Shadowlands: Fistweaving compared to glimmermer or atonement

Personally, I’d like to see MW punch out healing globes like Diablo enemies (except in the form of green chi orbs / spheres of condensed healing mist), and then they run around collecting them to apply smart healing. Regular heals would have a lower chance to spawn orbs too. Even if it’s just a talent to enable fistweaving, I would be happier with the spec.


That’d be pretty funny to see. I would love to see this played out.


The core idea is to translate Monk mobility into a resource to heal, and develop a third style niche with rests alongside melee and casted healing. Talents could then be worked and organized to enable one of the three ‘modes’ of Monk healing.

I can see where PvP when facing an interrupt or silence, if there’s no casting required to activate the healing, this may create advantage over more traditional healers. The question then becomes how can it be managed to avoid abuse. (E.g. no direct smart healing but a Sheilun-like buff to Essence Font a powerful direct heal and HoT?)

Pretty sure holy paladins were the first.

Sad that this thread is from April


Lol. /10 char

Holy paladin was coded “soft melee” back in MoP and before, where when in a raid setting they would be hit with ranged mechanics, not melee mechanics. Mistweaver has always been coded “hard melee,” meaning we get hit with melee mechanics unless there are not enough ranged in the group.

The distinction between hard and soft melee was removed in Legion to make Holy Paladin also hard melee. But we were the original hard melee healers. The more you know.


Are you aware that paladins wear plates and equip a shield? Just because they were pigeon-holed into a cloth wearing pansy in Classic whose only role was to buff…

Shaman and Druid were melee healers too.

The issue is the foundational kit for Paladin, Druid, and Shaman dissociated the healing role from their melee abilities. That is to say, they were treated more like “healers with melee” (or melee with heals) rather than “healing via melee”.

But level 20 priest alt to snipe for paladin on the Monk forum smells like a troll.

I haven’t chosen a main, but I’m leaning monk. Unfortunately, none of my character have more than 450, which creates a distraction because as we all know: if you don’t spend 12 hours a day playing your class, you don’t know anything about it…

I didn’t play resto shaman in Vanilla, but druids were a caster running around throwing HoTs on people. It was a fun contrast to paladins who were in the thick of things spamming healing spells, with some HoJ to help out.

So technically, holy paladins were the first. Unless theyre referring to using offense to create healing – a much more effective and fun way to heal. In which case I have no idea, I’ve usually leaned BM or WW until recently.

MW was the first healing spec to use damage to increase healing done. Disc would be the second spec to follow. Hpally has only recently stolen the identity as well. MW lost its damage to increase healing almost completely. Doing Rising Sun Kick every 10seconds is not fistweaving.

Technically every healer since vanilla had the ability to damage and heal. So trying to claim hpally was first is just wrong. The better troll argument to make would have been Hpally in WOTLK using seal of wisdom to gain mana from melee attacks.

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My apologies, maybe I’m using too many words.

Holy paladin was the first melee healer. Because they could heal… in melee range.

What part of this confuses you?

Because they could all heal in melee range.


So the monk could heal in melee range back in Vanilla. Well then, sir. I stand corrected.

Trying to say Paladin is the first melee healer is wrong. Paladins didn’t melee for increased healing. Non of the healers did any damage to increase their healing. Monks are in fact the first healer in WoW to do this. Atonement in Cata/MOP didn’t heal for squat.

The only time you did damage as a healer preMoP was because your bored. It wasn’t expected of any1 to do damage as a healer.


Seal of Light:
Fills the Paladin with divine light for 30 sec, giving each melee attack a chance to heal the Paladin for 39. Only one Seal can be active on the Paladin at any one time.

Unleashing this Seal’s energy will judge an enemy for 10 sec, granting melee attacks made against the judged enemy a chance of healing the attacker for 25. Your melee strikes will refresh the spell’s duration. Only one Judgement per Paladin can be active at any one time.

for 25?? You were better off casting holy light. Get out of here troll. I’ve never seen this argument used before and there’s a reason for that. I’ve seen your post history and that char is only used to troll random threads.


So which is it, they didnt heal in melee, or their heals were useless?

How am I trolling by stating a fact? Thats the exact spell description. You’re wrong, move on. It’s okay, it’s only a game.

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You didn’t melee to increase your healing. And that is all. Monk is the first to actually increase the over all healing from melee. I played a Hpally in cata/wotlk.

You were better off spending that GCD on something else. Is the end point.

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Congratulations, I played a holy paladin back in vanilla. Why? I have no idea…

I never said it increased their healing. I said Hpals were the first melee healer.
