Shadowlands has strong Horde Potential

Man. This is depressing.

However it’s still hilarious to me that Thrall met his mom.

Now a character meeting an estranged parent as an adult can be very touching and really I don’t have any criticisms of the scene itself. Its just uh, Thrall already did this in WoD.

I mean I guess it was his alternate timeline time travel mom. And this is the lady what actually personally birthed him. But c’mon man save some touching reunions for the rest of us, Go’el.

I think that was about it.

Baine hung around an airport. Which was a real cool throwback to his storyline in 8.3 where he also stood around very conspicuously doing jack and all.

Calia’s continuing her thrilling story where she stands around looking overdressed and using her awesome powers of observation to point out the patently obvious.

Think that’s about it.


And while it was used, it wasn’t used to its full potential. Who did we get?

  • Uther; decent… until his development was stopped to prop up Sylvanas.
  • Kael’thas; decent, only not good because we didn’t get a conclusion.
  • Lady Vashj; decent, but not as good as Kael.
  • Draka; good apart from her lack of concern for Durotan’s absence.
  • Ysera; No development, just fanservice (not that kind of fanservice).
  • Garrosh; wasted potential. He shows up in a cinematic, then yeets himself out of the story in a cutscene.
  • Ner’zhul; Raid boss. Would’ve liked a bit more.
  • Arthas; don’t get me started on how he was wasted.

What characters did Shadowlands give us to help the future story?

  • Denathrius

I can’t think of anyone else, unless we meet Arbiter Pelagos.


She also got shilled by Lor’themar.

Did that happen again or are you referring to the bit in Orgrimmar in the prepatch?

Because that grinded my gears as Calia’s getting all this praise and Voss did everything. Calia’s only standing there because Voss tracked her down and convinced her to.

Like we got this perfectly poetic story about a lady who became what she was raised to hate, nearly destroyed herself until finally finding self acceptance and a purpose beyond being a weapon, and now she has to shepard the people she once lived to destroy in their darkest hour.

And they go

“Okay yeah but how about this much prettier person who wandered in 10 minutes ago?”


Just the prepatch. I don’t think we’ve seen Lor’themar since then.

God I was so mad two years ago. Ironically enough 15 years of WoW has finally gotten through to me how pointless an endless war is. You either fight until there’s nothing left or someone decides to stop and ensure there’s something to go back to.


Ysera should of stayed dead and ursoc should of came back and gotten some real development

Baine plainly and clearly decided Shadowlands was not worth the effort. I admire and respect his decision.

I mean Thrall is just recycling his WOD story arc with half the parents involved.

Jaina does a 180 reversal between making two statements during a conversation.

Tyrande continues to show the Night Warrior is all style with no substance.

Sylvanas dumped Nathanos to be the groupie of Wow-Hellband’s Drummer, get ditched by the Drummer for Anduin, and then becomes infatuated with Anduin as a rebound guy.

Kyrestia is jealous of Sylvanas cause she couldn’t hold Anduin’s attention and he just used her for her Sigil.

Despite all these women’s attention Anduin spends the x-pac in a non-consensual BDSM relationship with Wow-Hellband’s Drummer.

And let’s not mention Bolvar. Please.

Baine came out of this one as the winner IMHO.



And yeah I wasn’t joking when I said I rescinded all complaints about the lack of the Forsaken storylines the moment I saw the Elune “oh”.

She reacts to learning she let her people die horribly only to suffer an even worse fate with the same level of bereavement I’ve for learning my coupon for a cheeseburger expired.


I got nothing to add except that this made me laugh :wolf: :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yeah it really does seem like the “oh no… anyway” meme from Top Gear.