Shadowlands > Dragonflight

Back to my original point.

In shadowlands you still didnt have regular flying. But you didnt quit then. Saying you are quitting because a lack of regular flying, while saying shadowlands was better. Is sorta.



I knew regular flying was at least coming sometime later yet with dragon flop they have not said a word except way back it may be coming soon so sorry I have more compassion for players who can’t dragon glide then you.

And as for unsubbing I did that way back when they backtracked because of babies feeling “forced” to do world quests I am on borrowed time now.



The story stays the same.

Shadowlands is better, despite having the SAME EXACT ISSUE you are claiming you are quitting over in Dragonflight.

Just use the flightmaster and stay on a ground mount and you can pretend you are in your better shadowlands expansion still.


Not really, but thanks for trying. I do actually appreciate it.

At least Ozai had enough crazy in him to make him somewhat interesting. (Jeez that was a good show)

Zovaal… Just reminds me of Seth from Street Fighter… and tbf I know nothing about that character either. :rofl:

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Lol, good joke! :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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what a wonderful first post on the forums

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it also helps that ozai was voiced by mark hamill and he has the most amazing badguy voice. but yeah, i don’t think the jailer was a great villain by any means but i do think he wasn’t supposed to be the central focus of the expansion in terms of character investment. More of a thing that informs people we care about more like sylvanas, helya, or the covenant leaders.


The horror someone likes Shadowlands better then Dragonflop must eat all you up inside that this isn’t the best ever I wish we can go back to Legion which to me was best ever.


I really wanted Shadowlands to be like a version of Dantes inferno

One epic sized pit. And like that dungeon in ESO with Hircine… the jailer is this monstrous ever present thing, staring us down.

Plus, we could even had a epic battle at the walls of DIS

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


I am perfectly fine if you liked shadowlands. I thought it was better than many people gave it credit for. It largely kept me entertained through the expansion. As long as I ignored most of the story, which has been key for me since WoW launched.

But your statement has nothing to do with anything I said. You are still able to operate in Dragonflight as if you had the same lack of flying in Shadowlands.

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had more fun playing legion, b4 clueless ion took over.


the zones in shadowlands were gorgeous to me, it sucks they were so separated but the landscapes themselves were so stunning and unique. dragonflight zones are kind of generic to me like we’re back in BFA maybe that isn’t totally fair but shadowlands was just way more unique and fantasy-y


Whoa, I didn’t even know this part. That just puts the cherry on top.

Yes, he did an AMAZING job!

It does actually help to think more of the side/zone stories that focused on some of the classic characters like Garrosh and Kael’thas, though again I was disappointed with the blue fart treatment Arthas got.

Got mixed feelings with Ardenweald. Didn’t love/hate it. It felt fitting as a Druid at least. Felt I was doing real Druid work, even though I’m not Kal’dorei. I was happy to help them out.

Maldraxxas was pretty cool in that way with Draka and Thrall, the Mograines and I liked the Primus with his whole Belgarath/Gandalf vibe.


Shadowlands apologists need to go sit in the corner.

It was an objectively mediocre expansion that nonetheless did irreparable harm to the game’s reputation by coming off the heels of BfA, which was also considered not up to par, and being so bad that people left in droves with many jumping ship to FFXIV, giving that game a permanent population boost when they saw how many things it does better than WoW. Many tech news and comedy sites, up to and including Cracked, reported on that exodus, making it obvious that Blizzard would need to move away from most of what they did during that expansion for the next one.

It was the second attempt in a row to recapture the lightning in a bottle that was Legion, and it shows in that Blizzard doubled down on what people complained about during that expansion and BfA, resulting in Covenants being a make-or-break for your spec and a bunch of other crap like Conduits and legendary crafting. The backlash against the system bloat made the devs finally realize that shoehorning so many pillars of character progression into each expansion was untenable, which is why the gameplay is so pared down in Dragonflight.

And the less said about the writing, the better. The afterlife setting felt detached from the rest of the game, even in comparison to Outland and Draenor, and didn’t do enough with the concept by showing more than just a few past characters, which Dragonflight remedied by showing many NPCs from previous expansions as part of the Dragonscale Expedition. The individual Covenant storylines were only passable, Tyrande’s arc was just another excuse for the writers to kick the night elves around, the attempts to absolve Sylvanas of her crimes were infuriating, and the overarching storyline about the Jailer was just laughable on top of the character himself being a tremendous waste of Edward Bosco’s talents.

The only reason I don’t consider SL the worst expansion is that WoD exists, but contrarians will say that expansion was the best ever, too. In comparison, people were heaping praise on DF right out of the gate.


I come to the forums for new and interesting threads.

Still looking…

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Conduit energy vs. No conduit energy. It’s not even close. 9.0 was gross, but was saved by a good raid and a solid PVP season.

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Well the afterlife is supposed to feel “detached”, it’s a timeless, ethereal dimension. I thought they did a great job interpreting it in Warcraft fashion. The only quest I even remember this expansion was Chromie’s murloc universe, whereas I was itching to know more each chapter in Shadowlands


The only thing I miss from Shadowlands is easier old style professions and maybe Torghast (not legendary grind though!).


I’ve been playing WoW since Vanilla, and there have been 3 times that I left the game for at least a year without logging in once. The first was in Cataclysm, the second was Legion (I was just burnt out at that point), and the third was Shadowlands. I wasn’t burnt out for SL because I’d only started playing again like 3/4s of the way through BfA.

Shadowlands was just boring, unengaging, and obnoxious. It felt like a chore to play through. I’m actually enjoying Dragonflight quite a bit. It has its issues, but it’s not exhausting like SL was.

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So did WoD, and look how that expansion went. It went from bragging about subs to not even disclosing them anymore.

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