Who I hope gets stabbed by some offscreen enemy and dies in full view of Anduin.
Why? He is one of the most well written and relatable characters in WoW.
Noo dont suggest that Anduin dies, Alliance might QQ horde favortism
In seriousness will be interesting to see what happens to the leaders
Just keeping with the theme of Blizz pooping on their major characters.
Well if they are going to poop on major characters let them be Anduin and Sylvanas. I’ll even throw in Malfurion. After that they should chill with the killing characters, especially Horde.
You know what I think Im just gonna pretend we aint in the realm of the dead when playing. Im just gonna treat it like any other real world continent.
Because what ever blizzard comes up with to explain the laws of this realm are going to be as equally bad as what ever it was they came up with to explain time travel in WoD.
Having Sylvannas open the door and then leaders having to die just to get there already puts it on a bad footing. Throw a virgin maiden on an alter to open a gate is more inspiring, if some what dated.
So he was a Warrior and became a Shaman. According to the Warcraft 3 Game Manual, all he did was study the elements under Drek’thar’s guidance and learned to become a Shaman.
Thrall found the lethargic orcs and vowed to free them from their imprisonment and their Blood Curse. Studying the orcs’ ancient rites of shamanism, Thrall learned how to wield the fury of the storms and earth. He succeeded in rallying his people and freeing them from the human internment camps. For his honor, optimism and courage, Thrall was unanimously elected to be the new warchief of the orcish horde.
So yeah. My point is proven.
Different class. Same difference.
Yeah first of all, where was this from? Second, where does this say that he died and was raised by the Lich King?
Here’s literally the first thing that’s said on Wowpedia in regards to Bolvar:
Highlord Bolvar Fordragon was a venerated paladin of the Alliance and served as the Regent of Stormwind following the disappearance of King Varian Wrynn. Upon Varian’s return, Bolvar was named the commander of the Alliance forces sent to take the battle to the Scourge in Northrend. After the treachery of Grand Apothecary Putress at the Battle of Angrathar the Wrathgate, Bolvar was nearly killed by the Forsaken Blight, but was kept at the edge of life by the flames of the red dragonflight.
How do you miss this? Unless you’re trying to cherry pick or something.
Uh it also says his race is undead human, also no with thrall yes he was trained and studied the elemants. But that wouldnt have mattered if they didnt want him to wield there power. Also i got my info from the same source as you also from blizzcon and Ion saying it. Also a priest already wields the light as a paladin. Not the same thing.
Spot on. But you forgot to put:
…the end?
Last I checked, Wowpedia and Wowwiki are not the same thing. Additionally, there is literally zero citing as to how Bolvar is considered an Undead Human. Instead that entire article denies that.
Hence why I use Wowpedia, which is far more reliable, especially when there are citations.
/facepalm You’ve been proven wrong how many times now? And your argument has changed how many times now?
As to what? Bolvar? Then you’d know he never died, and that his link to the Shadowlands was a result of him becoming the Lich King and literally peering into the Shadowlands for 10 years straight.
Doesn’t matter. You get the point. It’s not uncommon for in-game characters to change their class.
I don’t get why you’re trying so hard to tell me that Bolvar is undead and Thrall is a Shaman. I guess old habits/opinions die hard.
Blizzard devs also said “Sylvanas didn’t burn the tree!” and look at who burned the tree. That makes it bloody impossible to trust that they’re not simply spin doctoring things.
Oh, and many times in mythology death gods are seen in chains, yet they’re still fully capable of doing things. Chains is often a motiff attached to evil death gods. Imprisonment, confinement, suffering. Chains quite often are a symbol of all of those.
Don’t give them any ideas. While im okay with Blizz doing what they want with the Horde the musical chairs of our leaders being killed off on a regular basis is getting a little old.
I don’t really root for any of our current leaders to die, but I’d like there to be some arc in Shadowlands for Velen and Rakeesh. It would be really interesting if Rakeesh ended up in the vampire realm, and Velen tried to find him there. They’d have to find some way to stop him from getting too close to the city because of all his light energy.
Maybe Rakeesh would start the arc being pissed and salty that Velen helped kill him off, and near the end learn about how he went after KJ and Argus for all of that. The last thing he says before he dies is how he’ll try and remember Velens face to take it into eternity. Foreshadowing?
The end of the arc could even be as simple as Rakeesh finally having some perfect shot at an attack, and passing it up because he learned the truth. It would also be cool if after that, he turned from red to blue like an ordinary draenai again; signifying progress on his long path to redemption.
I may not main Horde, but its become a bad meme by now. You can have Horde being a threat without it being 100% the leader going psychotic evil.
Splinter factions where the Horde and the Alliance have differing views on how to handle them could be extremely interesting and provide lots of PvP potential.
Imagine a Horde group causing problems mostly for the Alliance. The Alliance obviously wants them dead. The Horde wants them alive, to provide intel as well as to lock them up / make an example of people who refuse to follow orders.
You have instant conflict as both sides want the faction defeated but both have different views on HOW.
…didn’t they just say they get stuck in the Maw (as physical bodies), not that they die?
We leave the Maw freely. Logic dictates we’ll be able to get them out by the end of the expansion.
Yep. I do remember hearing this. I also imagine that we may even randomly find them in Torghast now and then. I haven’t seen any mention of this, but it could be cool.
I think of it as Jumanji. "In the Jungle you will wait until the dice reads ‘Five’ or ‘Eight’.
Personally, im okay with one of our leaders being villain-batted but it depends how its presented. I like the chaos of the Horde and the way that the faction is written, but typically when they villain-bat a Horde leader they’re killing a character off that has had years of backstory and player buy-in and replacing them with some recently introduced character no one gives a damn about.
Sylvanas for example. Villain-batted and although we didn’t kill her she’s left the Horde regardless. Who takes Sylvanas place as the Forsaken leader and who the Horde players give a damn about? Lillian Voss? Calia Menthil? I feel like I need to take a shower just typing that. There is no character that they’ve introduced that has player buy-in for that position. We lost a character we’ve been able to follow for over a decade that will be replaced by someone that we could care less about.
Good writing indicates if you’re going to remove a character from a position of power, you should have already started grooming someone else to replace them. Unless you are prepared to write about the struggle when the obvious power vacuum comes about.
And right now, it seems like there is going to be a power vacuum in the Horde. Who is going to lead the Forsaken? It’s a genuine concern for Forsaken players.
Well, like Admiral Taylor and Nazgrim, two characters that we played alongside over multiple expacs and got to directly contribute to and witness their growing rank within their respective factions, tossed aside simply for the sake of plot… Admiral Taylor got killed offscreen by a regular quest mob and Nazgrim became a raid boss for… Reasons.
Blizzard seems to have forgotten the importance and general how-to of creating characters that players buy into.
Yeah, Taylor was awesome. He wasn’t OP or anything. Then he was simply killed off screen. Sadly, I recall that they had plans for him, but like many things for WoD, it was simply scrapped.