Shadowlands has strong Horde Potential

Well, potential is meaningless if its never achieved … but yes, conceptually we did get a nice little flood of prospective good characters. It really does depend on how Blizz chooses to develop them going forward, and that factor is the primary reason I’m staying invested in the Horde faction. However, realistically, Blizz doesn’t have the best track record on rebuilding the Horde or its characters.


She had some basic development prior to that. One of those traits was a general mistrust of the living, thanks to her daddy dearest and his cult friends trying to execute her. She also was never fond of Sylvie’s cult of personality, or how the Forsaken acted under Sylvanas.

I will stand by the point that there was always an OK foundation for Voss to be built into a Forsaken Rep in a world without Sylvie influencing them; but that foundation never really was built on, so she was forced into a roll she wasn’t prepped for in the slightest.

I can’t remember her ever being particularly mistrusting of the living, besides her burning hatred of the Scarlet Crusade.

Which was later replaced by a burning hatred of necromancers from… Mists to Legion? Which makes her joining the Forsaken, who have been necromancing since Cata, and then doing it herself with Amalia and Derek and the other guy all the more abhorrent.


droite probably thinks the scarlets and the rest of humans are the same, I dunno where this voss hates humans come from, she only targeted scarlets and necromancers if anything Voss should flipping hate the forsaken, since all they been doing is raising the dead.

Notice however, she never really targeted the Forsaken? Voss is a character that has generally suffered a long neglect, and has clearly been forced into a position out of necessity by Blizz. However … I don’t mind it. She has been a unliving embodiment of Forsaken Free Will for ages; and her personal narrative was pretty much defunct post MoP. She just sort of … randomly shows up looking for/at weird relics, with absolutely zero context on what she’s doing with them.

Would I have preferred Nate getting betrayed by Sylvie too, and siding with his people over her? Sure. However, I will gladly risk Voss in her current position to Calia … since the latter destroys the Forsaken Racial Fantasy almost entirely. Voss at least was “Forsaken” … even if she was never A “Forsaken” until now. Or would the Alliance prefer Belmont be the Forsaken’s new leader lol?!

It comes from Voss herself… in BfA. Apparently she started hating the living and the Alliance after Legion, and somehow started relating to the Forsaken, despite them doing the exact thing she hates.

I’d buy it if they said Tess denied her Shadowbladehood, but the Uncrowned might as well not exist outside of Legion and Hearthstone.

Didn’t Velonara stick with them? There, trade one dead high elf babe for another.

Velanora is about as developed as Boss Mida Silvertongue. The only thing she’s known for is being that odd Dark Ranger that would rather work for the Garrison Commander than return to Sylvie; and getting hit on by a naive High Elf. Do I think she has potential? Sure. But she’s in worse shape then Voss is to be their leader atm, by a rather large margin.

As for Voss in BfA, she could not have been less subtle on why she was working for the Horde. She was conscripted, under threat. She is raising people under Nate’s orders, because she was threatened to. However, as a twist, she actually takes those she raises as a burden unto herself; and takes responsibility for them. I liked this bit of development for her, it showed she can be more than just a raving vengeance seeker … who has no one left to get revenge against.

Do I think that she was forced into current role, because there was truly no one else of note that could have filled it? Hell yes! Do I think that she could actually excel in such a role, with just the right type of development? Also yes. Would I have preferred Blizz actually have considered what they were going to have her do, and built her up in preparation for it, before doing it? Absolutely. But … Blizz has never been good about building up Horde replacement Reps.

Voss despises necromancers despite now being one herself, it’s comical how much of a 180 Blizzard did because the Forsaken roster is basically zero at this point.

Assuming Voss sticks around now that Sylvanas and Nathanos are no longer presumably holding a gun to her head to work with the Horde and I guess raise dead? There should be no reason to stick around after BFA, much less actively help a faction that is going against all she stands for, namely being a faction of necromancers.


Or, yah know, the Forsaken could start doing the friggen obvious now? With the Helm of Domination destroyed, Blizzard has literally handed the single least contentious method for the Forsaken to build and maintain their numbers to them on a silver platter. No necromancy. No raising the dead. They just get back to basics and start freeing the mind of those Scourge that can still be freed; while harvesting the rest for a nearly endless supply of replacement body parts.

