Shadowlands > Dragonflight

But that’s cherry picking the data. 9.0 was awesome it just went on too long. 10.0 was boring but 10.1 is great.

I mean, 9.0 was better than 5.1 but I wouldn’t say Shadowlands>MoP

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Hated shadowlands, still do. Stupid 15 minute flight paths through the woooooshhhhy wormholes of the “inbetween”.

Really liked da other side dungeon tho.

And the transmogs! They were good.


Imagine thinking the worst expansion of all time, the only expansion to ever rival Wod in it’s rankings, is somehow one of the best expansions of all time.
BFA and WOD was bad, shadowlands was worse than bad it was terrible and caused a plethora of gamers to quit the game including just about all my friends.

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Your mad you need to be good to do hard content? Everybody that plays this game just wants to be handed rewards istg

It’s astounding how there isn’t one single well written likable character in dragonflight with any semblance of a personality. Yet in Shadowlands there were countless characters that actually had personality and felt real. The only likeable characters in dragonflight are… Coralie the nightborne photographer and I guess… Iridikron?


It seems very difficult and mentally straining to hold this opinion.

I’m not going to read any of the wall of texts here, but SL > DF big time.

The fact that the centerpiece feature of DF is a class/race exclusive combo without a masculine version kinda says it all.
Not to mention how tired and archaic literally every quest is. Everyone universally agrees that rotating outdated dungeons has scuffed m+, not to mention the ksm ground mount xD xDxD

etc, etc- this game is so wack. SL > DF by a long mile.

One thing is for sure is that people have certainly gotten tired of this expansion a lot quicker than they did with Shadowlands. It seems like even the high population servers are empty.

It was streamers and the lawsuit.

Shadowlands gameplay was exceptional, and I miss it.

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By this time in shadowlands we were in Korthia. At least we could mount up in the Maw, and we had those assaults that you kind of HAD to do. We were also free to run Torghast more freely. Iirc, conduit power still had a refresh rate, so you couldnt respec your soulbinds freely.

I couldn’t disagree more vehemently with this take.

I am loving Dragonflight, I like a lot they have done here. Dragonriding is a lot of fun. I really like the changes to talents and professions, I love the exploration and having fun flying around looking for treasures and finding mining holes and doing the races and all that.

But I agree, storywise I think Shadowlands was amazing. The cut scenes are awesome. And there were many that actually got me emotional. The whole stuff with Ysera got me teary eyed.

I think if they could do an expansion with all the mechanical fun of Dragonflight and all the story fun of Shadowlands, they’d have the best expansion to-date on their hands.

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Agreed Very earlly Dragonflight I do like. even patch 10.5 forbidden reach to a small extent. 10.1 basically ruined most gearing systems for anyone who plays more than 1 Character. As posted a bit above this Upgrade tokens for gear reputation etc is not and I doubt ever will be account wide. Not because blizzard are scared to do it, They just want more time sunk into the game for players that enjoy doing the content more than once/character.

If they made Reputation unlock along with Upgrade tokens etc account wide the game would be far more of a benefit and to blizzard that is not good for business. I have been basically begging my butt off for certain features that Honestly should of got more voices demanding these be made mandatory for every expansion I will you an example. 1) the Item scrapper from BFA. Great addition worked as intended now sits useless for 95% of players. ( If i did not have to break down hundreds of items while I was farming Mythic BFA dungeon mounts for Expulsom I would still be levelling my engineering btw) If this was introduced and promoted properly by blizzard it would have made the current crafting system awesome not to mention help with older ones. I have also begged for a Spine of Deathwing Skip for years. The fight is hard enough to learn solo let alone being doable with scaling each expansion. They Have an NPC to initiate the fight all they should do is code in a skip. I say this mainly for Rogues who want to complete there daggers. I would hazard a guess that Dragonsoull current has the least full completion status of any raid in the game. And lastly I really think they need to fast track there older expansions into nerf territory faster. Granted we can do some BFA and SL at the moment but Kil’Jaeden Mythic from Legion is barely soloable if at all currently. I am just listing off what I want personally, But a lot of these would benefit way more than just me. One last thing I only found out from google searching that you can now self invite your alts to your guild and the Reddit post I saw this on was 4 years old, So for the last 4 years I have seen no indication in game or from blizzard about this feature, And when I brought it up in some in game chat channels I saw similar reponses from other players who I then guided on how to do the same. Rant over sorry its so long I do get on tangents very easy.

No it isn’t?

Like, how much brainrot did Korthia cause you if you think any part of this expansion is worse than Shadowlands?

Fun fact, because zaralek cavern is so devoid of content, i actually went to korthia today for something to do. Yep, i had more fun today in korthia than i did doing 10.1 content.

I know how you feel. You know how i feel. Weve discussed this before. I dont think either of us will change our minds.
All i know is, 10.1 has me playing shadowlands.


The Shadowlands stockholm syndrome is unreal.


SL had been parodied by some of my former buds. “Shadowblands: Return of the Insignificant Changes.”

“Systemlands”, “Choreghast”, etc…

BFA Corruptions left a bad aftertaste in my mouth to try that out. But I did jump into SL a year late so I skipped the part where Maw content was most relevant.

Some of the collectible lore was interesting, such as the certain “blue book” and “red book”.

I will say it was the BEST Borrowed Power era expansion. Better than Legion, WAY better than BFA.

You hit the nail right on the head. Hellooooo KITTY! Not that Hello Kitty Online is so gross and detestible, but if you’re a true PvPer at heart, there’s no way you can’t have an existential crisis about this.

I actually thought they were a bit too small. Not a lot of square mileage.

I always thought that the hard part was the hard commitment early on to just one. I found this out ahead of time and delayed my entry. As a Marksman Hunter, I did both Necrolord and Venthyr. Those were the better PvP choices as Kyrian and Night Fae were the better PvE choices. And even Icy Veins said that Night Fae pulled out ahead in M+ and Kyrian pulled ahead in raiding, but it’s hard to flip-flop it as needed early on.

But if I can speak for the ganking community as a ganker, I was the least disappointed with SL. BFA had a weird defensive meta that made fights too long and that sucked, and the problem with Legion was that too much of your PvPness was dictated by your artifact(and they were not balanced). In this way, the covenant system actually did the BEST JOB in balancing. It standardized what EVERY class/spec got with the exception of the key combat ability.

I posted a thread that didn’t really pick up, because I too spotted 70’s in Korthia. I got some sensible answers, but like what you’re hinting at, nobody wanted to fess up to making a bad game purchase…

Shoot, how long was it known that SL still OUTSOLD DF?

I completely disagree.

I took a hiatus from bfa til a short time ago, missing SL entirely. From 99% of my friends experiences it was a bullet missed.

However, i decided to level my monk tank through SL just to see. Bastion is such a pretty zone. I javent seem anything else yet tho.

Maybe one day.

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It was nice knowing when you’re in a zone what the character flaws of everyone in that zone were before you even read into them individually. Something the story of shadowlands enabled beautifully.

In dragonflight its more like you know which flight they are apart of, and how they want to be close to the ideals that flight embodies, but they aren’t quite there yet. Much less transparent and probably much more difficult to write well in a limited screentime capacity, which is probably why only the head characters see enough development to have any sort of emotional reaction to.

Vault is not handing out rewards. And the game is currently suffering because it focused too much on “challenge” the recent years. Guess what. You play a game for fun not to get into a new job.