Shadowlands is lacking player agency so far

hmm…dunno if blizzard will get back to faction war again like in BFA. We will see.

Once again the game is an rpg, its design is about building characters YOU SPECIFICALLY CHOOSE TO OBSESS OVER PERFORMANCE, especially when said performance is unnecessary outside of world first.

You are the one obsessing over performance, you are the one forcing yourself to change builds all the time while many people dont and do just fine.
See, not everyone has a low self esteem and lacks real life achievements that they are desperate to feel “skilled” in a video game designed to be won, and not even a skill based video game because wow has NEVER been a HARD GAME.

Which is more than enough unless they are planning to sell boosts or you know, carry players who fail mechanics and underperform
So a good player can play whatever they want with no issues and if the group wipes, it isnt their fault some bad player underperformed or failed mechanics, isnt that the skill you care and worship? :^)
Why should by your definition scrubs and underperforming players get carried because a tryhard did 1.5x dps to cover for their failures ;^)

Also again
If you care so much about performance and skill why not play a game that actually requires good performance a skill, because WoW is not a very skill based game ;^)

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if that’s the case wouldn’t everyone had mythic raids and mythic + completed ??

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Probably because those require you to find and coordinate and spend time with another 4-19 similarly skilled people?

Mythic raiding hardest part has ALWAYS BEEN finding 19 other competent people.

Again, anyone who obsesses about performance and skill in WoW are often pretty low skilled individuals who know they couldnt compete in actual high skill cap games which shows their hypocrisy.

“Player Agency” hasn’t been a thing since they got rid of talent trees in MoP.

This post is nonsense.


What games will you suggest that requires high skills ??

Some people actually have friends in real life that they end up playing games with regardless of how good or bad they actually play. Some people would actually try to do their best to help their group rather than standing on their arrogant high horse preaching about “i play wat i want”. Even worse, is someone who isn’t even highest parses in their own guild raids, instead of picking up the slack and help their group, sit around and preach about “i play wat i want” while other carries him.

And you still fail to grasp the concept that it is not whether its a hard game or not. it is a game where there is a difficulty level for every person.

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“meaningful choice” and “player agency” are synonymous in this usage.

Players aren’t going to have any story/plot agency in this game, it’s about builds.

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And even more hypocricy is revealed, suddenly trying to take the noble high horse positions of “I am helping others” while a few minutes ago you were telling OTHERS how to play a video game

You see that is how wannabe elitists always reveal themselves, you try to act cool and good, but your insecurities rise up the moment someone challenges you and you reveal how the real reason behind your wannabe elitism is your weak self esteem, which is why you avoid actually high skillcap games that would make you feel bad for being such a low skilled individual and instead join low skilled games like WoW where you can delude yourself you are skilled and get to tell OTHERS HOW TO PLAY THE GAME because you have deluded yourself to see yourself as better.

But hey, keep going and pretending this is about helping others while you ve become a toxic wannabe elitists who gets mad when someone tells them they are not a meta slave xD

All major natural ones, counter strike, starcraft, dota etc.
Less so the artifical ones like most blizzard e-sports where they pump with money trying to force an “esport”

Mmhmm lol… here comes the personal attacks. Flustered? Revealed as an arrogant self righteous HMP at heart that even an “elitist” by your own definition is more capable of putting the group’s interest ahead of his own?

All the argument is to be given a choice to be able to optimize whenever we wish. Choices are always yours to play whatever you want. For some players, it is actually beneficial to run a sub optimal build due to ease-of-play reasons.

All we ask is to be able to choose.


I dunno dude the only time I ever see ‘player agency’ brought up is when people want to have all of the most OP things in every situation because they can’t handle the idea that someone else somewhere will have even the most trifling advantage over them. In theory. In their own group. That’s all it boils down to and if given exactly what they want how they want it, they will cry and rage and mock and exclude anyone that doesn’t have and use whatever a guide tells them is the meta. That’s the “player agency” these people talk about. It already happened with talents and all that got changed was a lot of specs lost character, power and identity to be streamlined and that’s all that would happen to anything fun or interesting because that’s how Blizzard balances things.


So are you guys just finding random things to complain about now? Player agency? Never heard of that in WoW… next thing you guys will complain about is the fingers on the character models look bland.

checks off player agency on buzzword bingo card

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Player agency has some ambiguity to it.

The balance of choice and consequence and how to attain it differs from person to person.

So far - I’m very disappointed and will be taking a break from Shadowlands until they fix a few things.

Indeed. Seems odd to create a system that doesn’t allow players to do this for their groups.

All I want is professions to not be near worthless anymore, im starting to burn out on horrific visions at 120 and expulsom grind sucks so I made a new character, undead Hunter, let him dual wield so I don’t two shot everything and took leatherworking.

Feels amazing to be able to make my own armor that’s relevant (not as good as dungeon gear for the most part but it’s still better than anything in BFA)

Forges are gone and they are giveing players meaningful chooses sounds like player agency to me.I just hope item drop rate aren’t nerfed because of lack of forges.

what is player agency?

It gives a tiny amount of “agency” while magnifying the punitive repercussions of someone’s “choice” for the entire expansion.

THey could give players way more agency if they made covenants able to be changed like you can with talents and essences. It would create an environment where strategizing based on your group composition was fulfilling and where a players’ choices were meaningful.

When the convenants, legendaries, etc are all doing our healing and damage for us (the way corruptions currently can do half or more of player’s total damage), it stops being fun, for me. I cast an ability or two, my gear procs 5 more things I don’t get to interact with.

A proc trinket or two is fun, but right now there’s too much of it. That’s what the complaints are (that I can gather).