Is there some reason why we can’t have in-between gear?
MoP did this.
You had Timeless Isle, which gave you gear that was almost on-par with the previous raid tier, just a few i-level under.
You had Badges of Valor which you could buy select pieces of the previous raid tier’s gear.
You had the Timeless Upgrade Tokens (I forget what they were called) that would bump your gear up to slightly above last tier’s raid gear.
The point is… YOU HAD OTHER OPTIONS other than raiding.
IIRC, it was something like…
Heroics: 389?
Timeless: 419?
ToT = 422
Upgraded Timeless: 435
LFR SoO: 438? something like that.
And SoO Normal was in the 440s-450 range or something like that. My memory is a bit foggy. And then, you could use your Badges of Valor to give +8 item levels (4 per upgrade, 2 upgrades available).
This gave the player reason to keep doing heroics, and wait times for heroics back then were <10min in the afternoon for DPS. It was awesome, everybody was doing it.
Timeless Isle was always packed, people were always there, and I personally had a blast there.
I don’t know where you’re getting this rot that I want “the best gear” handed to me. No, I don’t. I want “better than quested gear” without having to go through manual matchmaking or raiding.
I wouldn’t mind LFR but they heavily nerfed that gear. No set bonuses, the gear looks like butt aesthetically, and the stats are barely above heroics. Pretty sure LFR Highmaul was like a piddly 10 i-level above heroics or somecrap, it wasn’t even worth the extra work.
Even World Quests, MEH as they are (I hate how randomized the gear rewards are), they would have been fine if they hadn’t so heavily nerfed them just recently.