Shadowlands delayed until 2021?

True but it would be better if I worked with people who knew what 6 feet was.

That’s not even a little true but, stay mad.

I sincerely hope the Xs in all the grocery stores, etc at the cashier lines that direct people to stay 6 feet apart while waiting to check out stay.

Its been my favorite aspect of all of this.


Source please, I’d like to see where you got this info.

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Yeah having an excuse to not shake hands is one of my favorite parts about this whole thing. Considering how much I hate dealing with other people quarantine would’ve been heaven for me If I could’ve been on it.

The Internet.

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Consider: if there was ever a time Blizzard could get a “pass” on delaying an expansion to get some more time to tweak systems/classes/tuning etc. (The stuff they usually say we didn’t have time, wait for the first patch) it would be now with everything going on.

Question is would we want SL delayed until say March or April 2021 if it meant getting a more polished game?

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You mean you read some people guessing about it on the forums?

I also heard a rumor it was being delayed. Here is my source.


Cancel the kitchen scraps for lepers and orphans,
no more merciful beheadings, and call off Christmas! :stuck_out_tongue:

I had heard 2023. Can anyone verify this.

I just heard this rumor as well.

I am not a Lawyer But As far as I am aware they have to release before December 31st 2020 at 23:59 PST. I believe this is due to several states requiring refunds for pre-orders if they don’t. Either way it’s complicated, I’m currently expecting the pre-patch to drop in August or September with final release in December.

Did they not say that they were only set back by a week or two on their schedule, and are working to catch up.

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They actually do have one. It hasn’t changed. The original release date was 2020, which was then updated to Quarter 4, 2020. Ie on or before December 31,2020. Which is when Quarter 4 ends.

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I heard from a reliable source that I’m a pretty cool guy.

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Mmmm…there is no hard date, but it was announced to come in 2020 so if it doesn’t then it’s definitely been delayed. The fact that we’re just passing halfway through the year and still no release date seems to make me think that it probably has been pushed back a little to accommodate the fact that people are working from home and not as efficient as working in the office.

Edit: For reference Just looking at wiki release dates the longest lasting expansion seems to be Mists at ~26 months long, pretty much all expansions are around ~21-25 months long so with BFA releasing in August 2018 that means anything past October would make BFA the longest lasting expansion and anything greatly past October would probably give some merit to the belief that it was pushed back.

I would rather get it in the first quarter of 2021 than have another BFA.


Anyone have some free $100 bills they don’t want that I could gamble with? I got lucky once and won $1900 on a $100 machine at the Horseshoe in Tunica.

Oh well, I didn’t really notice because those on or before release dates mean practically nothing. I originally thought they legally had to release it before then but Warcraft 3 Reforged ended up releasing a month after there on or before 2019 release date and that was without a pandemic.