Shadowlands has strong Horde Potential

Question: Are Alliance players allowed to have a Horde hate fantasy? Some seem to.

If they are, why is Calias not allowed to have an Alliance hate fantasy?


Given we were told to give the Zandalari time to grieve after Dazar’alor, teamed up with Saurfang and Thrall to save Baine, teamed up with Lor’themar and Thalyssra again, and then backed Saurfang’s rebellion: Nope.

Don’t forget we also had to spare Saurfang at siege of lordearon. Cause apparently he had honor.

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Funny thing about honor. It feels like it’s whatever they define it as in the current moment anymore.


No, the fact that all the new council members are Alliance-friendly is one reason on top of all the others why I’m not excited about them.

It’s not that I would always want anti-Alliance characters as racial leaders, but having a completely pro-Alliance council at the end of a faction war conflict leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

I’m also tired of Blizz pulling neutral characters into the Horde and pretending that they’re somehow true-red faction champions now because reasons. Gazlowe is just the latest of those (see also: Lillian Voss and Garona).

So between the “previously neutral” aspect and the “friendly to the Alliance” aspect, it feels like the Horde government has been taken over by characters who aren’t actually committed to the Horde.


I mean, I literally didn’t say he couldn’t have it.

What I am doing is expressing my disagreement with their philosophy.

What, you mean, like, killing Ankoan and Jinyu or something?

Cailias is also of course “allowed” to have an Alliance hate fantasy (Cailias doesn’t need anyone’s permission for that). But it doesn’t actually contribute to any discussion around here.

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I think our best bet for that would be for the Shadowlands tie in novel.

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Agreed! I can’t wait to read it, too!

Me too. Really curious on who it’s going to focused on. I definitely see Tyrande as the Alliance character but not sure on who the Horde character would be
 perhaps Talanji?

Oh, I can wait. I don’t expect it will actually make anything about this dumpster fire make sense. It’ll probably just have everyone in the Horde thinking about how “Baine represents all that is best in the Horde” again. And maybe some further wallowing in Alliance-side pathos just to make Alliance players angry all over again.


Talanji and her newfound ties to Bwonsamdi would be fun and topical. I really, really hope he isn’t going to get turned into a villain. He’s way too much fun of a character to lose after just one expansion.


I’d like to see Lor’themar as an opposite to Tyrande. But I haven’t read all the novels and don’t need know if he’s been a feature figure yet. Talanji would be good, though, too. Especially with the troll/kal’dorei opposites.

The alliance players who want to genocide the horde are just as bad lol, they literally want to delete half the playerbase

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So, what characters did you like?

There is a shockingly few amount of Horde characters that are stringently anti-Alliance. Thrall, Cairne, Vol’jin, Rexxar, Gazlowe are all WC3 legacy characters that ranged from neutral on the subject of the Alliance, to being open to the possibility for peace with them. Lor’themar almost left the friggen Horde during the MoP era for the Alliance. Gallywix never cared about the Horde beyond profit; he doesn’t really care about the Alliance, beyond war profiteering; hell, he doesn’t give a crap about his own people. So 
 its pretty much Garrosh and Sylvanas who were anti-Alliance? The first ended up only caring about a very narrow image of the Horde; the latter never cared about the Horde at all 
 and apparently not even her own people.

Hell, even after 15 years there still remains like 7 Core races and now 8 ARs that have little to no real reason to want to be hyper invested in the Faction Conflict; beyond their affiliations with their Factions. Whenever the damned plot thread rears its ugly head, members of these races sort of just get consumed by the whole Faction; because they’d be inconvenient to write around if they didn’t. Could Blizz have given them Racial Motives to be invested? Sure 
 but outside of oddities like Taraujo 
 they didn’t. They’re involved in the Faction conflict because of the Factions.


It’s all but guaranteed if there is a Shadowlands tie-in novel, it will be used by Blizz to further their agenda, rather than actually be used to tell story or give us insight.


 well, I liked Talanji. Right from the start, even (it seemed to take much of the board a while to warm up to her).

And I used to like Lor’themar, and the fact that he once tried to rejoin the Alliance didn’t bother me. It made a lot of sense at the time. Turning him into a shill for Baine in this expansion put me off him, though.

I’ve never said I require leaders to be “stringently anti-Alliance.” You’re the one who keeps trying to push the idea that this is the only alternative to what we’ve got, and you keep trying to put those words in my mouth. A healthy “no love lost, but I’ll play nice if they do” would be fine.


 but then I’m uncertain why you’re opposed to many of our new Core reps? Its the old Racial Reps that are actually more Alliance prone than our new faces.

  • Rokhan actually ends up remaining focused on the Faction Conflict far longer than any of the other WC3 legacy characters. Even as late as Baine’s arrest, the guy is firmly invested in prioritizing the world war against them; even if he ultimately sided with Saurfang’s rebellion.
  • Gazlowe is fine profiting off the Alliance, as any Goblin should. However, if you look into his lore 
 he tends to only give discounts to Horde races; and has a tendency for huge markups for the Alliance. He’s a businessman, hardly an Alliance sympathizer.
  • Voss 
 may need a lot of work as a Forsaken rep 
 but part of the reason I conceptually like her is that unlike Calia, Voss actually does retain her mistrust of the living; especially Humanity. The major difference is that she’s just not as suicidally antagonistic with them as Sylvie was.

Then we get into Geya’rah; Kiro; and Talaanji 
 all of whom need a LOT of work in terms of development, but none of them are particularly fond of the Alliance. Who knows, they could all end up fairly good characters down the road 
 with a little TLC?

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The horde has got a some good prospects on the Horizon however, It does depend on how blizzard develops them. If they can develop the Reps to be clearly Horde aligned then there is good hope that they will make good characters.

The Alliance has very little to look forward to considering we are seemingly stuck with Anduin going forwards. He basically sucks up anything interesting around him and makes it as boring as white bread. He hasn’t changed as a character at all since his inception and is unlikely to ever become a likeable character.

She didn’t retain anything, she developed it in BfA in order to join the Horde.