP in the past, but both of those activities were destroyed since gear rewards became lower than world quests. I have done far too many world quests and hate that it is my pathetic content. I do have an alt problem with each class at 50 and 4 extra 50s currently.

I’m not the only person that is prevented from doing mythic raiding due to time commitment limitations.

Difficult solo content should also give good rewards.


I was more referring to pvp gear vs pve gear .

If say 2 people were going at it pretty much equally geared in say pve gear or say one in pve and the other in pvp gear wouldn’t the one with the better skills despite what ever type of gear they had on be the better pvp player?

I don’t think you actually read what I wrote because if you did you’d see the “treadmill”(as you call it) is untouched. The game is about progressing in m+/raids/rated pvp, not doing world quests…


If it fits the standard RvR protocol.

Currently you can get just within raid gear from doing mid tier m+. It just takes longer.
