Shadowlands looks like WOD 2.0

big if true. many people are saying this will be the nail in the coffin or the straw that broke the camel’s back or the “you think you do, but you don’t.”

Im going to tell you the man in charge now that said " You think you do, but dont." Was and is right. Its why he is in charge of WOW now. People just didnt really grasp what he meant as it was really a bad time to say something like that. #BIZZCON not a good time to say anything really haha.


true! going to disagree with you about this being a wod 2.0, though, as wod 2.0 was really bfa. this is going to be a wod 3.0 then.

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I agree with ya as well, as most of my time in BFA was unsubbed or AFK in town.

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sounds like a fun game

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Exactly and its lame cause man the warcraft world is so cool and the art style is amazing.

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Warfronts, you mean that thing where you spend the better part of an hour, and maybe get one single piece of gear, Maybe? Or maybe you won’t, it’ll just give you another duplicate item, yet again. And even then…

When I quit during BfA, right after Nazjatar was released, Warfront gear was lagging behind. It was only 370. Nazjatar had 385, but the mobs there were just annoying as frick and over-tuned in many parts of the area. If my main hadn’t been a Paladin, I probably wouldn’t have even touched it.

Also, I tried some of that invasion stuff with my Paladin right before the Pre-Patch, and yet again more wildly overtuned mobs that expect you to have the gear that they drop before you even get your hands on said gear, lol. Oh, and the constant aggro everywhere, it’s hard to even fight 1 thing without 2-3 more mobs piling on you. Not everybody has Vanish.

And also, Blizz seemed to have forgotten about Shared Quest Objectives, it’s so fun seeing 10 people around, taking up the 5 spawns on a quest that wants 12 of something before you even have a chance to grab it. Then one spawns, you go to grab it and you get aggro and someone else steals the thing you were trying to get.

There’s a reason I only did the two invasions only once just to get the cape. I can’t believe we are STILL having these problems in 2020 after they’ve shown us they know how to work around them, but chose not to.

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In the case of PvP it means “raid or die”. Literally.

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This is wrong.

When I leveled in Classic, I did not do high level elite quests. Grinding mobs was considered a valid method of leveling, and I was so burned out from pointless questing to unlock everything in retail that it was a welcome change to be able to level from 46-60 killing furbolgs in Felwood and Wintergrasp. But not only that, grinding mobs gave random gear that was good enough for leveling or could be sold or vended for gold. They’ve removed that from retail because our control freak devs don’t want people to have leveling options.

And thus shadowlands is an expansion with zero leveling options. You lockstep level exactly as you are supposed to or you won’t reach max level. The fact that it’s likely you won’t even be told exactly what you need to do to reach max will lead to many players making an unrecoverable mistake and being stuck with a main that can’t level to 60.

But getting back to Classic, the game is dying due to lack of catch up. It was intended that everyone would join at once and work through the game as it was released in stages. There was no provision made for latecomers or leveling alts. People right now would not even be leveling those alts if they had to do it the way they got their first character up to 60.

There is no “progression in the game” outside of raiding. The game is truly raid or die, ie, have nothing to do.

There were plenty of people asking for free carries like you. Every time I passed through a lower level zone people would /who and whisper me to “help” them by carrying them through a red elite quest they weren’t ready for.

It takes a month or more to level one character in classic. Real old-timers want that because it keeps the casuals from reaching max and thus raids will be most epic as participation approaches zero.

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Except that it’s true, but for a different reason.

Elite players want very limited access to the best gear. They want everybody else locked into gear that will lock them out of progression. Oh, look! This will require paid carries that mean mythic raiders play for free while anybody else maxes out their token sales to give the gold to mythic raiders.

Did mythic raiders ask for this or demand it? No, they didn’t have to, because the few devs who play the game are mythic raiders who don’t really like any other part of the game, think extremely limited access to raiding makes it feel “epic”, and think mythic raiders can never get enough stuff as they deserve for playing the game right™.


Heaven forbid its a bad thing to force people to be more social so they have to join guilds in order to get the gear they want.


Thanks for the heads-up. This is the first time I’ve actually been interested in SL.

I enjoyed WoD. I played it every day for a couple years.

I’ve been reading that for 15 years. Of course the REASON it is dying is different in every post. But everyone tells us WHY the game is dying.

Meanwhile, the game never dies. So I guess all those reasons were wrong.

Still waiting for where am I wrong.

The rewards on WQs scale with your ilvl, up to a certain point (80-83)…

Went through this with some of my undergeared alts and I still manage to push forward with them?

WoW is nothing like Diablo…running rifts with very small chances of ancient gear. Yikes.

Take the tin foil hat off please. There is no vast conspiracy to keep the average player from progressive loot. Every mechanic in the game leans toward loot being progressive. These “elite” players that everyone is worried about do not single-handedly drive loot systems for this game. There is one thing and one thing only that separates an “elite” player from a normal player and that is time. These elite players everyone is worried about play this game like a job, they make money from playing it so they put in the time to play it.

Nonsense. I play on two Classic servers and both are full to burgeoning. Guild invites abound and there are some very well established raiding guilds who pretty much are doing in Classic what they all did for years on Vanilla servers. Nostralis had almost a million players because the game (warts and all) was (and is) engaging.

Classic will be around for a long time.

If and hopefully when Blizzard launches BC, Wrath, Cata and Panda servers, they will also be full because many players loved these particular xpacs.

I also hope that Blizzard decides to return the legendary quest lines that were removed after these xpacs were no longer fresh.

But I digress… Classic is alive and well.

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If this expac turns out to be raid or die then unsub if you dislike it. Speak with your wallet.

I plan to level some toons and then then I fully expect I will unsub.

WoD never had 15 million subs, I don’t think they game ever got above 13 million during Wrath/Cata. Am I missing something?

I got beer and popcorn so i will watch from the sidelines. Between grind in BFA and politics I have no more energy to endure disappointment and chores in a PTP game.