This was posted on massivelyop and I was wondering how does this work exactly?
“Then there’s gear. Oh boy. There has probably never been a better time for gearing solo characters in WoW’s history. You can collect tons of gear, the same ilvl as raids. You can upgrade it to heroic raiding ilvls. You can turn it into the new tier sets. Full, complete tier sets completely from solo play.”
Where can I start doing this as I was totally unaware this was a thing.
Zereth Mortis. Upgrading the Cypher thing in firim’s cave upgrades the gear you get to drop from ZM. The creation catalyst (which opened a month ago) can take any piece of gear and upgrade it to tier of the same slot - chest will remain chest, wrist will not have set bonuses, etc.
As for upgrading it to heroic? I don’t know, I used stuff from my vault to upgrade personally
EDIT: Wrong name
Korthia was the only place you could get close to heroic quality gear… dont think it gonna happen again
Outside of raiding, my understanding is you would need Mythics plus to get gear you can upgrade to heroic levels or rated PVP (check me on this) which are not solo activities.
Solo gear from ZM is 252 and cannot be made into tier, last I checked. Relic gear can be turned into tier at level 246 but can’t be upgraded.
The ZM would boss has higher level gear (265 I believe) that can become tier but it only a few pieces.
It sounds more like a misunderstanding and mashing of all the different options.
That being said, I’ve had a much easier time gearing lately than I have had in quite a long time.
Unless they’ve recently changed it, the CC can not take honor gear or world gear.
It has to be conquest, M+, raid or the ZM relic vendor gear.
But you can indeed make a full set without ever stepping into a raid or dungeon. But it’s not as efficient.
And being in full tier isn’t even cool anymore. It’s the barrier of entry.
So assuming Infinite Money, and a tank class. Let’s go with a prot paladin.
You can get 252 gear from world quests in ZM. That’s technically (normal) raid level. I think the best weapon and shield you’re getting are from the Dune bosses which would be 246 ilvl.
You can get 259 helm and BP from the world boss in ZM. That’s high normal raid level. You can make this into tier pieces.
You can buy BOE Heroic plate hands and shoulders from the auction house, and make it into tier. This is the “assume infinite money” part of the equation. With the BOEs and World boss loot you can now have a 4-piece tier set.
Also buy a 265 BOE cloak.
You can buy one 262 crafted item. You get a 265 belt from the ZM questline, which can be replaced with a 291 legendary. You of course can equip a second 291 legendary.
With all of that gear, you might be able to solo mythic 0 dungeons for the “do 4 mythics for a piece of heroic raid loot” quest, every few weeks. Bam! Solo heroic raid loot.
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