Shadowlands Major Lore Characters die

No my entire argument was he is a shaman just more enhance my helpful point was he had a totem you explained how he had a totem. That still doesn’t make him not a shaman. Thrall is a shaman.

Anduin had more character development than any other character in Warcraft history. I think his story is far from over, altough his character arc is pretty much complete now. People love to hate on Anduin because he was a whiny brat, but he has grown into a truly and respectable Manduin. Easily my favorite character in the franchise, altough he is not very interesting in BfA as he could.

If I was to take a wild guess, I think Greymane will end up dying fighting Sylvanas and her super duper E X T R A T H I C C plot armor. I’m still very sour about her effortless victory of Saurfang AND Bolvar. But I hope Genn doesn’t meet the same fate.

No bolvar straight up died and was rezzed and turned into a death Knight. Thrall is still alive and still very much a shaman just some what in a ptsd state of mind and thinks he shouldn’t use the elements.

Hold your horses there. Bolvar never died. He was on the verge of death at the Wrath Gate, but had life literally breathed back into him by Alexstrasza’s life-giving dragon fire. Bolvar then became the Lich King but never tore out his own heart, unlike Arthas.

He gave up the elements. He’s not a Shaman. Simple.

you know he could Take over the role as the Warden in the Shadowlands like how illidan stormrage became the jailor for sargeras in Legion.

No pretty sure Bolvard was dead and rezzed by dragon fire. making him in a place between life and death. And no he didn’t give up the elements he just is in a PTSD moment.

He wasn’t rezzed by the fire. When talking about Bolvar at Blizzcon it was specifically said that the fire saved his life and prevented him from dying, but by being the Lich King he has a connection to death an the afterlife.

His entire arc in BFA involved getting him out of that PTSD. He’s out of it now. Still not a Shaman. Again, he ditched the elements. Therefore not a Shaman. He could become a Shaman again if he so chooses, but right now he’s a Warrior.

Once a shaman always a shaman. And have you seen Bolvar? he is a charred up corpse def was dead. Basically what you just said is on my warrior I can just decide to be a shaman and shoot Lighting out of my hand, which is wrong. He is a shaman just not using all of his abilities

Blizz has been killing lots of major lore chars they did in legion and now they are going to do in shadowloands its becoming less and less of a big deal they seem to want to kill off all of the major lore chars to bring new ones in.

He lost his connection with the elements because of his guilt with killing Garrosh on Draenor. He even lost his connection with Doomhammer during the Shaman class hall intro, and lets the player Shaman go get it instead. As far as it goes, he’s a warrior. Also, Bolvar never died. He almost died, but the dragonfire saved him.

No matter who gets left behind I’m sure we will rescue most of them by the end of the expansion.

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You mean the quest to get doom hammer where he is still using Elemental magic, Like a shaman? Also losing connection to doom hammer doesn’t mean hes not a shaman.

But they outright said he didn’t die. He was never raised by the Lich King either. If you check his Wowpedia it even says he’s a living human and not Undead.

Lore-wise you absolutely could shoot lightning if your character learned how to. Video game characters can reroll their classes. Unlike us.

Meanwhile, at the Orgrimmar Temp Agency:

phone rings

clerk looks at Caller ID

“Ah, screw those guys. We’re out of that business.”

sends call to voice mail

Muh corpse waifu!

No unless the elemants talk to me i cant you dont just wake up one day and decide im gonna be a shaman. With the exception if one day the elemants decide to speak with you. Also they said hes not dead but not alive something in between, man i feel like theres a word for that? Oh right undead like he is classifed as in every aspect of all articles.

Last I checked, Thrall was a Warrior/Gladiator, and after meeting Drek’thar, learned to be a Shaman.

Also, the Night Elf priest from Legion became a Paladin just because she could.

On top of this, we also have Bolvar, as I mentioned earlier, who just doesn’t have his light powers anymore.

(Also, since you told me to link where I said that Thrall doesn’t have totems, how about you link me these articles that say that Bolvar died and wasn’t saved by the dragonfire? Because last I checked, the dragonfire didn’t resurrect anybody who died at the Wrathgate.

If Maiev can get development that doesn’t revolve around our other favorite edgy elf, I think it can happen for Genn as well.

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Thrall was taught to be shaman after the elements spoke to him. “ After suffering betrayal at the doorstep of his nemesis, a brave paladin was reborn in the searing heat of enchanted dragon flames. No longer fit to dwell among the living, alone he shall endure as the steward of a misbegotten throng. ” reborn. Also dont compare a priest becoming a paladin to a warrior becoming a shaman. Not the same thing at all.

He has gotten that development… Has no one seen his father/son relationship with Anduin?? Or how about in Before the Storm when he realized not all Forsaken are evil monsters, some are just cursed individuals, some of which by Sylvanas herself. He sees only her (and her loyalists) as evil, not the whole Forsaken anymore.

That’s character development, but nah everyone just likes to call him the warmongering revenge obsessed old man.

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