Shadowlands has strong Horde Potential

the whole reason they go to stormheim is cause sylvanas is up to something lol

Without proof of anything. Launching an attack on unjustified suspicions puts Genn firmly in the wrong.


only if blizzard ever treats it as wrong, but blizzard seems content on just forgetting all about stormheim, because blizzard cant ever write alliance to be antagonistic without hand waving it away


You ever wonder if the reason Blizz claims to “like writing the Horde” isnt that they actually like writing the Horde Faction’s story, but more they feel more free to do whatever they want with the faction? While on the Alliance side, self imposed or spurned by fear of player backlash, they’ve restricted themselves into a tiny little role with them?


i can admit that.
things done “wrong” or that get out of hand.

camp taco. civillians died to incompetency.
The purge. sunreavers betrayed jaina but she used a too much brute force and didn’t realize how much hate the silver covenant had.
probably the closest thing we had to a morally graymane moment.

that’s all.
everything else was completely justified.

blizzard is not afraid to make us angry otherwise they would not
be keeping destroying our cities.

what blizzard is, horrible at writting because they focus more on shock value rather that in actual nuance and justifity either the next raid tier or next expansion.

You have encapsulated the entire problem.

Your faction is incapable of culpability.


i do recognize that is indeed a problem, extremes are bad and so is extreme good. that is why i am so angry at the horde.

it should be gray. it didn’t happened.

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i want pats


I thought the Forsaken and Worgen were still quarreling over Gilneas. Hence the Battle for it being a BG.

gilneas is currently Schrodinger kingdom, it is simultaneously under gilnean control, under forsaken control, contested between the two and empty all at the same time


Angry at the Horde?

We just had a Faction Conflict storyline in an apparent “Horde Expansion” where the Alliance was not allowed to be portrayed as an antagonist for us? Where we had no paths or avenues towards a satisfying conclusion? Where we lost 3 more of our most developed characters, in a pathetically underused, underpowered, and underdeveloped roster? Where we were told, from the offset, that we were to be the weak, ineffectual villains in the story 
 starting a war we could never hope to win without massive Blue Team handicaps?

Why not angry with the writers? The Horde got thrashed this expansion. The Horde playerbase got thrashed. We got nothing and were put into a position where we deserved nothing beyond the wreckage we were given. Good times.


i am angry at both, the horde, as a story faction and the writters who made the horde like this.
please, i have nothing against horde players and i don’t blame them for this situation.

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i like horde players, they are often nice to me :3


I was saying that same thing in another thread(this one?) because someone was assuming I had a grudge against Horde players too. I can separate fiction and reality so I’m not about to wind up a Criminal Minds episode where I break into houses, tie up the Horde players and burn the house down with them inside. I have no beef with real people over a fictional game.

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Everyone knows the Alliance can only be unambiguously evil in ten minute bursts to give a reason for other races to join Horde.

Kill the Forsaken delegates and hunt them like beasts, attempt to sabotage the Sin’Dorei’s only present method for survival, firing on Kezani refugee ships, being weird pricks to the Nightborne over 10 thousand year old beef, annihilating the Mag’Har, rampaging through the Zandalari’s Capitol and murdering their King, and going pyromaniac on the Vulpera.

Every other second they’re wide eyed nice boys that just want to help.


pats puppys


yay! thank you dawny! <3


Here’s the problem. The Horde Player now finds itself in a staggeringly bad situation because of what the writers chose to do with our Faction. Writers, who only seem to “like writing the Horde”, because they figure they can get away with using it as a plot-device to push their deranged narratives at the Factions Expense. They also went way overboard with BfA, actually hand-holding Alliance players in even small instances to make the Horde and its races seem like unrepentant monsters; while the Horde player just get shamed for it.

On a functional level, the Horde Player lost an enormous amount this expansion. Things that will tangibly affect future storytelling, and how the faction is perceived. Regardless of how Blizz tries to sweep how they used the Faction under the rug. We “chose the wrong faction” if we didn’t want to be a part of a Faction that only exists because it mechanically must; and that the opposing side has every right in the world to eradicate 
 while we can’t say the reverse. Even the NEs are in an OK spot for future stories, clearly by their corner in the afterlife.

There is no path to redemption beyond Blizz saying we’re redeemed; which isn’t likely helped by the fact that Shadowlands screams WoD2.0 
 where Blizz largely goes back to their Horde comfort zones in Liadrin and Thrall 
 and just ignores all the damage they’ve caused; while the Alliance takes their rightful roles as Heroes of Azeroth.


the horde literally commited genocide, you really think alliance questing when fighting the horde was gonna try to paint them in a good light? How you cant.

 I saw a post a while back that the reason that some Alliance fans don’t have empathy for the Horde players is because on some subconscious level they feel we are deserving of how we and our Faction were treated in BfA. We chose the wrong faction, we are not entitled to anything beyond what we got; and we should be thankful for getting that much. The Alliance in contrast feels they are entitled and deserving of a satisfying conclusion and resolution, even if those very same people demanding that 
 will fully admit they Horde Fans had no such opportunities with BfA.

I am increasingly becoming convinced that you are one of those Alliance fans.