It seems like (without testing) that the new version of Chi-ji is not going to be effective for fistweaving. A 25 sec buff on a 2 min CD that only heals 3 nearby allies.
While glimmer heals whomever you have holy shock on and is always on.
Pleas tell me that I am wrong here.
Covenant abilities that amplify our healing based on whatever content we prefer doing.
If Kyrians had covenant passive abilities that allow the extending of our HoTs further than what we get with rising mists, I’d be happy. Especially considering we won’t be carrying over the concept of stat% increases like Expedient into Shadowlands.
If the tree bois in Ardenweald were to give our Mastery other procs on specific spell casts, we’d do well in mythics.
If the necro bois in Maldraxxus were to provide one additional greater bolt of healing for every 3 (or whatever number) bolts of Essence Font, then it would make Upwelling more competitive against Rising Mists.
And then if the vampires in Revemdreth were to go somewhere along the lines of somehow exporting healing received from leech to other players, we’d have a strong choice for pvp.
Just throwing blanket ideas out there honestly, but I really love the way my monk plays and I want to see Upwelling, Rising Mists, and Focused Thunder to all be viable in various playstyles.
I understand where you’re coming from now, but you didn’t express it like that in your original post. There’s nothing wrong with returning to origins, but you should more explicitly express that in your post instead of comparing MW to other healers.
I think they compare because it hurts. It’s a lot like how Warlocks would ask for things and compare themselves to DH who took what they had.
Monks absolutely should have more benefit from combat healing, as it was SUCH a unique thing about them, and we still have talents that suggest we should still be doing it (Spirit of the Crane, Rising mists) but it doesn’t let us merry that playstyle, if anything it just gives us incentive to use your DPS skills every once in a while.
Frankly by lore, Paladin does deserve to have Combat healing capabilities, but monks should have it more as a sustained way of healing as was their original design intent.
(Also, to show my age, I have wanted something like it since Bear Shamans in Age of Conan…)
I personally have never liked the rising mist play style and saw it as a really clumsy way of giving MWs fist weaving back compared to how it used to be. I recently watched and really remember how much fun it was with stances and the orbs and other abilities we used to have access to. Either way, w/o stances, fistweaving will always be a shadow of its former self.
Unfortunately I never got to play Mistweaver in MoP, or anything actually. I didn’t start playing until late Legion. Looking over that video, though, MW looks like it was much more streamlined for a healing through damage playstyle. I wonder what the incentive was to strip away that playstyle in favor of creating what we currently have.
The nostalgia hurts watching that video, MoP was my favorite expansion beside WoTLK, monk IMO was the best class to be introduced into the game, it felt so unique and different than all the other classes. Now it feels like a crappy shadow of its former self. It had so many niches back then, it even had OP moments but what class didn’t. All the pruning and changes did was make the class feel clunkier in combat, the entire kit feels lackluster, right now MW feels like a generic healer that I can honestly play in any MMO at this point, and honestly, because of these reasons I probably won’t be buying Shadowlands, having seen the monk changes my hype for the expansion dwindles daily, I simply don’t find it interesting playing a lackluster boring shadow of my favorite class. Shadowlands looked like an interesting expansion simply because of Torghast but when I look at the changes to my favorite retail class, monk just seems so lackluster. All the rewarding fast pace playstyle that the monk offered was taken away. Chi was removed… Instant healing globes that could be placed manually on the ground removed. Chi Tornado dealing dmg and healing gone.
Interesting. I don’t think they hit their mark when trying to resolve this issue. Again, I wasn’t around during MoP/WoD so I have no idea how it felt as far as setup goes, but this current playstyles don’t exactly feel good either. They’ve placed far too much priority in Essence Font as our raid heal, and the fact that our mastery does little to nothing in a raid setting is atrocious. Upwelling incentivizes laziness by actively prioritizing you to hold it until you have a minimum of 10 stacks for mana efficieny purposes, and RIsing Mists (with this nerf), while allowing us to damage and heal simultaneously, doesn’t offer spectacular throughput in either way.
The last line really gets me.
We’re also focusing mistweavers solely on healing, rather than supporting a type of mixed attack-healing gameplay that felt awkward
It sounds to me like Disc Priests were unhappy that there was a new damage healer on the block, and it’s even worse now that Holy Paladins have had this exact playstyle through Glimmer since the former half of BFA. It’s even gotten it’s own talent option in Shadowlands. It’s pitiful, honestly, that they would take this away from monks just to turn around a few expansions later and give it to paladins.
Virtue will still have plenty of used over Glimmer.
You have to remember that Holy Pally doesn’t have access to powerful AoE healing, at all.
Virtue will be taken for Bursting affix, possibly Sanguine as well, depending on the group as well as any raids events with large consistent AoE damage.
BoV is still gonna be relevant.
Also, keep in mind that Glimmers spell coefficient is low too, at least relative to how stonk it is on live.
Blizz wants to dangle fistweaving in front of you without ever actually giving it since it’s not how “they believe” the spec should play.
I think it can be eked out with legendary effects and conduits (and some asymmetric covenant abilities), but once they realize that’s what everyone actually wants to do, it will get nerfed to be unusable outside of solo PvP.
Honestly they’ve given back a generally more fluid damage to healing gameplay with RM (as unintuitive as RM can be) then they wanted with the original mistweaver when they killed the jab jab uplift playstyle in 5.2.
The problem is the community wants a playstyle that has a higher skill ceiling while Blizzard seems to be trying to balance the two playstyles equally to eachother. Add in their weird idea of our stat priorities (the Chi-Ji nerfs only make sense in a situation where we are stacking mastery) and the lack of communication and we have the fundamental disconnect between the community and developers that we are seeing now.