Shadowlands Hunter class changes

Ya… i really hope they don’t increase the focus cost of arcane shot for BM. Right now, with cheap arcane shot, it’s like the only hunter spec that doesn’t feel half bad.
Also, even though it’s clearly broken, arcane shot animation is so much better than cobra shot.

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Blizzard: Beastmaster hunters, we have unpruned Arcane Shot for you!

Hunters: Hey Arcane Shot is better than Cobra Shot!

Blizzard: Oh, you aren’t supposed to use Arcane Shot.


I still don’t get why we even got arcane shot to begin with.

So I’m happy that we aren’t suppose to use it. since it does not actually mesh with anything about BM to begin with.


I guess its just used for leveling until you get CS

Arcane shot might be nice for when KC will be impossible to pop

there is never a time where you can shoot a mob and cannot use KC unless you messed up.

Something that has been brushed over a lot because of all the discussions about MM and survival: our unpruning has been an incredible disappointment.

I think the real problem is that our specs have diverged so far from the base class that trying to bring back “class” identity doesn’t make sense. We’re three different fantasies in one: ranger, hunter, and brawler. Before the redesign it was much more clear what a hunter was and how all the specs represented a specialization of that fantasy.

Warriors are a class-spec fantasy done right: heavy plate wearers who specializes in hand to hand combat. SwordNboard spec, 2h swordsmen spec, dual wield bezerking spec. Clean and concise. All the specs share Some abilities, and you feel like you’re playing the same class through and through.

What other class is as confused as hunter?


There are plenty of times in pvp. AV is just one of the examples. A single careless kill command and you gotta retreat to revive your pet, or when people snipe othersfrom cliffa your pet would take forever to run around to start attacking or outright be unable to reach em

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You know what I’m really afraid of - and this is where I know Blizzard is going to drop the ball?

I care less if any spec of hunter is going to lag behind and more about having fun. Will I be overjoyed to play my hunter as it is or will I continuously be chasing after those rental power-ups that finally make my spec feel good to play?

Like right now, I play BM because it’s the most efficient spec, but I’d rather be playing MM…or would, if Aimed Shot didn’t feel like straight-up garbage, It’s just not a satisfying button to hit, and I don’t know if the iteration of MM we’re getting in SL is going to change that.

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Considering that the changes we did get, won’t really change the spec on a fundamental level, I doubt it changes anything really. Sure they made some improvements to MM last week, but it didn’t go nearly far enough imo.


hey Kira where did you hear about this?

arent paladins able to do something similar with bubble?

I think the two target cleave via Chimera Shot is a HUGE improvement Specially because it gets buffed up via precise shots for more constant cleaving
Also I love the idea of applying bleeds via Master Marksman. I do think it should be a passive because it really fits with the spec imo


It would be if it wasn’t something you had to talent into imo. Being able to cleave 2 targets is one of the largest gaps in MM in terms of effective dps. Imo talents should enhance a spec or change the way it plays in a fundamental way. Having to talent into chimera shot just for the 2 target cleave doesn’t make it a satisfying choice when it would not be hard for them to make trick shots proc off 2 targets.

They could have buffed Chimera shot to be buffed by precise shots and changed trick shots to proc off 2 targets, but for some reason they don’t want to do that. No, instead we got a talent for an ability that should realistically be baseline.


As much as I’m glad to have a 2 target cleave option, I actually dislike the chimera change overall. It feels overdesigned and a bit stubborn. Trick shots should just be activated on multi shot and our aoe would be fine. We shouldn’t need talented arcane shot passive that fills a very distinct exactly two target niche. As much as I like chimera back into the rotation, It’s just a weird design decision.


But the other two choices on its talent tier aren’t that great, so you might as well get a good choice.

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I never said the choice shouldn’t be good. What I’m saying is what they gave us shouldn’t be “here is your 2 target cleave”. They could have given us Chimera baseline and this talent could have been “Chimera shot now benefits from all passives affecting Arcane Shot”. Maybe add a little spice. “Chimera Shot also refreshes the duration of Serpent Sting”

Trick Shot procing off 2 targets plus Chimera baseline plus that talent and Oh my good god in heaven, what a glorious day to be MM.


They’re still trying to roll back Spec Identity and keep it at the same time. It’s a train wreck.

Let’s face it. Hunters had the most changes when they rolled out “Spec Identity,” but we are receiving almost nothing when the say they want to return to “Class identity.”

I honestly believe the devs don’t even know they’re doing this. They just keep trying to plug abilities into the class, but nothing fits, and they don’t know why. I suspect that’s one of the reasons Hunter’s Mark is still in there. It’s the only class-wide ability they can make work for every spec.


I think part of the problem is they felt like hunters were in a good place, and none of them have actually been following the hunter forums or hunter class thread until yesterday. Seems like as far as the player base is concerned, the devs are working in the dark.