Shadowlands delayed until 2021?

It can happen. I like how people post and try to like confirm to themselves that SL isn’t allowed to come out any later than the 31st of December lol.

Why though?

For Warcraft III:Reforged?

I mean, what they showed when it was first announced such as the updated story to fit in line with modern lore revisions, the updated cut scenes, the improved visuals and redesigned UI, etc. all looked really good.

I get that people like to talk about Blizzard as if its incapable of creating anything good anymore and should just be shut down and stop making games, but that is always such hyperbole.

Warcraft III: Reforged was legitimately the first game that made me stop and go “Oh… Oh this is dangerously close to validating those ideas…” To put it to perspective, I refunded that game in the first week and even made a lengthy rant on it.

Like I know people like to give Blizzard a very hard time on Diablo Immortals, and while I am not a phone game guy I did get a chance to play it at Blizzcon 2018 and its actually pretty good. But I do get how upset people were given that Blizzard had been hyping that Blizzcon up to be something big for Diablo only to give a phone game. I honestly blame their poor attempt at communicating that there wouldn’t be a major diablo series announcement AFTER hyping it up for so long, but I digress.

I am also sure that someone will point at BFA, and while I agree its not a great expansion and did a lot wrong I still think its unfair to write Blizzard off entirely. They have made plenty of good, quality, games over the years and one or two bad eggs does not spoil everything.

No, I had high hopes because everything we had seen pointed to it having some great potential and it all looked good. Warcraft III was an AMAZING game back in the day and the map making community gave that game so much life after the fact. The way Blizzard ended up handling the game is still shocking to me with how low effort the final product came out to be. Pile on top of that how they treated their players, how it was our problem the game did not meat our expectations, as well as how they treated the map maker community was beyond scummy. Not to mention the fact that they overwrote the original WCIII in the process is just unimaginable.

Warcraft III:Reforged is an anomaly to me and the first game from Blizzard I have ever legitimately refunded and been shocked and disgusted about. Yeah, Blizzard has had some bad decisions but man…

Warcraft III:Refunded… oh man… oh man oh man oh man. So much wasted potential and such a legacy tarnished.

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Gotta say, im on the train that Shadowlands will either be a December or January release like The Burning Crusade.

There are still crucial elements of Shadowlands that have yet to even begin testing. Covenant talent trees specifically being what im referring to on top of Maldraxxus very recently being made available. Classes still need reworks (cough Feral and Guardian cough), Covenant abilities still need to be addressed, etc.

Typically the smallest window you’re going to get for beta is about 3 months with the pre-patch hitting live on that 3rd month. If the beta were to drop today that’s still a damn near October release date and the beta is quite obviously not dropping today. Usually by the time the beta drops everything is written in stone. They’ll do a few tuning passes but you may as well not even bother giving class feedback or doing bug reports.

Either way, I can’t see Shadowlands dropping any earlier than mid-late November.

I’d like to see a more reputable source please.

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Not seen anything saying it would be delayed. Pretty sure they said something not too long ago about it not being delayed and still on track? I don’t recall where tho.

so sick of bfa hopefully it comes out soon

We should find out in a week or so. Don’t hold onto hope.

you should get a alpha/beta invite in December 2020
iff you pre-purchased shadowlands

there is nothing left in bfa for the next 4 months i hope not.they need to get out of bfa asap.