Shadowlands is lacking player agency so far

If you care so much about RPG elements, story, character building, player agency and meaningful choices, why not play a game that actually have all that and done way better, because WoW isn’t really good at those things.

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Who is this YOU, I see you constantly making threads blaming the entire community for things you don’t like. WHO hurt you Ralph? Why are you always so confrontational?


Well he did said this to me a while ago.


You ever notice how every thread he comments on just devolves into anarchy? :thinking:


I have noticed that.

Kinda reminds me of the rest of that comment in that quote i linked.

I wonder why…:nerd_face::thinking:

How is covenants not player Agency? You literally get the chance to choose between 4 factions. WTH.

Ion said in an interview all RNG with the exception of tertiary stats (Avoidance and Leech and what not) is gone is Shadowlands. “Let loot be loot.”

He also specifically said that sockets will no longer be randomly rolled onto gear but from how he worded it; it sounds like they have no idea on how gear should get sockets yet.

Dunno, I thought you would at least enjoy the news that it won’t be RNG.

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Ion lies alot though. rrr sorry not lies… changes direction.

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Yes, I came to this thread to say that exact same thing. I was hoping this dumb term was over with but I see it’s gonna be a thing again for a couple days.

I think they should hurry up and push it out, I am crazy hyped for Shadowlands. I can’t wait to see what new masterpiece they come out with. If you don’t share that excitement for a brand new expansion then maybe you should look for a game that is better fitting to your entertainment needs. There’s no reason to bash Blizzard for an expansion for the next few years, especially one that we don’t know barely anything about. If you don’t like it then just move on.

You sat here the whole expansion of BfA bashing Blizzard and bashing the game, just give it up. If you don’t like it then do something with your time that you do like. There is no reason to subject yourself to something you have this many negative feelings towards, especially a video game.

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Well I don’t really agree with what Mafic said…

But if you asked me Blizzard really shouldn’t rush on Shadowlands. It’s not that what they have seems far behind, but I’d rather let the dev team have all the time they need to well and truly create an amazing expansion.

Not that we have a word in it anyhow. Shadowlands is set for a quarter 4 release (October - December) and that’s not going to change since the suits upstairs are who determines it.

That’s also not to say I’m not excited for Shadowlands, because I am absolutely hyped for it! I’m just okay with waiting if it helps to create a better expansion.

For me real player agency is basicly the choice to say no, you’re forced to pick a covenant and stick with it for arbitrary reasons, not for lore reasons.

Game designers, or dnd game master don’t like players saying no because it creates many problem that they would need to fix in their story.

With covenants we get some more choices, but I wouldn’t say it’s really better player agency. It’s better than no choice, but claiming it as great player agency, I wouldn’t go that far. Just small “choose your own story” books have more ending than 4 and this is technicly not different ending, it’s just different perspectives basicly, your input is null on what is happening.

That level of player agency really doesn’t work in a theme park. This isn’t really a sandbox and it would cost a fortune to develop multiple story lines. Stuff like covenant choice or the little Sylvanas side arch is really the best we can hope for from WoW.

Yes this is a theme park and is the problem if you really want a real rpg it can’t be a theme parc, claiming this will change anything or is a superior way for me is false. Covenants locking concept is very minor upgrade at best at the cost of gameplay, which makes it worse.

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Well, given you aren’t a top 1% player then it shouldn’t be an issue for you. Choose whatever you want for cosmetic or RP reasoning.

I’m pretty sure people that get CE are about 1% of players thank you.

And it doesn’t mean that fun spells shouldn’t be available for me to use, or that I shouldn’t be able to use basicly all the tools my class should have acess because of a stupid theme park concept that doesn’t make the game better in any major way.

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So you’re claiming that you are, in fact, a top 1% player and this choice is game breaking for you?


I’m claiming that this is bad for the game for me, because of the reasons I have presented. And that those reasons can also be valid for non top 1% people.
It is game breaking enough to make me consider if I’ll play Shadowlands or not depending of their implementation and balance.
It might not be the only point as I’m concerned also about class design and the overall quality of the game that BFA just didn’t deliver, which is why I have skipped about 2 patchs of BFA.

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Blizzard: “We’re giving you some borrowed power choices in SL.”
Players: “MA AGENCY!”

More choices is not more player agency if those choices don’t impact the story personnaly. Which is the problem, the choices are mainly 4 different perspectives. Yes it’s nice because you basicly get more story, like we got in legion with each class halls. But I wouldn’t say legion class halls were more player agency.

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