Shadowlands > Dragonflight

Your personal anecdote is irrelevant in an objective argument about the aggregate reception. I could just as easily say I unsubbed before 10.1, so here we are.

Your average player is unlikely to have a personal vendetta against Blizzard because of conduit energy or covenants, despite what your favorite influencers might proclaim.

You don’t know the exact numbers either. Which they are (obviously) unlikely to share if the there is a negative connotation. We do know that they have admitted that DF 22 Q4 sales are less than SL, so one must connect the dots.


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You think your arguments are objective…

I have no influencers, don’t watch Youtubers, Twitch, Tik Tok, etc, but hey man, glad you know me and the average player so well you can objectively speak for all of us lol

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It was certain to fail from the moment it went live with the covenants and torghast alone.

And nobody was in warmode in the first place.

If by interesting you mean every NPC in the shadowlands bar two had the average brain activity of a dead tortoise then ye sure. There are only two Characters in the whole expansion that were good. Ve’nari and Denathrius.

Winter Queen taking the absolute cake in both Shadowlands and DF. Her arrogance during DF should have been responded with “either you do what we say or we wipe you out. How about that? Last time i checked we cleaned house here while you lot were incapable of doing absolutely anything you worthless cretins”

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Naaaaaaaah. I def dont miss systems within systems land.

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How to out yourself as a masochist

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I wouldn’t say SL was better, but DF isn’t as good as some people pretend it to be. It was rushed and it shows. All the bugged things, overturned, undertuned or just plain not fun.

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i missed out, hadn’t seen that video before and it is pure gold.

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Dragon flight is miles better than craplands, we would’ve still gotten not a single content update by now mind you if we were on craplands content release schedule, the lawsuits & all that really set em back on top of it being apparently rushed from the start… like the maw clearly wasn’t finished on release for end game, the storyline absolutely butchered decades of solid lore, korthia was miserable, dragonflight we at least got the talent tree revamp which has been my personal favorite of the expansion, dragonflight isn’t a MoP, legion or wrath but I can assure you it’s better than SL.

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Nailed It bro I am over Dragonflight. Its BFA 2.0 to me. (that was first time game made me actuallly want to quit). As of 10.1 Having to re gear 6 level 70’s not long after finishing Forbidden reach gearing which was faster and more enjoyable than Zaralek caverns currently is, I dont have high hopes for the remainder. Blizzard needs to stop speed running the Patches go back to .0 patchs and stop this .5 nonsense. As of writing this all I have been doing is finishing off Shadowlands content mainly covenant stuff due to taking about 1 year off for Diablo 2 resurrected. Hopefully they leave every poor Idea/system that Dragonflight has and never use it again Outsideof the Crafting system. Thanks for sharing and listenint to this Old man ramble on.


Blizzard hates alt players despite alt players putting in so much more time and effort than most of the playerbase.

The fact that reputation, gear currency, and the gear upgrade tokens aren’t account wide is proof of this.

You already put in the work. Yet Blizzard wants you to do it again because you have the audacity to play more than 1 character.


I feel sad when I get Shadowlands maps on arena, make’s me miss the amazing flavor of that xpac. Certain gameplay elements left some to be desired sure but overall I liked it better than DF.


I agree, too. I actually like both of them, but I enjoyed SL more. Tbf, I don’t hate having some borrowed power systems auxiliary to gear. Dragonriding is great, but overall it still feels like DF is lacking. SL had a lot of cool things, but they were often controversial. DF does away with the controversy in favour of something more bland.


In a sense there is less criticism of Dragonflight because there is simply less content to criticize



Shadowlands was ducking awful.


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With more time having past since the release of 10.1, im going to ammend my ranking.

10.0 is better than shadowlands.
Shadowlands is better than 10.1

Future patches will determine if the expansion as a whole is better or worse. Its not on a good path right now but blizzard can still save it.


I’m sorry, but while Dragonflight doesn’t have an exceptional story we are used to with WoW having legendary main characters in the spotlight, Shadowlands’ was an entire clustercluck and probably one of the worst I’ve ever seen in the history of this game.

This is as much as I was willing to read because if you’re praising the story, I wouldn’t doubt it if someone told me you praised even the Maw a bit further down.


I have no desire to read past this point due to the importance of maintaining a healthy brain cell count.

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Nah, DF’s good.

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Both have their pros and cons.

Dragonriding is annoying. Especially as a Druid who is supposed to be able to transform into a bird when I need to fly. I want to be able to hover. I don’t want flying to be a dumb mini-game. I just want an easy way to get from point A to point B.

Dragonflight Season 1 was over-the-top with all progression content full of multiple overlapping one-shot mechanics, turning the game into a no-mistakes olympic dance competition. Season 2 is a bit better but there are still too many one-shot mechanics and healing still feels underpowered compared to Shadowlands.

I like the new talent trees, but every time someone figures out a creative build, the talent trees get changed to force people down a different path. So in the end, is it really any different?

I like the new upgrade system overall. It felt a bit over-complicated at first but not so bad once you understand it. It feels like a bit of a mistake that on the 10.1.5 PTR all of a sudden mythic 441 items are upgradable to 447. Previously those items were NOT upgradable, so a 441 item from the vault held no advantage over a fully upgraded Heroic item (also 441). If they had made it clear from the beginning that those 441 items from the vault were going to be upgradable to 447, I’d bet that a lot of people would have made different choices when selecting their vault items.

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the pay 2 win mechanic with the purchasing legendaries will always make SL one of the worst feeling xpacs of all time…systems/rewards were at an all time low here. well, at least i think so

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