Shadowlands has strong Horde Potential

Yes, I do believe there is such a thing as narrative sterility; because I’ve seen it with the Darkspear. Blizzard doesn’t like building the Horde as a Faction, they don’t even treat it like one. They’ve repeatedly shown over the last 10 years that they value the Red Team more as a convenient plot device; without consideration for the consequences … nor any intention to rebuild what they broke.

So, in a game which has become increasingly Hero Character centric and dependent, not having well developed, powerful, hero characters means that you are not going to find a whole lot of relevance in the story. I hate that this is the case, but it is true … and while you may be pissed that your characters are apparently getting “defanged” … at least you have a healthy roster left.

The MU Orc roster is a joke right now, if not for Thrall and Rexxar being shoved back into their ranks. The Darkspear roster is still absurdly pathetic, with Rokhan still needing serious development; and Vol’jin’s ghost still in the wind. The Forsaken Roster is so non existent that Blizz shoved Voss into their drivers seat without prepping her at all for that roll.

The Horde needs a lot of micro level development to rebuild up its roster; and Blizz has a really bad habit of not wanting to do it. The Alliance in contrast, loses nothing but satisfaction from not getting satisfaction … but there isn’t much left they could take from the Horde without damaging the Faction beyond repair. Assuming it isn’t already at that point.

If you want your revenge, go after Sylvie and Nate. There are no architects of the WoT left on the Horde with Saurfang dead and Gallywix gone…


Only the actors that went along with it as far as they could…

And? The Forsaken- kind, loving souls that we are - nearly eradicated the Worgen menace from Azeroth.

It is the greatest moral failing of the Forsaken that they didn’t blight Gilneas soon enough. Think of all the weird fan art we could’ve been spared. But we didn’t move fast and that’s a sin we have to carry every day.

Goodie, so its what I thought? The only way for the Alliance to get their narrative satisfaction is the cull the remaining Horde character left; or destroy the Horde outright. Its exactly as it appears. The Horde Playerbase picked the wrong faction, we’re sh*t out of luck. Blizzard should give the satisfaction the Alliance players seek and deserve to them, and then move on. The Horde players should just feel lucky they get to exist in what should be the Alliance’s game at all.

Also, I think my big tipping point on this sentiment isnt that I dont understand it; its that no Alliance players want to “pay” for it. In that, they don’t want to concede the absolutely immense time, energy, and attention it would require to build the Horde back up from what they believe they should allowed to do it. So, in effect, they want to break the Horde … but if Blizz were to finally try to build it back up … “Horde Bias”.

It sort of like the arguments I’ve seen against Blizz balancing the zones in Cata by giving the Horde some of the previously neutral zones like Azshara. The argument from Alliance fans is that Blizz should have just made new zones out of nowhere for the Horde to move into and explore; but you know damned well that it would have been “Horde Bias” should we get brand new islands and continents to explore and the Alliance didn’t. They Alliance should ALSO get them too.


That’s what the High King promised the last time you mutilated us.

So yes, we should be trying our very best to break the Horde up.

The Horde can keep their named characters you so desperately cling to as the only thing that matters, but the faction ought to have lost something in exchange for all they eagerly took this war. From the looks of it tho, the only price it’ll pay is… Tirisfal Glades? And maybe not even that if Calia really goes to purify Undercity.

Money is for countless things other than food. That’s such a buffoonish arguement, I’m not going to bother with this anymore. They didn’t come into existence for vengeance because they uh already existed. Once again this is so buffoonish, I’m signing off.

Well what happens when both parties have leaky justifications that cant hold water?

It’s simply a matter of which one sinks first. So who do you think sinks first in this case; defending the person who irrationally attacks the other party over a perceived betrayal during the war against the Legion or defending the person who just so happens to be subjugating a 3rd party ally(I’d argue 1st party since OH’s are the main force against the Legion) during said attack during the war against the Legion.

It’s pretty hard to deny who sinks first, one has a brick attached to their ankle while the other has a led anchor.

A saying that can just as easily be applied to Sylvanas, especially now in BfA.

