Shadowlands delayed until 2021?

Good. I wasn’t too thrilled at the guy in charge of the story in the first place

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There’s nothing to support the idea that the game has been delayed.

Shadowlands is still set for a Q4 2020 release.

If the world is back to “normal” by the time Shadowlands’ first Major Patch comes out because the world is definitely not going back to normal by Launch!

The Voices will probably be all phoned in for early Shadowlands with the 2nd or 3rd Major Patch being a return to quality Voice Acting.

True true. I do hope you got what I was trying to say ^^;

I think there won’t be any game issues, but I can see the boxed CE getting delayed due to the massive COVID19 spikes ahead, since that requires humans involved in creating physical product.

But there should be nothing holding up the game download.

I like how people say they “hear” these things. What is this the 1990’s? Why would they delay their expansion for idiots burning down their cities?

Enough of this speculation about whether or not Shadowlands will be delayed; Blizzard has already committed in shareholder meetings to releasing Shadowlands in Q4 of 2020. We’re getting it like between September and November.

Don’t believe things you read online.


Shadowlands will be a much better expansion to be playing when the second wave of corona comes and we are back in lockdown again

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What is this lockdown thing you speak of?

Where you been for the past three months

Going to work like normal.

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Lots of people didn’t lots of people lost jobs and on top of it were told staying home saves lives.

I am aware. My job was deemed essential even though I had a hard time trying to figure out how. The bad part is my “essential” job has been 90% busy work for the past three months because most of the companies who are our customers shut down.


I think the same thing is going to happen again as people protesting going to cause a second wave of virus.

And I will still have to go to my factory job to clean and paint and not run production because my company clearly is insane.

Did you hear!? Santa Claus is delaying Christmas this year! No, I am not going to post any proof or even tell you who told me or where I heard it…but it’s true! :roll_eyes:

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I heard from this dude in the alley behind the 7-Eleven.

Well on the bright side at least you are still making money.