Shadowlands delayed until 2021?

I wasn’t responding to you so it wasn’t relevant at all for me to read ur comments. None the less I’d love to see you’re face when if they actually delayed it, you should’ve seen how many people were arguing how it was illegal for them to delay WC3 Reforged yet all the things they said was wrong (I was one of them).

they’re in alpha right now, and correct me if i’m wrong, but doesn’t beta start at launch? so we should be fine for release this year. :man_shrugging:

I mean, I wouldn’t have cared because they were wrong. Again, pre-purchase and pre-order are very different wordings for very specific legal reasons.

Well, it’s a safe assumption to make. If you look at the in game calendar, there are BFA dungeon events scheduled all the way to the end of December.

As far as I know, there has NEVER been a release date set for Shadowlands.

“On or before December 31, 2020”

Granted, they gave a similar release date for WC3R and that was delayed for what seemed like forever, and yet it was still pushed out despite looking as if it had been put through a meat grinder. Forever salty about THAT one.

that date applied only to those idiots who pre-purchased. this mostly guarantees that they will have access to the alpha release by Dec. 31, 2020.

it’s still only june. things would have to go horribly wrong not to be ready by the end of the year. c’mon the last few expansions, live has pretty much been beta. :man_shrugging:

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Still waiting on my invite!

Doubt it ,November the lasted.

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Corona lockdown was good for electronic games. There are predictions that there will be a second outbrake after summer. Probably they work overtime for an October release, don’t know if they make it.

I heard shadowlands is going to be pushed back more than Avatar 2 :open_mouth: !

Wouldn’t be so sure.

I guess it could be both if OP is Randy Orton and he’s hearing voices in his head…

Yeah I’m not so sure that they will. Especially due to corona.

Not that I have heard. I wouldn’t trust it unless Blizzard makes an official statement, though I also wouldn’t be to upset if it did get delayed for extra polish. I miss the days of “It will be done when its done” personally, but I also understand the desire to get out of BFA.

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If Actiblizzion wouldn’t delay the release of BfA for quality assurance, they’re not going to delay SL for anything.

They delayed WCIII:Refunded.

Man… that game makes me honestly sad… I had such high hopes for it :cry:

Then you look at C&C Remastered and wonder how EA can do a better job than Blizzard.

These are dark times we live in, Rankin… Dark, dark, times.