Shadowlands > Dragonflight

How do I ban people from entering my kitchen on here…


Apologies. :rofl::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Anecdotes about “every player I’ve talked to” don’t really fly very far.

I’m genuinely enjoying Dragonflight, so are most of my friends. To each their own.

I think a lot of people feel burnt by Shadowlands and that bad taste persists, but overall I think WoW took a huge step in the right direction with DF.

EDIT: Anyone who thinks Shadowlands is better than DF needs to have their hearthstone set to Oribos forever.


I made a mistake writing the post, and meant shadowlands where I had put dragonflight. That’s on me lol

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Too late. Your hearthstone is now set to Oribos!


10.1 feels worse than shadowlands ever did, 9.0 was a peak moment for myself


The difference with SL was you logged in every day because you HAD to, if you didn’t complete your chores you were falling behind quickly.

That’s not gaming, that’s a job.


Maybe if you’re an addict. Lmao.

Imagine feeling forced to do WoW chores in 2023.

I logged into Shadowlands a lot more than DF because I liked Shadowlands more. Not because I HAD to.


You didnt even have to log into SL everyday - the problem was that how the content was put into the game made it so you had really no reason to log in because the most important things were the Renown weeklies. The problem was that one of the Anima quests literally took forever in 9.0 because of how little was given in the game on initial.

Outside of that, the lack of world content combined with a long initial patch of nothing literally killed the game on top of the system soup Blizzard put into place. The game immediately become a raid-log issue and even then, not many people wanted to do Nathria for the extended period of time it was around.


Very much agreed! It’s been really nice to just chill and have fun and not have to worry about weekly chores or things I have to do for borrowed power. I’m just… playing to play. To have fun. Shocking, I know. lol


Shadowlands didn’t have more content just more grind for borrowed power like torghast and world quests farming that’s the main difference

Dragonflight respects your time so for the same effort you put in SL you get bis 2x faster

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Negative, I quit SL a month in and took a break.


Conduits and that console in ZM is a big part of what ruined SL for me.
Just feels so contrived and out of place. Busy work.
Busy work is fine if it flows with the content and doesnt feel like they just put it in there for busy work. BFA and SLs both reeked of that for me

I dont mind the grinds, I dont want it to feel like it was jammed in there to keep me busy.


Shadowlands singlehanded ruined wow for so many, never will I forget that damn Maw beginning of the expansion that literally felt like hell lol, we’ve already gotten more content than shadowlands did at this point & the story in DF isn’t amazing but it’s at least somewhat related to the game.


No. Get out.

The story was AWFUL, Elune couldn’t pickup a phone to talk to her sis about the situation.

Sylvanes was “THought and and AMAZING just you wait!” and turned out to be … terrible. It was ANOTHER corruption storyline which is WoW’s #1 go to for lazy writing.

Covenants were grindy AF with the flow of Anima being very, very slow. While the concept was great, they did not listen to the players to “pull the cord” and the expansion greatly suffered for it.

I then went on a 2+ year hiatus which I’ve never done in this game because of just how dreary the entire expansion was, both story wise and content.


OP did you fall out of a tree and slam your head on every branch on the way down? Your take is awful and you should feel awful.

To play devils advocate here, the Maw is supposed to be WoWs version of Hell so I’d say they did a decent job there conveying the feeling of eternal suffering and eternal torture there.


Got a source on that?


Not really. most of the time the story and its characters are forgettable or bad.

I probably would agree that those shorts are good, but for the rest of the expansion? quite the opposite to be honest.

I like Ardenweald but thats it from Shadowlands.

Shadowlands had good ideas on paper but they ended up failing in practice.

Craftable legendaries were cool, but they ended up being price gouged and you were forced into doing Torghast whenever you like it or not to craft one to be competitive in PvP, raids or M+.

Dominations shards and the bonuses we’re not really interesting, both on paper and practice.

I would agree they were a cool idea and they should’ve been purely cosmetic and not player power but instead you were pigeon held into certain covenant you don’t like but it’s class ability is better and early on you couldn’t swap as easily.

Alpha versions of Torghast is what we should’ve gotten but instead what we got is boring and meh.

It was boring and uninteresting.

It was a pain to navigate through if you are not a druid, worgen or someone with a mawsworn mount from twisting corridors or that mount from the beast warrens area.

Nothing really much interesting that is kill rares or named mobs for rep from that zone.

I do agree on this.

Shadowlands made people leave in droves to FFXIV, other MMOs or somewhere else and caused damage to WoW’s reputation as a whole so I wouldn’t call it “the goat”.


if covid would not of locked the dezidens of planet earth in their homes for almost 2 years shadowlands would of had negative 47 sales.


Imagine having taste this bad.