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I think we’re reaching a kind of doldrums in terms of lore - it’s been long enough that most posters have already said their own hopes for future plots and don’t want to repeat themselves anymore, but without anything new to talk about, we’ve all fallen back on the original grievances and just keep bludgeoning each other with them.

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Well, Aviala, such is the way that the writers designed BfA.

Rather than tell a good faction war story, it’s a poor faction war story that turned the whole playerbase against eachother.

It’s not so much a faction war in-game, as it is outside of the game.


We did. We didn’t get anything from BfA? Outside of the ARs, which are the only bright spot in this bleak, hopeless apparent “Horde Expansion”. We lost every front we were on; we lost UC and all its surrounding territories; we lost 3 more of our ever dwindling character roster; we lost 4 Racial leaders and a 4th warchief in 5 expansions; our Faction Identity is damaged beyond repair; we’ve forever lost whatever little moral stance we had; several of our core racial fantasies are in tatters. Just about the only Horde Race that benefited from this mess, was strangely … my Goblin bros with Gallywix being replaced with Gazlowe.

But … its not enough. It will never be enough. “Horde Bias” … “Horde Expansion” … god … I truly wish that the Alliance could get an “Alliance expansion” of this sort some day. I truly hope that one day, they can enjoy the exact type of “Bias” we just got to enjoy.


The Horde should be broken up. At this point it’s hurt it’s constituent races more than it helps them. The writer’s absolute insult to Varian’s legacy by ignoring his vow is just the Alliance-side cherry on top of why it should happen.


Blizzard using the Horde like tools while not seeming to really care for them, trying to kill the playerbase’s hope, trying to manipulate us into fighting each other as long as possible, and hiring Danuser?

Blizzard is Sylvanas!

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okay droite, i don’t want more revenge because that would hurt to much horde players.
You win.
Now, can we have just a decent storyline next expansion? if i don’t have to go find draka with thrall that would be great.

no one is forced to help their enemy and everybody is happy.
sounds like a deal? : D


Sounds like a deal! :smiley:


I’m honestly not sure what people are even arguing at this point. I’m seeing the same people make the same points across this forum.

We get it. BFA made everyone unhappy. Can we focus on the new expansion’s story? No? Neat.


Well that was basically the whole idea behind me making this thread, seeing how SL could make improvements upon a foundation that has made people unhappy.

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Well, your not wrong … but I think generally the issue is that so much of the most bitter plot threads of BfA were never really resolved; and instead seem to be dragging into Shadowlands. Though, admittedly, this is probably because functionally BfA was sort of one giant, contrived prologue to Shadowlands? This expansion, as contentious as it was, settup the next one.

As for Shadowlands, all I want is for the deceased characters we interact with to have a tangible, lasting effect on those still alive. Kael’thas for Rommath; Huln for Mayla; and most of all Benedictus for Voss are my top three for the Horde. I dont want these dead characters stealing the show, getting that development themselves, or even coming back to life. Substance really needs to be the name of the game in a setting like the Shadowlands; not cheap nostalgia.


Welcome to every topic here that comes within orbit of the factions.

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I think part of the problem is that we don’t have much of a story to discuss yet. We have a few names, a few zones and themes, and that’s about it. We don’t even how how we’re getting to these new zones.

That and those snippets don’t seem to wrap up the current story grievances, so they’re still festering.


Yeah, the Alliance lands the Horde invaded and destroyed.

Horde lost Tirisfal Glades as the Alliance lost Teldrassil. The difference is Teldrassil was framed as a brilliant Horde victory with thousands of Alliance casualties, while Lordaeron would’ve been the bumbling Alliance’s defeat if our lady and savior Pirate Elsa didn’t appear unexpectedly. Horde lost their land, but everyone got away unscathed.

Well according to yourself only Casters matter since Warriors, Rogues and Hunters are powerless in the grand scale of thing, so I guess you lost Sylv? Who was like a tumor in the Horde anyway.

“The Horde is strong, the Horde will endure”
You had the Warchief of the Alliance making excuses and giving an eulogy to one of the responsibles for this war that cost the Alliance so much. Nowadays it feels like part of the Alliance roster exists solely to defend the Horde from justice, a fate worse than death.

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