The Scourge are portrayed as a nearly endless mongrel army of rotten corpses. Seems to me that there are plenty of potential converts likely mixed in with those too far gone.

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you forgot mindless, unless the forsaken is gonna be picking up pets or something

Following that logic, the entire world should being thanking Sylvanas for rolling the Lich King and destroying the Helm of Domination then? I sincerely doubt Blizzard makes it as simple as “Now that the helm is destroyed, the Forsaken no longer need to kill or raise dead to sustain themselves! Everyone is happy!”

Not to put a point on the obvious, but with the way the Forsaken were operating under Sylvanas post Cata … they should have been wiped out years ago. It took so much plot convenience and other characters looking away at the right times to justify how they got away with half the crap they did. They were essentially a race of people that could only continue their own race by murdering every living thing around them. They needed a better way to continue their species … and yeah, due to Sylvie’s destruction of the Helm … they might actually have a really viable one now.

Getting back to the very foundation and roots of the Forsaken is one hell of a good conceptual path for them to go. It also brings a quiet nobility of sorts to the continuation of their race. Saving those from those endless hordes that can still be saved; just as they were saved from them years ago.


People knew about how the Forsaken repopulated since day one. I wouldn’t call it plot convenience more that the Horde in general turned a blind eye to it because it made the Horde stronger. If the Horde really had a problem with it after all this time, someone should have stepped in to voice that concern. The fact that no one did is quite telling.

Regarding post Cata Sylvanas and Forsaken, assuming Blizz is still pushing that everything up to Shadowlands since EoN was all part of Sylvanas’ master plan (Which I still believe is 100% BS and full of holes), it seems like for the Forsaken it was an absolute win for them and they should be eternally grateful to Sylvanas for setting this up for them. Again, this is assuming the destruction of the helm actually allows the Forsaken to carry on without murder and mayhem, which I highly doubt is the route Blizzard takes but who knows.


Did you not read my detailed responses to your questions about each one? I’ve already told you how I feel about them and why. I don’t know how to make it clearer.

Neglect? She’s appeared in every expansion since she was introduced. During that time, there were racial leaders who were more neglected than that. I know you’re going to say it’s not “personal story,” but her personal story was resolved when she killed her father. After that, she just kept being trotted out randomly because someone or other at Blizzard clearly liked her. Or possibly (in the case of Scholomance) because they thought Alliance players would be happier interacting with her than with someone who was actually part of the Forsaken faction.

Nonsense. All they have to do is wait for people to die or be killed by others and then come along and raise them. They don’t have to kill them personally. With the number of world-threatening events that happen on Azeroth on a regular basis, the Forsaken should be able to repopulate easily without lifting a finger to actually kill anyone.

Yeah, I suspect a change of writer, to be honest.


Kinda makes one wonder, then; if Sylvanas has been sending souls to The Maw since EoN, how have they been able to create new Forsaken? I mean, if everything they kill goes straight to the maw, how can they re-animate people? Don’t they need to have access to their souls? Did her deal with the Jailer allow her to pull souls directly from The Maw to make Forsaken?

This whole thing is confusing.


Just another plot hole in the “Sylvanas has been planning this since EoN” BS that’ll be conveniently ignored because little things like continuity get in the way of their rule of cool story telling.


I had been pondering making a thread regarding this very issue with the Darkshore Undead Nelves.

It adds a little sense to them being willing to come back as Undead to escape the Maw and explains their sudden dislike of Elune.

That said it doesn’t explain them joining Sylvanas or them sending more of their people to the Maw by actively trying to kill them.

If it was them being confused by suddenly being undead then why was Sira trusted with a warfront commander position. Same if they were being threatened with being sent back.

And why even do it? It seems there is neither a Ranger/Dark Ranger class nor a Warden/Dark Warden class for shadowlands. There has been no Allied race mentioned. At this point it might be a customization option but that seems like it.

Was this plot point even worth piling on after Teldrassil?


Has anyone specifically said she’s been doing this or did people take the “She’s been working with the Jailer since EoN” to mean that the absolute first thing they did was start funneling every single soul into the Maw?

Afterall, when we die, we still go to the Maw. When Vol’jin died, his soul didn’t seem to go straight to the Maw.

It’s still too early to tell.

When you get raised your soul gets ripped out of where ever it is

I’m just a ghost observing this thread and a lot of these players haven’t returned. I wonder if blizzard soul drained them.