Shadowlands feels good now … sigh

I don’t have to grind anything, I don’t have to do weeklies, I don’t have to do torghast, I don’t have to do campaign quests, I can just do my mythic dungeons and raid heroic and not feel obligated to do chores. Why does it always take to the end of an expansion for the game to feel good?


Wait what? we dont have to do Torghast for legendaries anymore?


I resubbed because you don’t even need to group, what so ever. If you have a lot of time and are able to grind money (or have more money than sense in real life and just buy wow tokens)…

I asked on an unofficial WoW discord server how true that is (there is one with blizzard staff that is part of the discord), and apparently it is actually true, that entire post (at the bottom) in that thread I linked is accurate.

Need to be really overgeared, but easily done if given…again…time and money. Then just solo mythic 0 as a tank class (has to be a tank class) and get some of the best gear available through the vault item thing (edit: plus upgrading it to tier sets or something, either way…), a lot of it is RNG and relying on drops (hence time+money).

But this has been the best patch for casuals, hence why I came back



I’m actually quite happy with the game right now. CC took a little long to unlock but once it did… 9.2 has been a lot of fun. The grinds don’t feel too much to me at all, the content is well-tuned and fun, the seasonal affix is quite good, characters are fun to play, raising up your IO feels good.

I’m very happy.

By contrast, I feel a mix of zero excitement for Dragonflight as well as dread of Blizzard disrupting the functional status quo. S3 works. It just works right now. I really don’t want Blizzard to do anything except preserve the game the way it is. Maybe fix the lore a bit in DF, but otherwise I want DF to feel like playing the game does right now.

In fact, honestly, the only thing I’m not happy with is the lack of meaningful 10-man raiding. I would like to raid, but I did Mythic Raiding this expansion for the first time and the culture was just a miss for me. 20-man raids just feel “wrong”, as large raids felt “wrong” back when I did them during Vanilla/BC/WOTLK.


Since the last patches with the catchup for alts and stuff, it’s definitely a lot nicer. Hell, just being able to ride in the Maw was a giant bonus over the original grind.

Very curious what they intend to do to drag out until DF is ready.

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How does one upgrade gear to heroic ilvls??? I don’t recall reading anything about that.

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You can buy soul ash / cinders via a bag that costs cosmic flux. Torghast is effectively kill unless you really wanna do it.


You gotta ask Blizzard that question, see their reply. :stuck_out_tongue:

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What you described is what happens 2 weeks after each patch drops…you run the story, you get your legendary, you grind mindlessly for the next 6 months in your chosen content(s).

This isn’t anything new =/


Cause you get to PLAY.


The “status quo” of BFA and SL sucks. That’s why wow is a failing MMO right now.

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Reminds me of Legion. The game didn’t get good until 7.2 then after that it just got better and better.


Because Blizzard doesn’t listen to feedback.

I’m glad you are having fun Qwaterpound. I wouldn’t mind throwing you on the grill though.


9.1 was a failure and 9.2 was too late to save SL from 9.1’s disaster.

However, 9.2 must have been a success on some level though because Ion Hazzikostas was mumbling “Zereth Mortis”, “Set Bonuses”, and “Eternity’s End” all throughout his interviews with Asmongold and the like. They’re patterning their “return to what the players want” expansion on 9.2 so that should tell you something. And I would expect DF to break initial sales records so… you’re kind of wrong?

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I think it’s the way they look at their numbers. People are grinding for the gear, grinding for the cyphers, so playing there at the moment, so clearly it’s a success.

I really really hope they’re not designing DF around this way of looking at things but fear they are. ZM is soul-less.

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Is this ZM place just Argus 2.0?


You should be very afraid then. Ion has said they want DF to feel like Zereth Mortis, but with a whole expansion’s worth of content and not just 1 zone of it. The whole thing, ZM.


I couldn’t say as I never fully played Argus when I returned to the game. Legion had me quitting due to all the ‘must do a dungeon’ requirements.

When I returned during BFA, a guild found me and got me through all that stupid.

But Zereth Mortis, is – lacking. Its visuals aren’t bad, the quests are a mix of Kill x, kill % and quirky but they’re such a small amount that it quickly feels like a hamster wheel with no real story or anything to really engage you.

Each zone they’ve introduced Korthia, then ZM I find myself playing fewer and fewer alts. Now I’m doing with weekly ZM quest with my main until she gets the Exalted rep, and an alt I play with a friend. After the weekly is done, that’s it for SL.

I thought the making of pets and mounts would be interesting, but it’s not. The materials for mounts are impossible to find, like the Sentience Crown which I have never seen drop.

The whole place is making me look for another game to play that my friend’s computer could also run.

Luckily, there’s a lot of older content that was created with actual fun and talent around, so I’ve been doing that once the ZM chore is out of the way.

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Can’t agree more. Also it’s finally feeling just a little bit alt friendly.

Got my pally tank alt geared up to 275 with 4pc.

Now I am working on my destro alt.

After that my holy priest.

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Yes, I watched that interview and heard that too. I honestly am coming to believe that the man does not understand actual game design and possibly has the inability to understand what creativity actually is if it can’t be put on a spreadsheet.

I am concerned, but then again, this is a game. There are others, and I’ve got my old favorites on my computer if I’m looking for mindless distractions. :slight_smile: