Shadowlands > Dragonflight

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Eh, they’re both linked to me. We haven’t escaped Shadowlands’ taint- it exists within Dragonflight, too.

The fact they did whole talent trees but kept the Shadowlands abilties is lazy.

I don’t want ‘Fae Stomp’ as a monk, I want to see it destroyed.

Same deal with Spear of Bastion, etc.

The only good/fun one was the DK’s Abomination Limb.

The rest can go straight into the trash.


I know this is low-tier bait, but I hate Shadowlands so much, I’ll bite.

  1. The story in Shadowlands was the worst writing Blizzard has ever done, and the bar wasn’t exactly high to begin with.

  2. A couple of the zones were pretty. Bastion and Ardenweald.

  3. The lore invalidated significant amounts of previous lore. The big bad was terrible.

  4. You started in literal hell with no mount.

  5. We waited forever for 9.1 only to get… Korthia. Huge content gap.

  6. All of the characters except Daddy Denathrius felt uninspired.

  7. Choreghast was only fun after several patches. When released, it was an absolute horrendous slog with no rewards.

  8. Revealing the afterlife to players really convoluted the lore and concept of death in-game in a way that really hurt the game’s narrative.

  9. Robot Elune let her people burn so she could like, help her robot afterlife sister.

  10. ORIBOS


No. Shadowlands was horrible


I hated SL for two main reasons: 1) Torghast was trash (my opinion, I know others loved the place). 2) Even though Blizz has retconned bits of lore here and there, they literally tossed all lore into the proverbial woodchipper to prop up a lousy plot and antagonist



another classic troll alt.
huge shocker. :roll_eyes:

btags… WHEN???

link your retail toon… i’m interested in seeing how much content you’ve engaged in, in order to make your bizarre claims.


Good bait, stopped reading here and just lol’d


0/10 troll post

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I’m liking the new talent trees overall, but I have to agree with this. The Shadowlands abilities need to go. At least flavor them to look like our class abilities. Faeline Stomp is also really uninspired.

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I wouldn’t think so. I think Dragonflight is ten times better than Shadowlands because one the Lore is better now, Two the content is fresh and amazing, and three I’m actually having fun besides the lack of gametime on it.


Shadowlands not only destroy the lore but also reduced characters and classes into dust.

thanks to sneedolands now we know that all religions in wow are wrong, that shamans are just crazy, that Elune was an idiot who see their own people as fuel, that every god it’s actually a 3D printed robot, that probably your favorite raid boss was an dreadlord!
The horde got away with genocide, Elune took away Tyrande’s rightful revenge to force to turn the page, they turn Arthas, the most important character in the history of blizzard into a blue fart that got a lecture from the crazy maniac Sylvanas before going away forever while his former lover and mentor watched in silence.

I can go on for hours, sneedolands is the worst of the worst, Dragonflight may be lame and feel like a filler steven universe episodie, but is not destroying years of lore just cuz.

Torghast was cool i give you that, but sadly they force you to do it and even more sadly was very dull looking, you got blue floors or green floors that’s it and the OST was boring to no end (chains.wav).
I hope to see another Torghast in the future but with more passion in it

especially the Bastion one

“maybe it’s wrong to trow this soul to the maw… meh, here you go!”


This is flat out ignorant, every player ive talked to in game about shadowlands, or even discord has dogged on how crap it is.
To assume everyone is using reddit and youtube primarily for there opinions, rather then the 2 years they had to experience it, is a wild claim.


Comes the actual game and lore, and the new characters were pretty forgettable in general and very prone to holding the idiot ball to make the plot proceed.

And they were no-flying zones for a good chunk of the expac, not to mention disconnected for no good reason at all. And cute zones didn’t excuse the ridiculous 15 mins flight path trips you had to make between zones to grab and complete the daily emmisary of your faction, especially when BFA proved they can simply auto-add it to your quest log by just being in that expansion’s zone.

Systems on top of Systems aren’t really novel ideas. Covenant choice was Shattrath faction selection all over but it was tied to player power, one of the biggest and massive mistakes they could have ever done. And they never fixed it, they just sorta loosened the severity of it by the time expac was almost done. Too little, too late.

lemme correct it: ALL of them were poorly executed.

Problem was that it was poorly designed. Many bosses were overtuned or scaled very aggresively with layer level, which created a unfun experience because if you lost due to bad RNG when getting anima powers, you wasted 1-2 hours to come out empty-handed.

Not really. Design-wise, the maw is very boring and just samey across the board. The fact you couldn’t even have a decent way for fast travelling across the zone (especially so on alts) made for a very awkward, dull and just tedious trip. The eye of Jailer mechanic was also extremely irritating to boot.

And you are forgetting we had to wait nearly a full year for first content patch, when wow delivers them usually every 4-6 months. That alone meant Shadowlands had the same premium price as previous expansions but only half of the content. Add all of the flaws it had, and it was without a doubt rock bottom level. Not even Dragonflight so far has dip anywhere near SL levels of s***.

Bland and uninspiring don’t make for an interesting expansion, sorry. Oh wait, lets just say opinions are opinions for a second and lets take a objective look at the expac:

1_ The Story made no sense and contradicted not only former lore, but itself repeatedly at many points. It was nigh-incomprehensible, it killed unceremoniously characters that deserved better. The Jailer was one of the most generic, confusing and outright crappy villains this game has ever seen.

2_ The wait time between content patches, as i pointed out above, was pretty much the deathblow on an expac with an already very poor reception.

3_feedback was ignored left and right, leading to not only the extremely bad story we got, but also to many damaging design choices that killed off any desire to play the game, and some of them were only reverted a year into the expac. Again, too little too late.

4_Farming cosmetics felt like a chore because of ridiculous requisites on top of requisites for them. From ridiculously high anima cost for items to rares like Tahonta that refuse to make you ellegible for a 2% mount drop rate on each alt unless you did a serie of time-consuming steps that require a lot of anima and time to be ellegible. Also, the less we talk about the rares that require a specific covenant to drop their mount, the better.

By contrast, while Dragonflight is not perfect and has its flaws, it manages to avoid all the stupid pitfalls of Shadowlands. Cosmetics feel fun and less tedious to farm in general, content is getting released much faster than Shadowlands ever did and the story makes sense at least.


I wasn’t loving all of Shadowlands but it was so much better than DF.


Nah, SL was absolute dogwater. Even wod was better than it.


So we’re just straight up lying now op?
Ok, cool. I’m on board.
Here goes.

Brussels sprouts are totally ̶f̶o̶o̶d̶.
Ugh, I can’t. I just… I can’t.
:melon: :nauseated_face:


Personally I liked the Shadowlands zones more then Dragonflight, and while not a huge fan of the dungeons, would if forced to pick take SL over DF’s, even if I’d miss a few DF dungeons.
I liked the SL cinematics a lot more, and as far as first raid tiers go, preferred SL over DF.
I hated Sanctum. So DF has a lot of room up from there.
Prefer the cave to Korthia.
Hate thundering, even if Prideful wasn’t much better.

Gameplay wise, if we could have had even two covenants to start with, I’d likely say SL there also. But we didn’t, and feeling like a bum on my off specs, or in my own case, raiding as one spec and doing keys as another, and having the “wrong” covenant to the point that it was noticable felt awful. Also no Leggos to pick and choose from, and being able to swap to any spec or alt without such a large chore list is nice. (Almost forget Covenant points for conduits.)
At this point, on the grounds of being able to show up and play without feeling gimped, I’d put Dragonflight over Shadowlands, but not by the biggest margin. For the life of me, I can’t make myself give a single damn for Dragonflight zones/story.

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Both suck, sorry.

You’re thinking of Lima beans.

Shreaded/chopped Brussels sprouts sautéed in butter & olive oil then tossed with balsamic or lemon juice are delicious.