Shadowlands is lacking player agency so far

Covenants, legendaries, soul binds…it seems Blizz doesn’t understand what player agency really means? :thinking:

And based on what we know shadowlands has a long way to go with beta near. I think they should delay shadowlands launch because it is clear they are far behind IMO.


Player agency is a new buzz phrase or what? I’ve not heard Blizzard talk about “player agency” before.

Speak for yourself, I think SL is already looking better than BFA’s current state and it isn’t even Beta yet.


I mean i came back to this game because i realized in ffxiv after you pick your class that’s where the choices end… So it can’t be that bad? Or do you mean sims are going to destroy choices? Usually there are a few left even with simming.


They used this phrase a ton during Blizzcon. I’m not sure how you don’t remember it.

Gear still randomly rolling gems instead of just having sockets is a big no-no- for me still. Makes gems worth literally nothing on the market (Down to 3 gold ever since they removed guaranteed gem slots) and essentially killed the profession.


The only phrase I remember from Blizzcon is meaningful choice.
I don’t remember much else about the last Blizzcon honestly.

Building your own character like in classic rpgs?

Pretty sure blizzard plays DnD and pretty sure the wannabe elitists if playing DnD they would demand to change their gear and all spells because they got jumped on by a fire demon and their build wasnt made to counter those.

Learn to build a character that works, not building it based on your enemies.

player agency would be the death of faction war

why would we fight blue team if we need to fill slots in a raiding guild

they know this, and they try to make placebo agency

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That isn’t saying much at all. That is like saying the trash can is better than the garbage heap because now it is in a container at least. Comparing something terrible to less terrible potentially.


"It will release when it is done" That’s what they should follow. I don’t mind if they delay by next year if the game is more polished.


Don’t even SAY those unspeakable words. Blizzard might have heard you say


Don’t give 'em ideas.

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That’s quite a poor standard of comparison.


You and your holy crusade against elitists


DnD is not a Performance orientated Massively Online rpg. In a performance oriented game, tweaking your build to suit your encounter is a core part of the game and far from elitism.


I don’t understand what it really means either. Care to explain it?

Not really when encounters do not require it outside of world first. Said it many times, fotm build does 100 damage, mythic raids require dps players to do 80 damage, that 80 damage is easily reached by all classes and specs even underperforming ones. YOU MADE IT ALL ABOUT PERFORMANCE, the game isnt about performance.

The devs are clearly going to a more rpg and dnd direction, they want choices to matter again and for players to BUILD A CHARACTER on an ingame journey, not build a character for that specific boss and then change for the next one.

If you care so much about performance and skill why not play a game that actually requires good performance a skill, because WoW is not a very skill based game ;^)


Well they can’t even do faction war right anyway, and besides it’s really pointless because Horde and Alliance end up having to fight the big bad guy every time, and then somehow Horde plays the Warchief musical chair.

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They should do away with factions at this point.

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Complete misconception.

Do you switch to a short range orientated gun in a small map in CoD? Do you swap to a longer range orientated gun for a bigger map? You don’t NEED the gun to be able to kill your opponent, why change it?

And it does not matter at all your skill level in this game because you should be interested in achieving the best result you are capable of. If you are 2000 MMR with a crap build, optimize your build and you might actually be able to make 2100. If you are 1500 mmr with a crap build, optimize your build might get you to 1600.

Playing purposefully handicapped and resulting in your team achieving less than what is possible is called trolling.

Also i’d like to address the following misconception:

Thats not how FOTM works. How it actually works is…

FOTM build multiplies player performance by 1.5x
garbage build multiplies player performance by 1.1x.

raid require 100 DPS per player to accomplish.

  • a good player, who can do achieve 100dps worth of performance already can use a garbage build to achieve the minimum requirement.
  • a poor player, who can only manage 70 dps worth of performance, will have to use the the fotm to achieve the dps requirement.
  • if the poor player refuse to, and plays the garbage build instead, the good player now must swap to fotm build, so that he can makeup for the dps deficit brought bout by the poor player’s unwillingness to play the better build.

No. This is your personal goal in WoW. It may even be your friend’s goal in WoW. But it is not everyone’s goal. It is not the goal of the game, it is not the point of the game.

The beauty of WoW is that you get to choose your own goals. You get to choose what you want to do.

You have chosen to focus on power to the exclusion of all else. That was your choice. If you’re happy with it, then great. But not everyone wants to play that way.


And when someone inevitably starts another war in the future, the races will split off and form factions to combat the other meaning we will be back to having factions once again. So there is no point in doing away with factions because we would be back to factions at some point once again.