Shadowlands looks like WOD 2.0

They give you 3 gearing options, Raid, PvP, or M+. What did people want a WQ option that mails you a 226 piece every week?

Exactly, we want max rolls to rain like candy from EVERY SINGLE WORLD QUEST. How is that not reasonable?

fairness, mythic+ got screwed and i sure ain’t trying to raid or pvp anymore. what good is valor going to do when i heard nowhere they are upping the drop chances in mythic+. and the simple fact you have to upgrade gear in pvp or mythic+ is quite lame. there whole loot system is garbage.

I didn’t quit during WoD; I’m unsubbed already for SL. It ain’t looking good.


I actually liked WoD and garrisons.
I realize my opinion is unpopular and that both are universally hated.
 I liked them


WOD 2.0? I leave that to BfA, it’s already has your name, and is recognized as the worst WoW expansion that has been done so far.

But if you want this expansion to be, we only need one thing: That the expansion ends in 9.2.0 according to the evil of Activision and its Copy + paste CoD games system.

SL isn’t perfect but it is fairly easy to get gear without raiding so not sure where the “Raid or die” aspect comes from. You can entirely gear a toon from vault alone and be near mythic raiding ilvl. 14’s aren’t hard to do - do 2 a day and in 5 days you’ll have your 10 done. Get a 226 item each week.

I do agree that M+ chest drop ilvl is kinda skewed. Would be nice if would scale up past 15s also. Hopefully the valor point system helps in this regard.

Just a reminder a bunch of players tried to warn everyone about shadowlands.


The thing that made WoD bad was a lack of content. WoD had one less raid tier than it should have had. In order for this to be WoD we would have to only have one more raid tier after next patch with the expansion still being normal length and no other content in between.

That’s why I called it wod 2.0. Basically I was predicting a mass unrest and exodus similar to WOD and I wasn’t the only one.


You should buy it.
You must buy it.
You will buy it.
Do it.

Except I do not see much a signal that we only have one tier of raiding after this with no other content.

WoD had, after launch, Blackrock Foundry, Hellfire Citadel, and Tanaan Jungle as effectively the ONLY post launch content. That is insane. We already are getting the standard raid/world zone next patch so we will have content then WoD by the following raid tier. That is how little content WoD had.

It is truly a shame though because the raids WoD had were very good. HFC is probably a top 5 overall raid and Blackhand a top 5 fight. It just needed one more full patch of content and I see no reason to think SL will just be outright missing a content patch.

No doubt Wow is still a good game. WOD wasn’t terrible either but the content draught was horraaweful. Plus we got mythic plus now. It’s not as bad as wod but indeed wod released 6 years ago.

Ya Shadowlands is just trash. So many worthless systems that mean nothing and add nothing. I laugh everytime i hear someone say they are going out to farm anima and i ask my self why? Pretty much every new system and every told system they brought back for Shadowlands are all so useless or badly made.


It’s definitely not my desired expansion either. Some people do enjoy it but I had a feeling it would be a bit polarizing.

Here it is some of us tried to let the people on the forums know what was coming in shadowlands.

I know this was a necro but I wish I could tell my little gnome self from the past

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Dude it’s not a necro it’s more relevant than ever. Look at how much hate I got trying to warn people to the truth friend. Some of us just have to sit back and watch it happen we can’t speak out without heavy opposition. WE ALL GOT THE EXPANSION WE WISHED FOR. Even though we may not like it. It’s not IONS or any blizzards devs fault they gave us what we SCREAMED FOR.

OP well put! +1


Saying something would be like WoD isn’t really as much of a barb as you think. If WoD had M+ (which Shadowlands has), and if WoD had another raid tier (which Shadowlands is likely to have) WoD would have been great. WoD wasn’t bad because it was a bad like say BFA, it was “bad” because it was an unfinished/incomplete version of something potentially good.