Shadowlands Hunter class changes

I would’t mind Chakrams being useful. I enjoyed that talent during MoP (I think it was MoP?) anyways, it was fun, just sadly hasn’t been worth the time of day since. The damage needs a huge buff in order for it to be competitive.

If they did make Chakrams baseline then that would leave a new slot for SV (that is interesting), unless the talent tree was changed. But being Alpha I am sure things will be added and subtracted multiple times. For instance I have no idea what arcane shot is suppose to do for SV, I guess when aspect of the eagle is not up…

A “new” trap would be kind of cool, a part of me misses snake trap and explosive (yes I know explosive exists in pvp), but again its alpha I am sure much will change, it is hard to get attached to anything.

Well, I for one, am LOVING these changes so far to mm :wink:

I personally do not like that we can’t move while casting aimed shot. the cast time is also too long. a lot of mobs die in mythic+ before i can even get more than 1 aimed shot off. applying hunters mark is beyond annoying with it being on the gcd and just really makes it not fun to me. Hopefully these can be addressed in some meaningful way.


Bump for change

And honestly, you’d rather give up a standard 15s CD for a 24s CD?

New generic legendary
Casting a spell grants Sagacity, stacking up to 10. When you move, you are able to cast while moving for 0.5 sec for each stack of Sagacity.

I really hope this is craftable/useable as MM. It would be godlike for PvP outside of arenas. As it stands now we can rarely use aimed shot while kiting which is a problem as it’s our primary damage ability.


Wait, that could save Marksman…


I know some of the classes have been gone over a 2nd time already, are Hunters just getting left the F out? Or are they ever going to go over hunters and say “ooh yeah, 6 sec for pet rez is WAY too long, and their focus regen is garbage.”


I’m going to be upfront, I don’t see Blizzard making any sorta change to Hunter or after seeing their track record with BfA, any kinda meaningful changes after SL comes out. I think I’m over all done with the class, I enjoy it but at this point I won’t be allowed into any groups when other classes are just vastly better and more wanted.

I think I’m going to be looking at a new game.

I play MM and for me the changes are okay. The Kill Shot return in good. i have been playing since before BC and the one problem I have seen except for a short time around WOTLK when hunters were overpowered, is that hunters (and shamans) lack defensive tools against melee. Most melee classes have tons of ways to bridge the gap between them and hunters have a harder time in pvp to return to range. One warrior told me in a BG that hunters were essentially free kills. This of course doesnt apply to all hunters and warriors (or melee classes) but more tools that existed in Classic would make sense here. Maybe it is too much to ask that Demon Hunters be nerfed because they absolutely dominate every BG (non rated) but I do wish we had more tools to either get back to range to live for more than a few seconds in melee.

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I don’t buy this. I don’t PVP a lot right now, but I can’t say I ever feel like a free kill when I do. I really feel like I need to switch to full time PVP at this point just to see if it’s as bad as people say it is.

Speaking of what we have lost, there is a list.
On the Internet, search for WoD 7.2 pre-patch, then check out Hunter Class changes.
Prior to the 7.2 patch, a well-played MM Hunter was a formidable power.

I have a good feeling about the next build. Big changes for spriest this week bodes well.


Does Kill Shot have to be on the GCD? It makes it super awkward to use and every point I’ve wanted to use it, it’s been on cool down, so by the time it’s ready the target’s dead anyway.


So is there actually anything GOOD about Hunters in SL? Especially BM, my goto spec? All I’ve read are probnlems, cooldowns, and Cobra Shot being worthless compared to - of all things - Arcane shot.

ok look at what RSV used to be… it was SURVIVAL meaning you load up dots and move and you “bleed” a target dry with dots. That was the core of the spec.

MM was focused on use of the bow in terms of physical damage. If you are a long time player you would remember the Armor pen build for MM hunter in wrath where you could get enough armor pen that you melted tanks because you negated their defense from their armor, they removed armor pen from the game due to how physical DPS classes could effectivly make everyone naked.

BM has pretty much always been pet focused. Right now pets are honestly the weakest they have been since pretty much vanilla due to the dumbing down of the game.

Keep in mind the older the game gets the more i get dumbed down because the more choices you get the dumber people will try to play things. The entire reason we have a melee hunter spec is because of dumb people wanting a class that had a few melee abilities built to get them OUT OF MELEE should magically be a melee class.

I 100% assure you that if the deadzone was returned to this game 99.99% of hunters would vanish because they don’t know how to play with a dead zone. The whole reason they removed it was because most couldn’t play with it.


Okay so they are going to do a ‘tuning pass’ on Arcane shot, which presumably will be a nerf . It feels like BM isn’t really getting anything out of the ‘returned’ abilities. Hunters mark is a pain to use and EOTB is neat and all, it’s very limited in use. :frowning:

Fairly certain it was removed because it was atrocious lol.


I’m certain it was more a balancing thing. Hunters were the only class in the game that had an area you could stand in and attack them without them being able to attack you.

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