After watching a lot of Shadowlands Alpha gameplay for Mistweaver, I feel a bit let down. I thought this expansion would bring a lot of fantasy back every class. Yes, I know it is still alpha, however, at this point in time it doesn’t seem like the developers have a clear idea what to do with monks. Especially Mistweavers. Here are some ideas that I would like to see added into Shadowlands:
- The return of Chi as a resource - Mistweaver spells are mana heavy. Adding back the Chi resource would add more fantasy to the spec as well as easing on the mana usage. I will list how the design would work below.
Soothing Mist - Every time Gusts of Mists heals a target via Soothing Mist it will generate one Chi.
Enveloping Mist - This ability would cost 2 Chi & a percent of mana.
Vivify - Vivify no longer heals targets with Renewing Mist. It will only heal two targets for a set amount and generates one Chi. If the secondary target does not need healing the excess healing will go back to the primary target. Basically, Vivify wants to heal two targets for 50/50 of the total healing of Vivify. However, its values will shift depending on the targets health. So, it could heal for 25/75. Additionally, any over healing would be created into a HoT on the primary target.
Uplift - This spell would heal all targets with Renewing Mist. This would cost one Chi per target with Renewing Mist.
Note: This way, Uplift isn’t over powered and can’t be spammed. Plus, we usually only ever have 3-4 Renewing Mists out at a time and would allow the need to use the new Vivify.
- Gust of Mists tweak - this mastery is great. It adds a strong single target heal to Soothing Mist, Enveloping Mist, Vivify and Renewing Mist. However, as a Mistweaver main, I do miss healing spheres.
- Gusts of Mists - Whenever Gusts of Mists over heals a target, a healing sphere will be summoned near an ally for the over heal amount.
Note: This will allow our mastery to be even more sought after and useful. Also, this will allow help with healing when transitioning to low dungeon/raid damage to medium dungeon/raid damage.
- Eminence - I know this is something that is hard to balance, but it was such a unique style of healing. It would be great to have for low damage healing during dungeons or raids. The best way to implement that would be to make a new unique Crane Statue.
Crane Statue - This will heal all allies in 20 yards for 25% of your damage done divided equally. The statue will have a 15 second cooldown and you can only have one statue summoned at a time.
Crane Statue - Whenever you Rising Sun Kick, a Gust of Mists will heal the lowest health party or raid member.
Note: This will allow the fantasy of Fist Weaving and wouldn’t be broken or over powered. Also, it makes our mastery even more useful when you are Fist Weaving since it will interact with Rising Sun Kick.
- Jade Serpent Statue - this will be a baseline ability with a 15 second cooldown.
- Breath of Yu’lon - This will replace the Jade Serpent Statue on the talent tree. This talent would function just like the old one before it was removed. It would breath a healing flame in the direction of the target it was healing.
Note: Instead of the Breath of Yu’lon talent there could be a talent that increased the Eminence range of your Crane Statue by 15 yards and does more percent healing.
- Mana Tea - This was such a huge fantasy ability. It allowed monks to not be afraid to heal and use their spells without worrying about going out of mana.
- Mana Tea - Every 4 Chi that you spend with generate 1 stack of Mana Tea with the max of 10 stacks. Each stack will restore 1% mana.
Note: This would allow Mistweaver to not be afraid to use their spells. But, it wouldn’t allow them to spam their spells.
I have nearly 200 days played on my Mistweaver. I fell in love with the spec because it was so unique and had such a different playstyle. I truly miss it. I still play the class today with the hopes of it become unique again.
Please leave your thoughts and feedback below. Also, if you have any good ideas for Mistweaver’s please share them. Thank you for taking the time to read this long forum, I appreciate it!